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Create GitHub release

Mikael edited this page Dec 23, 2017 · 11 revisions

This VSTS Build/Release task create GitHub release.


The parameters of the task are:

[1] The GitHub connection:

Choose or create a GitHub connection (see here for details), if this task is added on build definition, you can use the same connection that the source build settings

[2] The repository:

Select the GitHub repository, if this task is added on build definition, you can use the default value $(Build.Repository.Name)

[3] The tag :

The tag base for the release

[4] The branch:

The branch to release

[5] The release name:

The release name.

[6] Use the commit message as release note :

Check the checkbox for automaticaly use the commit message as release note.

If this checkox is not checked you can input the release note manually.


[7] Zip file to upload as asset:

Select the Zip file to upload to release as asset (Not required).

[8] Is Draft release:

Indicate if is draft release

[9] Is Pre release:

Indicate if pre release.

The result:

After execution of this task, you can see the new release in the GitHub repository


Yaml build

If you want to use this task in Yaml Build, here the code of the step phase

- task: DevMikaelKrief.githubtools.GitHubTag.GitHubTag@0
     githubEndpoint: "9279196d-7673-46dc-8e1e-3a59a53d79c7"
     repositoryName: "$(Build.Repository.Name)"
     tag: "v$(Build.BuildNumber)" 
     branch: "master"
     releaseName: "$(Build.BuildNumber)"
     usecommitmessage : true
     releasenote: "notes"
     ziptoupload: "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/$(Build.BuildId).zip"
     isdraft: true
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