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FHE Library for encrypting/decrypting bits and performing add/mul (and/xor) over encrypted data. Port/fork of the existing library by Henning Perl.



The compilation is done using GYP and make.

$ gyp --depth=.
$ make

See Dockerfile for build instructions.


apt-get -yy install libflint-2.5.2 libflint-dev libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev gcc g++ make automake autoconf gyp.


yum install gcc gcc-c++ make automake autoconf mpfr-devel gmp-devel gyp.


  • You will need epel-release to download gyp
  • Flint must be compiled from sources


You can compile library under cygwin-x64 on Windows too. Just make sure you have installed all the following libs:

  • gcc-core
  • gcc-g++
  • gmp
  • mpfr
  • autoconf2.1
  • automake1.14
  • libmprf4
  • libmprf-devel
  • libgmp10
  • libgmpxx4
  • libgmp-devel
  • make


You can use the library as demonstrated in test.c.

#include "scarab.h"

Used types:

type usage
fhe_pk_t pk; Private key
fhe_sk_t sk; Shared key
mpz_t c; Encrypted message container

Used functions:

function prototype meaning
void fhe_pk_init(fhe_pk_t pk); Initialize private key
void fhe_pk_clear(fhe_pk_t pk); Clear private key (destroy)
void fhe_sk_init(fhe_sk_t sk); Initialize shared key
void fhe_sk_clear(fhe_sk_t sk); Clear shared key (destroy)
void fhe_keygen(fhe_pk_t pk, fhe_sk_t sk); Generate a keypair
void fhe_encrypt(mpz_t c, fhe_pk_t pk, int m); Encrypt a message (0 or 1)
int fhe_decrypt(mpz_t c, fhe_sk_t sk); Decrypt a cyphertext
void fhe_recrypt(mpz_t c, fhe_pk_t pk, fhe_sk_t sk); Recrypt a cyphertext (“refreshing” it)
void fhe_add(mpz_t res, mpz_t a, mpz_t b, fhe_pk_t pk); Add cyphertexts (= XOR)
void fhe_mul(mpz_t res, mpz_t a, mpz_t b, fhe_pk_t pk); Multiply cyphertexts (= AND)
void fhe_fulladd(mpz_t sum, mpz_t c_out, mpz_t a, mpz_t b, mpz_t c_in, fhe_pk_t pk); Add with carry in and carry out
void fhe_halfadd(mpz_t sum, mpz_t c_out, mpz_t a, mpz_t b, fhe_pk_t pk); Add with carry out


  1. C. Gentry, A fully homomorphic encryption scheme
  2. N. Smart and F. Vercauteren, Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Relatively Small Key and Ciphertext Sizes
  3. H. Perl, M. Brenner and M. Smith, POSTER: An Implementation of the Fully Homomorphic Smart-Vercauteren Crypto-System