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Goodwill Industries of Dallas, Inc.’s largest annual fundraising event, THE LUNCH, targets Dallas’ top chief executives and influential community leaders.

Gulp DevDependencies

  • "autoprefixer": "^6.7.1",
  • "gulp": "^3.9.1",
  • "gulp-autoprefixer": "^3.1.1",
  • "gulp-cssnano": "^2.1.2",
  • "gulp-postcss": "^6.3.0",
  • "gulp-sass": "^3.1.0",
  • "gulp-sourcemaps": "^2.4.1"

Forks & Sources


  • <div class="container" id="donorNames">
    • Added additional names to the 'List of Legacy Sponsors'
    • Removed class .noNames from <!-- legacy sponsors --><div class="col-md-6 col-xl-2">
    • Added donor logo to the 'List of Champion Sponsors'
    • Added additional names to the 'List of Sustaining Sponsors'
  • <div class="container" id="donorNames">
    • Added the following to _sponsorOppDonors.scss and added the class noNames to donation tiers without names
    • .noNames {
        display: none;
        @media(min-width:1200px) { display: flex; visibility: hidden;}
  • <div class="container" id="donorNames">
    • Added current list of sponsor names per client
  • <section class="et-slide" id="mainDonate">
    • Added min-height values per donation snippet values to help alleviate page jump on load
  • <section class="et-slide" id="mainSponsorOpp">
    • Closed #49 BUG If IE via script, change display: flex; to display: block;
  • .BBFormContainer[data-bbox-part-id=b3f4422e-4d5d-49fc-bdf2-d5a0caba03ae] .BBFormColTotal
    • Changed overflow: scroll; to overflow: hidden;
  • <div class="container" id="donorNames" style="width:100%;">
    • Hidden per client
  • <div class="et-hero-tabs-container">
    • Closed #06 BUG Android: Nav jumps when scrolled on mobile
    • Closed #47 BUG Scroll event position jump
  • <section class="et-slide" id="mainEventInformation">
    • Temporarily reorganized section (partials ChewOnThis-Temp.html) per client while pending finalization of committee names
    • Updated the Event Information copy (again)
    • Changed the colors of the numerical "Chew on This" elements to theme's accent color per client
    • Changed "Email" to "email" per client
  • <section class="et-slide" id="mainSponsorOpp">
    • Replaced all photography per client
  • General
    • Created inch.json per the Inch CI initiative (pending)
    • Retrofit v1.0.0 into the changelog
  • <section class="et-slide" id="mainEventInformation">
    • Updated the Event Information copy
  • .et-hero-tabs
    • Removed <h3>
    • Increased the size of h6 from 1rem to 1.5rem
    • Changed "Omni Dallas" to "Omni Downtown Dallas"
    • Changed primary button text from "GET YOUR SEAT" to "RESERVE YOUR TABLE"
    • Removed the secondary "LEARN MORE" button per client request
  • .et-hero-tabs-container
    • Changed "Sponsors & Opportunities" to "Sponsorship Opportunities"
    • Changed "Get Your Tickets" to "Make Your Donation"
  • <section class="et-slide" id="mainEventInformation">
    • Removed the <h2> per client request
    • Removed introduction paragraph, per client direction, and replaced the committee names from <section class="et-slide" id="mainSponsorOpp">
      • Changed #lunchCommittee .sponsorNames.committee to a flex layout
      • Added &:after { content: "\00a0\00a0\·\00a0\00a0" } to li.committee
      • Changed <div class="col"> to <div class="col-md-8" id="lunchTopNames">
    • Removed the responsive tab styling of the "Chew on This" sub-section and aligned items accordingly
      • Removed Mission Statement, replaced with Event Information
      • Added missing stat: "1,433 — # people who earned a job with Goodwill’s help"
  • <section class="et-slide" id="mainFeaturedGuest">
    • Changed "Stanly" to "Stanley"
  • <section class="et-slide" id="mainSponsorOpp">
    • Renamed <h2> from "Sponsors & Sponsorship Opportunities" to "Sponsorship Opportunities"
    • Renamed all instances of .card-link from "DONATE" to "SPONSOR"
    • Changed all active photography elements per client
  • <footer id="footer">
    • Added link to Goodwill logo pointing to
  • Milestone: Deployment
    • Closed #46 TODO Finalize metas
    • Closed #41 TODO Remove -nofollow from header & header404
    • Closed #40 TODO Social Share
    • Closed #27 TODO Event Information
    • Closed #29 TODO Special Guests
    • Closed #42 TODO Schema - Add into HTML
    • Closed #43 BUG IE11 - h1 > span out of position
    • Closed #38 BUG iOS - Hero buttons broken
    • Closed #39 TODO 404 customize
    • Closed #24 TODO Favicons
    • Closed #25 TODO Official logo
    • Closed #23 TODO List of Sponsors
    • Closed #28 TODO Footer
    • Closed #15 BUG win7 ie8.0 - hero and sponOpps
    • Closed #14 BUG win7 ie9.0 - hero size
    • Closed #13 BUG win10 edge13.0 - Hero copy & sponOpp
    • Closed #11 BUG win7 ie10.0,11.0 - Header, sticky nav, & sponOpps
    • Closed #10 BUG iOS - Massive white space on right
    • Closed #32 TODO SSL
    • Closed #31 TODO Configure /docs deployment scheme
    • Closed #30 TODO Add analytics code to