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Tezos snapshot generator is deprecated

Please use tezos-k8s and the snapshot engine.

Tezos snapshot generator

This is a self-container Kuberneted cluster to generate Tezos snapshots, deployable with just one command.

When running your own Tezos baking operations, it is essential to be able to quickly recover from a disaster. Snapshots help you to get a node fully bootstrapped sooner.

These snapshots are available at XTZ-shots, but you may want to deploy the entire snapshot generation engine yourself, so your disaster recovery plan does not depend on any third-party services.

This repo also supports generation of filesystem dumps of archive nodes.


  • runs a Kubernetes full node with history mode "full"
  • leverages the Kubernetes Persistent Volume Snapshot feature: takes a snapshot of the storage at filesystem level before generating the Tezos snapshot
  • runs the snapshot generation job on a configurable cron schedule, for both "full" and "rolling" modes
  • generates markdown metadata and a Jekyll static webpage describing the snapshots
  • deploys snapshot and static webpage to Firebase
  • supports any Tezos network (mainnet, testnets...)

How to deploy


  1. Download and install Terraform

  2. Download, install, and configure the Google Cloud SDK.

  3. Install the kubernetes CLI (aka kubectl)

  4. Install the firebase CLI


Using your Google account, active your Google Cloud access.

Login to gcloud using gcloud auth login

Set up Google Default Application Credentials by issuing the command:

gcloud auth application-default login

Populate terraform variables

All custom values unique to your deployment are set as terraform variables. You must populate these variables manually before deploying the setup.

A simple way is to populate a file called terraform.tfvars.

First, go to terraform folder:

cd terraform

Create a file calle terraform.tfvars and populate variables there with the key=value syntax. See below for a complete example.

Name Description Type Default Required
archive_dumps whether to do filesystem dump of archive nodes instead of tezos snapshots string "false" no
billing_account Google Cloud Billing account ID. string "" no
cluster_ca_certificate kubernetes cluster certificate string "" no
cluster_name name of the kubernetes cluster string "" no
explorer_subdomain for block explorers such as tzkt or tzstats, non-mainnet networks are accessible through a subdomain such as specify it here, with a dot. for exmaple 'delphi.' string "" no
firebase_project name of the firebase project for the snapshot website string "" no
firebase_token firebase token (secret) to publish to the xtz-shots website. Create with firebase login:ci string "" no
full_snapshot_url The snapshot engine can also sync faster with a snapshot. Pass here the url of the snapshot of type full to download string "" no
kubernetes_access_token Kubernetes access token for accessing pre-existing cluster string "" no
kubernetes_endpoint name of the kubernetes endpoint string "" no
kubernetes_name_prefix kubernetes name prefix to prepend to all resources (should be short, like xtz) string "xtz" no
kubernetes_namespace kubernetes namespace to deploy the resource into string "tzshots" no
kubernetes_pool_name when kubernetes cluster has several node pools, specify which ones to deploy the baking setup into. only effective when deploying on an external cluster with terraform_no_cluster_create string "blockchain-pool" no
node_locations Zones in which to create the nodes list
num_days_to_keep number of days to keep. 1 means 'keep for 24 hours' string 2 no
org_id Google Cloud Organization ID. string "" no
project Google Cloud Project ID. A default Google Cloud project should have been created when you activated your account. Verify its ID with gcloud projects list. If not given, Terraform will generate a new project. string "" no
region Region in which to create the cluster, or region where the cluster exists. string "us-central1" no
snapshot_cron_schedule the schedule on which to generate snapshots, in cron format string "7 13 * * *" no
terraform_service_account_credentials path to terraform service account file, created following the instructions in string "~/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json" no
tezos_network The tezos network i.e. mainnet, carthagenet... string "mainnet" no
tezos_version The desired tezos software branch. It will pull a container with this tag string "latest-release" no

Note on Firebase

Note: you must create the Firebase project manually due to a bug with firebase. See terraform/

  • go to the Firebase web interface and create a Firebase project
  • using the firebase CLI, create a token with the firebase login:ci command.
  • pass the project id as firebase_project and the token as firebase_token terraform variables

Full example of terraform.tfvars

snapshot_cron_schedule = "55 1,13 * * *"
firebase_project = "xtz-shots"
firebase_token = "1//06s........."
full_snapshot_url = ""


  1. Run the following:
terraform init
terraform plan -out plan.out
terraform apply plan.out

This will take time as it will:

  • create a Google Cloud project
  • create a Kubernetes cluster
  • build the necessary containers
  • push the kubernetes configuration, which will spin up a node a start synchronization

In case of error, run the plan and apply steps again:

terraform plan -out plan.out
terraform apply plan.out

Connect to the cluster

Once the command returns, you can verify that the pods are up by running:

kubectl get pods

Wrapping up

To delete everything and terminate all the charges, issue the command:

terraform destroy

Alternatively, go to the GCP console and delete the project.