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A static site generator


This is a static site generator used only by me, for my very specific and very modest needs.

It in no way tries to mimic the capabilities of something like jekyll, hyde, cactus, etc.


To create a site, make a folder and create a file called conf.json that defines a number of directories where you'll store you content.

    "posts": "_log",
    "styles": "_styles",
    "images": "_images",
    "log_images": "_images/log",
    "output": "_site",
    "layouts": "_layouts",
    "remote_location" : "user@remotehost:/public/dir"

posts in this directory, store your blog posts. See below for more.

styles in this directory store any styles you want copied over to your public site.

images in this directory store any images you want to appear on the site. This can be used for logos, icons, etc.

log_images in this directory store the images for blog posts. There is a shortcut for referring to pictures in blogposts, see below.

output this is where your built site will be output.

layouts blog posts can use templates defined in this directory.

remote_location used as the target for scp when you push

Options are as above, but the title and filename let you specify the HTML title and url explicitly.

Writing a Blog Post

If you run new a blank blog post will be created in your "posts" folder. In order for it to be publishable, it needs to have a .md ending and the file needs to be renamed with a real file name, not 'untitled'.

Blogs are markdown with some json frontmatter:

    "title": "",
    "date": "2020-12-17",
    "layout": "post",
    "unlisted": true,
    "also": ["a-file-name", "a-slug", "A title"]

layout: defines the jinja file in layouts to use.

title: gets slugified and becomes the url

unlisted: if true, a md5 hash string is added as a path to filename and the post is not added to the posts list.

also: A list of other posts to link to. This can be part of a filename, a slug or a full title.

Blog Helpers

To add an image, put the file name in on a line by itself. For example:

Here is my blog post


And here is some stuff below the picture

If images are greater than 1024 pixels, they'll automatically be resized for the blog.

To add code, use triple back ticks, with language direcly after

l = [1,2]

### Creating a Static Page

To create a new static page, create an .html page anywhere in the root directory, add the json frontmatter with the following options.

{ "layout": "static", "title": "About -", "date": "2012-06-4", "filename": "about" }

All pages also get a list of all the site posts and can access them with jinja in their layouts.


Static site generator






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