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A simple yet-powerful and updated crawler for Ethereum's EL. It has some basics to crawl and connect to EL nodes.


# Download the git repository recursively (to update submodules)
git clone --recurse-submodules && cd ragno

# Install
make dependencies && make install


The tool supports the following options:

   ragno [commands] [options...]

   discv4   discover4 prints nodes in the discovery4 network
   run      run connects to nodes provided in csv file and save into postgresql database
   connect  connect and identify any given ENR
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h  show help

Environment variables

More specific parameters can be also be configured. When running with Docker, they are set according to your .env file. Otherwise, setting them with flags directly is necessary.


--log-level                (string)    Defines the log level of the logs. ("trace", "info", "debug")
--db-endpoint              (string)    Complete endpoint of the database where the recollected data will be saved.
--ip                       (int)       IP to assign to the host.
--port                     (int)       Port to assign to the host.
--metrics-ip               (string)    IP where Prometheus metrics will be hosted.
--metrics-port             (int)       Port where Prometheus metrics will be exposed.
--metrics-endpoint         (string)    Endpoint where Prometheus metrics will be hosted.
--dialers, -cd             (int)       Amount of concurrent dialers for node connections.
--persisters, -cs          (int)       Amount of database writers.
--conn-timeout, -ct        (string)    Time to wait until a connection attempt is considered timed-out.
--snapshot-interval, -si   (string)    How often to insert into the `active_peers` table (snapshots of active nodes).
--ip-api-url, -ipapi       (string)    Full template URL to the API used for retrieving detailed IP information(``).
--deprecation-time, -dt    (string)    Time limit for reconnecting to nodes before labelling them as deprecated.


Build and run the database alongside ragno:

These containers are configured with a .env file. See .env.example for examples on the parameters.

docker compose up db ragno

Build and run Prometheus metrics database (exposed at :9090):

This container is configured with a ./prometheus/prometheus.yml file. View ./prometheus/prometheus.yml.example for a template.

docker compose up prometheus

If any container fails to start, make sure you granted permissions to the data folder with: sudo chmod 777 ./app-data/*_db


Prometheus is what is used to gather metrics periodically from the recollected data. By default, they can be viewed at :9070/metrics.

Current available metrics:

name description
crawler_observed_client_distribution Number of nodes using the clients seen.
crawler_client_version_distribution Number of nodes from each of the client's versions.
crawler_geographical_distribution Number of nodes from each country.
crawler_node_distribution Total number of nodes.
crawler_deprecated_nodes Total number of deprecated nodes.
crawler_os_distribution OS distribution of connected nodes.
crawler_arch_distribution Architecture distribution of the active nodes in the network.
crawler_hosted_peers_distribution Distribution of nodes that are hosted on non-residential networks.
crawler_observed_rtt_distribution Distribution of RTT between the crawler and the nodes in the network.
crawler_observed_ip_distribution Distribution of IPs hosting nodes in the network.


To move between database versions, use go migrate.

In case of any database conflict, you can still force a specific version:

migrate -path / -database "postgresql://username:secretkey@localhost:5432/database_name?sslmode=disable" force <version>

If specific upgrades or downgrades need to be done manually, one could do this with:

migrate -path database/migration/ -database "postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/database_name?sslmode=disable" -verbose up

Output/Database tables info


Information about Execution Layer nodes.

column description
node_id The node's ID (decoded from the node's record). It is the primary key of the table.
pubkey The node's secp256k1 public key.
ip The node's IPv4 address.
tcp The node's TCP port.
first_connected Timestamp of when the first successful connection to the node was made.
last_connected Timestamp of when the last successful connection to the node was made.
last_tried Timestamp of the last connection attempt.
raw_user_agent The node's full user agent. (format client/version/os-architechture/language version).
capabilities The node's capabilities/supported protocols.
error Latest connection error.
deprecated Nodes will be marked as deprecated when no connection attempt to it was successful after 48 hours, or if the node is not from mainnet (network ID 1).
client_name The node's client name.
client_raw_version The node's full client version (with build info).
client_clean_version The node's client version.
client_os Operating system of the node.
client_arch Computer architecture of the node.
client_language Language the client of the node is written in.
fork_id Fork ID the node follows.
protocol_version Ethereum protocol version the node follows.
head_hash Hash of the latest block (head) the node sees.
network_id Network ID of the network where the node resides.
total_difficulty The total difficulty/cumulative measure of work up to the node.
latency Time in milliseconds between the latest successful connection attempt and the connection itself.


Contains periodical snapshots of active nodes.

column description
timestamp Timestamp of when the snapshot was taken.
peers Array of the nodes active at that moment. The nodes are indexes referencing node_info's id column.


Contains the response from the Discovery process. This information is used for connection attempts.

column description
node_id The node's ID (decoded from the node's record). It is the primary key of the table.
origin The discovery type the node uses (e.g. discv4).
first_seen Timestamp of the first time the node was discovered.
last_seen Timestamp of the last time the node was seen.
ip The node's IPv4 address.
tcp The node's TCP port.
udp The node's UDP port.
seq The node's record sequence number.
pubkey The node's secp256k1 public key.
record The node's record.


Contains more detailed information about the node's IP. The data gathered to populate this table is from

column description
ip An IPv4 address. It is the primary key of the table.
expiration_time Timestamp of the IP's expiration time.
continent The IP's continent name.
continent_code The IP's continent ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.
country The IP's country name.
country_code The IP's country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.
region_name The IP's region name.
region The IP's region ISO 3166-2 code.
city The IP's city name.
zip The IP's location zip code.
lat The IP's location's latitude in degrees.
lon The IP's location's longitude in degrees.
isp The Internet Service Provider of the IP.
org The organization that manages the IP address.
as_raw The full AS (Autonomous System) name the IP is part of.
asname The AS (Autonomous System) name the IP is part of.
mobile If the IP is associated with a mobile network or not.
proxy If the IP is associated with a proxy server.
hosting If the IP is associated with a hosting provider.




Be careful with the input and output csv file names, since the discv4 command will take output.csv by default.

Also, please note that the tool is currently in a developing stage. Any bugs report and/or suggestions are very welcome.