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MyDiary is an online journal where users can pen down their thoughts and feelings.

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MyDiary is an online journal where users can pen down their thoughts and feelings.


Development Architecture

In developing myDiary application, the Model-View-Controller (MVC) structure was used, which is the standard software development approach offered by most of the popular web frameworks, is clearly a layered architecture. Just above the database is the model layer, which often contains business logic and information about the types of data in the database. At the top is the view layer, which is often CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. In the middle, you have the controller, which has various rules and methods for transforming the data moving between the view and the model.

Technologies Used

The development process can be seen as a two part process, the Back-end (server side) and the Front-end (client side).


  • NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
  • Express JS A minimalist web framework.
  • PostgreSQL A powerful, open source object-relational database system.
  • ESLint provides a pluggable linting utility for JavaScript.
  • Babel used for transpiling codes from ES6 to ES5
  • Mocha Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on NodeJS for testing Javascript applications.


  • Vanilla Js for frontend design
  • HTML5 for frontend design
  • CSS3 for styling frontend
  • FETCH API for making Ajax call from the client to the API

myDiary Documentation is available

Application Features

myDiary is an application that enables users to pen down their thoughts and feelings. So, the following features makes the application personalized like the user truely own it.


  • This creates a web token for the users during signup and login using JsonWebToken (JWT).
  • It authenticate users token to give them access to protected routes of the application.


  • Create a new user by simply providing valid details like Email, FisrtName, LastName, Password and Confirm Password.
  • Upon signup new users can access all routes.
  • Authenticated user can Modify/Updated their details.
  • Authenticated user can on or off their email reminder notification.


This is a protected endpoints, users must be authenticated to do the following:

  • Add a new entry
  • Modify/Updated an entry for the user
  • Delete an entry for the user
  • Fetch all entries for a specific user
  • Fectch a single entry for a specific user


This is a protected endpoints, users must be authenticated to do the following:

  • can mark an entry as Favorite or not
  • can fetch all entries marked as favorite
  • can fetch a single entry marked as favorite with an entry ID.


This is a protected endpoints, users must be authenticated to do the following:

  • Add a new category
  • Delete an category for the user
  • Fetch all categories for a specific user
  • Fectch a single category for a specific user


  • Install NodeJS and PostgreSQL on your computer
  • Clone this repository
  • Navigate to the directoty
  • Install all dependencies with yarn install
  • Using migrate the users database table
  • Using migrate the entries database table
  • Using migrate the categories database table
  • Start the server by running yarn start:dev
  • Build the application by running yarn heroku-postbuild


myDiary Application API is readily availble here


  • Create a test database of your choice by following the example in .env.sample file
  • Run server-side test with yarn test

Testing with POSTMAN

The API contains different endpoint with their respective payload in the table below

Endpoints Functions Payloads Requets Method
/api/v1/auth/signup Create a new user Email, FisrtName, LastName, Password and Confirm Password POST
/api/v1/auth/login Login a user Email, Password POST
/api/v1/user Get a user details No payload GET
/api/v1/user/reminder Modifies reminder status favStatus PUT
/api/v1/user/update Modifies users details about, tel, age, profileImage PUT
/api/v1/user/removeprofileimage Removes users Image No payload PUT
/api/v1/entries Get all entries for a user No payload GET
/api/v1/entries Post a new diary entry title, description, categoryId POST
/api/v1/entries/:entryId Get entry by entryId No payload GET
/api/v1/entries/:entryId Modify a pending request title, description PUT
/api/v1/entries/:entryId delete an entry for a user by entryId No payload DELETE
/api/v1/entries/:entryId delete an entry for a user by entryId No payload DELETE
/api/v1/favorite Get all favorite entries for a user by entryId No payload DELETE
/api/v1/favorite/:entryId Modify favorite entries status for a user by entryId favStatus PUT
/api/v1/categories Post a new category for a user title, colorId POST
/api/v1/categories/:categoryid Get a single category for a user No payload GET
/api/v1/categories/:categoryid delete a single category for a user No payload DELETE


  • Fork the repository
  • Make your contributions
  • Write test cases for your contributions
  • Create Pull request against the develop branch.


  • What language is used to build this application ?
    • The application back-end is entirely built with javascript
    • The front-end is created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Is this an open-source project ?
    • Yes, Is an open-source project.
  • Who can contribute ?
    • Anyone can contribute as long as you would follow the contribution guides outlined above
  • Is the application hosted online ?
  • Does the application have an API ?
    • Yes, The application has a well documented API that can be viewed via a link in the API documentation section above
  • Is the application licensed ?
    • Yes, the application and its contents is under MIT license

User template is available

License and Copyright

© Chigoziem Nwaiwu

Licensed under the MIT License.



MyDiary is an online journal where users can pen down their thoughts and feelings.






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