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Solid.js template project for my own.

1. About
2. Overview of Solid.js App Development
3. Installed NPM Packages
    3-1. Babel
    3-2. Prettier
    3-3. Webpack
    3-4. CSS
    3-5. Jest
    3-6. Other Dependencies
4. Notes

1. About

I created last year a sample project, solidjs-emotion-tailwind, but a lot has changed since then.
This is more like a personal template for my own when using Solid.js.

2. Overview of Solid.js App Development

2-1. Use css not from twin.macro, but from Emotion

So, my major concern is about integrating Emotion and twin.macro (or TailwindCSS) into a Solid.js app.

In a nutshell, when making a Solid.js app, you may not do this:

import tw, { css } from 'twin.macro';
  return (
    <Nav css={[tw`bg-red-500 w-full`, anotherStyle]} />

Basically, you are not allowed to use css for component properties, but must use className.
css macro (as a prop) is very handy, but it requires @emotion/react.
Instead, you must do this:

import { cx, css } from '@emotion/css';
import tw from 'twin.macro';
  return (
    <Nav className={cx(
        css(tw`bg-red-500 w-full`),

As you can see, the ideas is to not to import css from twin.macro, but use the original css from @emotion/css.

2-2. Replace createResourceState with createState

createResourceState is now deprecated.

Here is what I had previously for a store provider:

const [state, loadState, setState] = createResourceState(initialState);
const store = [state, initialAction];

instead, I need this:

const [state, setState] = createState(initialState);
const store = [state, initialAction];

2-3. Other Updates

I guess I'll add more as I notice something.

3. Installed NPM Packages

Although I will explain for details later, here are all the NPM packages:

yarn add --dev core-js@3 @babel/core @babel/cli @babel/runtime-corejs3 @babel/preset-env babel-preset-solid babel-plugin-macros babel-jest prettier pretty-quick webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server file-loader babel-loader css-loader style-loader postcss-loader postcss autoprefixer @emotion/css @emotion/babel-plugin tailwindcss twin.macro webpack-merge html-webpack-plugin mini-css-extract-plugin copy-webpack-plugin clean-webpack-plugin license-webpack-plugin jest

yarn add solid-js @rturnq/solid-store ramda
  • core-js@3
  • @babel/core
  • @babel/cli
  • @babel/runtime-corejs3
  • @babel/preset-env
  • babel-preset-solid
  • babel-plugin-macros
  • babel-jest
  • prettier
  • pretty-quick
  • webpack
  • webpack-cli
  • webpack-dev-server
  • file-loader
  • babel-loader
  • css-loader
  • style-loader
  • postcss-loader
  • postcss
  • autoprefixer
  • @emotion/css
  • @emotion/babel-plugin
  • tailwindcss
  • twin.macro
  • webpack-merge
  • html-webpack-plugin
  • mini-css-extract-plugin
  • copy-webpack-plugin
  • clean-webpack-plugin
  • license-webpack-plugin
  • jest
  • solid-js
  • @rturnq/solid-store
  • ramda

Now, I will categorize the above by purpose, and leave some notes:

3-1. Babel

@babel/polyfill has been deprecated, we use core-js.

  • core-js@3
    • For @babel/polyfill has been deprecated.
  • @babel/core
  • @babel/cli
  • @babel/runtime-corejs3
  • @babel/preset-env
    • useBuiltIns: 'usage' in babel.config.js will automatically insert polyfills.
  • babel-preset-solid
  • babel-plugin-macros
    • Needed for Emotion
  • babel-loader
    • Always handy having definitions in .babelrc (or babel.config.js).

3-2. Prettier

  • prettier
  • pretty-quick
yarn add --dev prettier pretty-quick

In .prettierignore, make sure to define *.js files you want Prettier to ignore.

3-3. Webpack

  • webpack
  • webpack-cli
  • webpack-dev-server
  • file-loader
  • webpack-merge
  • html-webpack-plugin
    • Template is in src/index.html, and outputs dist/index.html.
  • copy-webpack-plugin
    • Just to copy src/assets to dist/assets.
  • clean-webpack-plugin
  • license-webpack-plugin
    • Extracts license information for production.

3-4. CSS

Emotion + Tailwind via twin.macro

  • @emotion/css
  • @emotion/babel-plugin
  • tailwindcss
  • twin.macro

CSS Build Tools

Although autoprefixer and normalize are already in tailwindcss, we need autoprefixer when PostCSS loads CSS in Webpack process.

  • css-loader
  • style-loader
    • This is for development only. For production, we are using mini-css-extract-plugin.
  • postcss-loader
    • We definitely need this when using Tailwind.
  • postcss
    • We definitely need this when using Tailwind.
  • autoprefixer
  • mini-css-extract-plugin
    • While we are extracting CSS files, and write them to disks, this is for production only.

3-5. Jest

  • jest
  • babel-jest

Run the following:

$ npx jest --init

3-6. Other Dependencies

  • solid-js
  • @rturnq/solid-store
  • ramda
    • Makes our lives easier for functional programming.

4. Notes

5. License

Dual-licensed under either of the followings.
Choose at your option.


Solid.js template project for my own.



Unknown and 2 other licenses found

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