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Local installation instructions

Mike Schwab edited this page Oct 23, 2018 · 6 revisions
  1. To install the basic development environment elements, you'll use macOS. Open the app called Terminal.
  2. Install XCode and use it to configure your compilers.
  3. Use homebrew to make sure you have git, postgresql and whatever else is needed.
  4. Use rvm to install Ruby 2.5.0
  5. Clone this app's code into your workspace.
  6. Use bundler to install Rails and all the gems.

Now you are ready to use the app to configure itself.

If you are a contributor, you will be using a tailored environment rather than the de facto development environment. Review the steps in the Contribution Guide.

  1. Edit config/database.yml to your liking. Most probably, you just have to choose a database name or accept the one that's there.
  2. rake db:create and rake db:migrate and rake db:seed
  3. Start the app with rails s and point a browser at 'localhost:3000' to create the first admin account.
  4. Sign up. Your confirmation url will be printed in the server log that's visible where you ran rails s. It will look like 'http://localhost:3000/avatars/confirmation?confirmation_token=AezrdNw5-nysJgb9Df_Y' and will be embedded in an HTML snippet such as <p><a href="http://localhost:3000/avatars/confirmation?confirmation_token=AezrdNw5-nysJgb9Df_Y">Confirm my account</a></p>.
  5. Activate the account using rails c in another Terminal window. Type Avatar.first.update_attributes :activated => true, :admin => true

Required Configurations