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Tech News Asia


A 2-page, static news site on tech startups in Asia. Built with JavaScript, Webpack 5 and Sass. See it live here.


Webpack configuration

The following webpack plugins were installed:

Imports files as a String. I use it together with insertAdjacentHTML() to render the navbar dropdown button as an svg HTML element:

import svg from "./hamburger.svg";
let dropdownButton = document.getElementById("dropdown-button-wrapper");
dropdownButton.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", svg);

The result:


By rendering it this way, I can select the svg element in my scss file and change its color through the fill style attribute.

Configuration in webpack.config.js:

module: {
  rules: [
      test: /\.svg$/i,
      use: "raw-loader",

Exports HTML as string. That way, I can place the HTML code in a separate file and load it into my JavaScript file as a String variable.

import html from "./navbar.html";
const navbarLoad = () => {
  document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", html);

This feature was especially useful when rendering different articles - see below

Configuration in webpack.config.js:

module: {
  rules: [
      test: /\.html$/i,
      use: "html-loader",

Converts import/require statements on a file into a url and places the file in the output directory.

In this case, there is actually no import/require statement applied directly to files. Instead, the plugin is used by html-loader when reading src attributes in order to load article images.Example from articles.html:

  <img src="./img/india.jpg" alt="WhatsApp" />
  <figcaption>Photo credit: Venturebeat</figcaption>

Configuration in webpack.config.js:

module: {
  rules: [
      test: /\.(png|jpg|gif|jpeg)$/,
      use: "file-loader",

style-loader, css-loader, sass-loader and sass are used together in order to set styling with Sass.

I added sass-resource-loader in order to avoid having to import the common.scss file in each of the other scss files. This file contains a number of Sass variables.

Configuration in webpack.config.js:

module: {
  rules: [
      test: /\.scss$/,
      use: [
          loader: "sass-resources-loader",
          options: {
            resources: ["./src/common/common.scss"],

Removes/cleans my build folder. I configured it to avoid removing the index.html and favicon.svg so that I could keep the meta tags and the favicon:

plugins: [
  new CleanWebpackPlugin({
    cleanOnceBeforeBuildPatterns: ["**/*", "!index.html", "!favicon.svg"],

Creates a development server with live reloading. Configuration in webpack.config.js:

devServer: {
  contentBase: "./dist",
  hot: true,

Single-page web app

Having everything on a single page makes loading new content very fast:


I placed the content for all articles in the articles.html file for the sake of simplicity. Each article is wrapped in a section element with a unique id attribute:

<section class="article-section" id="china">
<section class="article-section" id="india">

article.js then toggles between articles based on their id:

import html from "./articles.html";

const articleLoad = (articleId = "china") => {
  //remove previous article html
  let prevSection = document.querySelector("main>section");
  if (prevSection) {

  //get the new article from articles.html based on the id
  let doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html");

  //move the viewport to the top of the page

Desktop sidebar -> mobile navbar conversion

On desktop mode, there is a sidebar that enables you to switch between articles. In tablet and mobile, this sidebar moves to the top, after the nav links, and only shown when the dropdown button is clicked:


All screen modes use the same HTML code for the sidebar, and the same JavaScript code to toggle between articles. The only difference lies in the sidebarMobileShow function, which is only used in tablet and mobile modes to show and hide the sidebar:

const sidebarMobileShow = () => {
  //get sidebar
  let sidebar = document.getElementsByTagName("aside")[0];

  //check if navbar button is toggled to show sidebar
  if (
  ) {
    //show sidebar = "block";
  } else {
    //hide sidebar = "none";


A static news site on tech startups in Asia. Made with JS, Webpack and Sass.






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