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E-mail libraries for the gaia e-mail client. A bunch of node and AMD modules get r.js optimized into a single JS file that gets loaded into the Gaia email client. The library can also potentially be used for other clients too, as long as you are cool with our design decisions.


To make sure the submodules are initialized properly, please make sure to check out the repository recursively:

git clone --recursive

If you already checked out without the --recursive flag, you can try the following command inside the repository directory:

git submodule update --init --recursive

New Code

This repo provides:

  • "Client daemon" logic that is the backend. It does the IMAP protocol talking, storage maintenance, etc. It communicates over a JSON bridge with the front-end which provides the:
  • MailAPI, for use by the UI/front-end. It communicates asynchronously with the back-end over the JSON bridge.

Code Reuse

We are aggressively attempting to use existing JS libraries. Currently, these are mainly node libraries. We use a combination of slightly-forked versions, shims, and AMD-wrappings (using volo) to get this to work. We use MIT-licensed code from the following projects or converted projects:

We shim the following ourselves to the minimum required:

  • node's Buffer implementation
  • node's crypto module, for crypto.createHash("md5") to support hash.update and hash.digest("hex").

We fork the following:

  • node-imap from This was done because we were trying to avoid shimming the node network API in favor of using our TCP WebAPI. Changes were also required because of the differences between node's Buffers and our Buffer-shim based on typed arrays. Our fork is currently intended to be a bit of a dead-end. Since node is abandoning Buffers in favor of typed arrays/data-views, we will likely migrate to a new upstream revision of this library or an entirely different library in the future. (Our current major concern for IMAP is on pipelining requests, so whatever library best offers that is likely what we will end up using. If no other library offers it and node-imap is willing to accept patches for doing so, we will likely stick with node-imap.)

The "And More" bit

This repo started out life as a restartless Jetpack extension for Firefox to provide a restartless version of the TCP WebAPI with permissions. There was also an intent to provide a more desktop friendly development UI. Code for this stuff is still in here in various states of workingness, but is not a priority or goal and a lot of it has now been removed. That which remains is planned to be deleted or moved to a separate repository.

Installing Into Gaia

Make sure you have a symlink, gaia-symlink, that points at the root directory of your gaia checkout.

For example, to create it:

ln -s ~/git/gaia gaia-symlink

Then, to run all the build steps and to copy our used files across into gaia, run:

make install-into-gaia

Unit Tests

Unit tests are intended to be run against b2g-desktop in xulrunner mode. The Makefile has targets for tests and for one-test. You can also prefix these target with post- to post the results to an ArbPL instance. For more details on this, see "Viewing the Test Results" below.

Running these tests depends on your having b2g-bindir-symlink files in the root of your gaia-email-libs-and-more checkout so it can build the path properly.

The tests by default run against the fakeserver taken from the Thunderbird codebase, so no extra setup should be needed. See "fakeserver Notes" for more information on how the fakeserver code is tracked.

Some of the tests can run against real servers, but that is not enabled by default. In the past, we have used dovecot installed on Ubuntu hooked up to postfix on localhost, but the unit tests can run against any server anywhere. For example, a somewhat recent dovecot on a remote server works just as well as localhost, it's just harder to use on a airplane. Some servers, such as Yahoo's IMAP at the current time, are too broken to use the unit tests. For example, Yahoo's APPEND command ignores the specified INTERNALDATE value, which makes it useless for many synchronization unit tests.

For more details on setting up a Dovecot server, see test/


Create the symlink described above for a B2G desktop xulrunner:

ln -s /path/to/b2g-desktop b2g-bindir-symlink

You should use a mozilla-central nightly build for B2G desktop:

You can use a mozilla-b2g18, but you may need to run the tests in waves, using discrete TEST_VARIANT values, as running them all together may have problems (segmentation faults):

On OSX: /path/to/b2g-desktop will be something like:


Create the symlink for arbitrarypushlog:

ln -s /path/to/arbitrarypushlog arbpl-dir-symlink

See Viewing the Test Results" below for more information about using arbitrarypushlog for viewing the test results.

Running the Tests

To run all of the unit tests:

make all-tests

This will remove all existing log files prior to the run. Afterwards, all log files should be updated/exist, and a log that is the concatenation of all of the test logs should exist at test-logs/all.logs.

To run just one variant of the tests, set TEST_VARIANT:

make all-tests TEST_VARIANT=imap:fake

The valid TEST_VARIANT values are listed in test/test-files.json at the top, in the "variants" section:

  • noserver
  • imap:fake
  • activesync:fake
  • imap:real

To run a single test, in this case, test_imap_general.js which is located at test/unit/test_imap_general.js in the repo:

make one-test SOLO_FILE=test_imap_general.js

This will produce a log file of the run at test-logs/test_imap_general_VARIANT.log, where VARIANT is similar to one of the TEST_VARIANT values. TEST_VARIANT can also be set for one-test targets.

Viewing the Test Results

The logs generated by the unit tests are in JSON, but that doesn't help you much on its own. Happily, there is an HTML UI for viewing the logs, that can be found here and dubbed ArbPL which was born as a hybrid of a log viewing UI and a competitor to tinderbox pushlog that involved a server component for speed:

The easiest and most fun way to use ArbPL is to run the server. This is because the UI is able to use Socket.IO to update as new test runs come in. To be able to do this, the setup process looks generally like this: (And make sure your nodejs version is between v0.6 and v0.8.)

sudo apt-get install graphviz
git clone --recursive git://
cd arbitrarypushlog/server
npm install

Things are now installed.

You can run the server by typing the following in the root of arbitrarypushlog.


The server is now running on port 8008. You can browse to http://localhost:8008/?tree=Logal and you will see the list of results. At the start of time, the database is empty, and the UI doesn't really like that, so you will need to hit refresh after you get some data in there.

To get data in, the command is:

./logalchew /path/to/test_blah_blah.js.log

Alternatively, you can create a symlink "arbpl-dir-symlink", and then use a Makefile target such as post-one-test to automatically run ./logalchew on the result.

To make this more obvious that this is an option for those skimming the page, this means:

make post-one-test SOLO_FILE=test_imap_general.js


make post-tests

fakeserver Notes

The tests use the fakeserver code from Thunderbird. A vendor-branch is used to track upstream:

Everything under test-runner/chrome/fakeserver is pretty much just existing comm-central or mozilla-central (httpd.js) code, with some outstanding patches that have been reviewed but not yet landed, and a couple of small things that will hopefully be upstreamed at some point.

If you just want to start up a fakeserver to use for yourself during experimentation or development, there are some Makefile targets:

make imap-server
make activesync-server

These just start up the fakeservers, and do not run tests. You do not need to use these commands before running the automated tests, the test Makefile targets will do that automatically.


The e-mail list to use is the general dev-gaia list, see

We hang out on in #gelam. The Travis CI robot should show up there and tell you when pull requests have issues, etc. too. If people are not in #gelam, then #gaia is a reasonable choice.

Legal Disclaimers, Notes, Etc.

We are including ActiveSync support because it's the only sane option for Hotmail.

Microsoft asserts that they have some patents on the ActiveSync protocol. If you want to use/ship/distribute this library, you are either going to want to strip out ActiveSync-touching logic or make sure that you are okay with whatever those patents are. Microsoft has some Open Source friendly words relating to some protocols, including their e-mail protocols, which may make things fine for you if you are not distributing things commercially.

Specifically, the "Interoperability Principles" program has a patent pledge:

The pledge defines that it relates to the protocols listed at:

From the "Open Protocols" page, if you click on the following links in succession, you will reach the ActiveSync documentation:

There is also a commercial licensing program known to exist:

I am not a lawyer, I am not qualified to tell you what any of the above actually mean. The above links will hopefully save you time when you or your lawyer do your research. None of this is legal advice.


E-mail libraries for the Firefox OS Gaia E-mail client






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