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Bubble noise listening test generation, presentation, and analysis

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Auditory bubbles

Copyright 2013-2016 Michael Mandel, all rights reserved Last updated 2016-10-04


This toolbox is used for creating, running, and analyzing "bubble" noise listening tests. The goal of this procedure is to identify the importance of each time-frequency point in the spectrogram of an utterance to its intelligibility in noise. To do this, the toolbox creates many mixtures of the same utterances with different instances of "bubble" noise. The analysis then identifies TF points where the noise is correlated with the intelligibility of the mixture (called time frequency importance functions (TFIFs) or time-frequency cross tabulation images (TFCTs)). The toolbox will also run a predictive analysis on the mixtures, using cross-validation to train a classifier to predict whether mixtures of each original clean utterance were intelligible to listeners and then measure its prediction accuracy on held out test data.

This toolbox depends on the mimlib toolbox for certain required supporting functions, so please download that as well.

Please cite

Please cite one of the following paper if you use this toolbox:

Michael I Mandel, Sarah E Yoho, and Eric W Healy. Measuring time-frequency importance functions of speech with bubble noise. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140:2542-2553, 2016.

Michael I Mandel, Sarah E Yoho, and Eric W Healy. Generalizing time-frequency importance functions across noises, talkers, and phonemes. In Proceedings of Interspeech, 2014.

Michael I. Mandel. Learning an intelligibility map of individual utterances. In IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), 2013.

Setup and tuning

% Shared parameters
wavInDir = 'D:\input\cleanUtterances';
mixOutDir = 'D:\mixes\dev';
noiseRefFile = 'D:\input\noiseRef.wav';
dur_s = 1.8;
normalize = 1;
baseSnr_db = -35;

% Make noise reference file
combineWavsIntoNoiseRef(wavInDir, noiseRefFile);

% Clean files for reference (correct scaling, etc)
nMixes = 1;
bubblesPerSecond = inf;
mixMrtBubbleNoiseDir(wavInDir, mixOutDir, nMixes, bubblesPerSecond, baseSnr_db, dur_s, normalize, noiseRefFile);

% Mixes with no bubbles
% make sure baseSnr_db is set so that these are completely unintelligible
nMixes = 5;
bubblesPerSecond = 0;
mixMrtBubbleNoiseDir(wavInDir, mixOutDir, nMixes, bubblesPerSecond, baseSnr_db, dur_s, normalize, noiseRefFile);

Run adaptive experiment

nMixes = 5;
initialBps = 15;        % whatever you want
subjectName = 'TLA';    % whatever you want
playAdaptiveListening(wavInDir, mixOutDir, subjectName, nMixes, initialBps, dur_s, baseSnr_db, noiseRefFile, normalize, 1, 0);
% wavs saved in mixOutDir/bps[subjectName]
% data file saved in mixOutDir, named subjectName_timestamp.csv

OR Run non-adaptive experiment

% Actual bubbles files, experiment with different bubbles-per-seconds values until 
% subjects get 50% correct. When you've found that, use at least 200 mixtures per 
% utterance (nMixes)
nMixes = 5;
bubblesPerSecond = 12;
mixDir = mixMrtBubbleNoiseDir(wavInDir, mixOutDir, nMixes, bubblesPerSecond, baseSnr_db, dur_s, normalize, noiseRefFile);

% Run experiment
subjectName = 'TLA';    % whatever you want
playListeningTestDir(mixDir, subjectName)
% file saved in mixDir, named subjectName_timestamp.csv


% Massage and combine listening test data from multiple tests
inCsvFiles = fullfile(mixDir, 'TLA_20140621T114000.csv');  % Can be a cell array of multiple csv files
resultFile = 'D:\mixes\dev\results1.mat';
verbose = 1;
ignoreStimulusDir = 1;
processListeningData(inCsvFiles, resultFile, verbose, ignoreStimulusDir);

% Extract features from mixtures
baseFeatDir = 'D:\mixes\dev\features';
pattern = 'bps.*.wav';
pcaDims = [100 1000];  % 100 dimensions from 1000 files
usePcaDims = 40;
trimFrames = 0;
overwrite = 0;
win_s = 0.064;         % analysis FFT window size in seconds
setLength_s = 0;
maxFreq_hz = 10000;
mainBubbleAnalysis(mixDir, resultFile, baseFeatDir, pattern, noiseRefFile, pcaDims, usePcaDims, trimFrames, win_s, overwrite, setLength_s, maxFreq_hz)


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant IIS-1750383. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.


Bubble noise listening test generation, presentation, and analysis






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