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214 lines (163 loc) · 7.9 KB

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214 lines (163 loc) · 7.9 KB


A dotfiles boilerplate that anyone can fork it to save own configuration and ready to use. It contains Vim, Zsh with Oh-my-zsh and Tmux configurations.


This dotfiles supports only no config of vim, tmux and zsh. In the other hand, you should to backup your current configurations of each program.


How to use my dotfiles

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Commit your own configurations

Note: This version is only install all things, next, I will seperate it.



2 ways to use

  1. quick setup or
  2. manual

Quick setup


  • Make sure you installed git curl zsh tmux vim
  • Clone this repo or your folk repo. Ex.
git clone ~/.dotfiles && ~/.dotfiles/install

Update All

Update all dotfiles links, Reinstall zsh plugin & Resource .zshrc, Reinstall vim plugin




  • Make sure you installed git curl zsh tmux vim
  • git clone ~/.dotfiles
  • cd ~/.dotfiles
  • ./init for installing Vim Plug that it can manage many vim plugins
  • ./dotbot
  • Run zsh to run zsh and install their plugins oh-my-zsh
  • Run vim +PlugInstall +qall or run vim, then installing plugin by :PlugInstall

Update Dotfiles

  • ./dotbot

Update zsh config

  • rezsh or zgen reset && source ~/.zshrc

Add Vim Plugin

  • Add plugin name in ~/.vimrc
  • Reload vim config :source ~/.vimrc or Reopen vim
  • Install & Update plugin by using :PlugInstall

For Putty

Install Powerline fonts


  • Q: zsh isn't set to default shell
  • A: chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh [username] (Don't use sudo)

Managing your custom configurations

  • Edit your custom configurations
Config for zsh        : zsh/.zshrc.local
Config for Vim        : vim/.vimrc.local
Config for Vim key    : vim/.vimrc.key.local
Config for Vim Plugin : vim/plugin/*.vim
  • Uncomment or add your config files what you place into your $HOME path at .install.conf.yaml

Note: This file uses yaml format

  • Create new symbolinks of your dotfiles with dotbot using ./dotbot

Note: If you got some error, you should cope your existing dotfiles.


Vim Usage:


  • Auto PASTE mode when pasting in insert mode

My Mapping Keys

Overriding Basic key

File: ~/.vimrc.keys

Action Key
Leader space
Go to NORMAL mode jk or kj
Toggle PASTE mode F3
Switching word wrap leader w
INSERT Jump out to the end of line
(still in insert mode)
Move to {next,previous} tab L , H
Swap window to {next,previous} buffer leader l , leader h
Toggle search highlight leaderhs
Toggle background dark or light leaderbg

Work with Git by Fugitive

Action Key
Git status leadergs
Git commit leadergc
Git push leadergp
Git diff leadergd

Read more at Fugitive

Auto zoom when active window by GoldenView

Always have a nice view for vim split windows

Action Key
Go to next split window Ctrln
Swapping main split with not main split F7

Read more at GoldenView

Travel in a tree explorer by NERDtree

Action Key
Toggle NERDtree leadern

Read more at NERDtree

Working with system clipboard by System Copy

Prerequisite: xsel for linux, other? read in System Copy

Action Key
Copy the selected text into system clipboard cp
NORMAL Paste from system clipboard into new line cv

Read more at System Copy

Quick comment code by NERDcommenter

Action Key
Toggle comment code leader/
Comment code leadercc
Uncomment code leadercu

Read more at NERDcommenter

Quick aligning code by Tabular

Usage: leadera[Char what you want to align in same position in each line]

Example code:


To algin use leadera= , after that:

dog      = 1
elephant = 1

If it's not work. Don't worry!. Just add your key map in ~/.dotfiles/vim/plugin/tabular.vim

Read more at Tabular