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Reverse proxy configurations

Mike's Pub edited this page May 19, 2024 · 3 revisions

Reverse Proxy Configurations

  1. Simple without subdirectory
  2. Simple with COPS accessible in "subdirectory"
  3. Complex with multiple entrypoints
  4. Debugging proxy configurations

Simple without subdirectory

flowchart LR
  proxy[Reverse Proxy\n]
  client --> proxy --> cops

No change needed in config_local.php

If you want to enforce going via reverse proxy, specify cops_full_url in config_local.php:

// specify with full host url
$config['cops_full_url'] = '';

Simple with COPS accessible in "subdirectory"

flowchart LR
  proxy[Reverse Proxy\n]
  client --> proxy --> cops

Specify cops_full_url in config_local.php:

// specify proxy prefix
$config['cops_full_url'] = '/cops/';
// or with full host url
//$config['cops_full_url'] = '';

Complex with multiple entrypoints

flowchart LR
  proxy[Reverse Proxy\n]
  client --> proxy --> docker --> cops
  internal --> docker
  direct --> cops

a. Specify cops_trusted_proxies and cops_trusted_headers in config_local.php:

// specify trusted proxies (add as needed)
$config['cops_trusted_proxies'] = '';
// specify trusted headers (adapt based on proxy configuration)
$config['cops_trusted_headers'] = ['x-forwarded-host', 'x-forwarded-proto', 'x-forwarded-prefix'];

See for more information

b. Or add some logic in config_local.php to adapt cops_full_url based on server request:

if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] === '') {
    $via = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] ?? '';
    if ($via === '') {
        $config['cops_full_url'] = '';
    } elseif ($via === '') {
        $config['cops_full_url'] = '';

Debugging proxy configurations

If you're not quite sure the reverse proxy configurations you made are doing what they're supposed to, have a look at the /checkconfig.php page, especially the section "Check if the base URL looks OK".

It will show you the base URL as seen by COPS locally, any cops_full_url you defined in config_local.php or the cops_trusted_proxies and cops_trusted_headers and their respective values that COPS received for that request