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To support RedHat Catalogs for OpenShift (#1115)
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cniackz committed May 10, 2022
1 parent ccdeeb8 commit fc727ac
Showing 1 changed file with 123 additions and 50 deletions.
173 changes: 123 additions & 50 deletions
@@ -1,52 +1,125 @@

EXAMPLE=$(kustomize build examples/kustomization/tenant-lite| yq eval-all '. | [.]' | yq 'del( .[] | select(.kind == "Namespace") )'| yq 'del( .[] | select(.kind == "Secret") )' | yq -o json | jq -c )

operator-sdk generate bundle \
--package minio-operator \
--version $RELEASE \
--deploy-dir resources/base \
--crds-dir resources/base/crds \
--manifests \
--metadata \
--output-dir bundles/$RELEASE \
--channels stable

myenv=$EXAMPLE yq -i e ".metadata.annotations.alm-examples |= (\"\${myenv}\" | envsubst)" bundles/$RELEASE/manifests/minio-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml

miniocontainer="$RELEASE" yq -i e '.metadata.annotations.containerImage |= env(miniocontainer)' bundles/$RELEASE/manifests/minio-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml

yq eval-all -i ". as \$item ireduce ({}; . * \$item )" bundles/$RELEASE/manifests/minio-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml resources/templates/olm-template.yaml

# Now promote the latest release to the root of the repository

rm -Rf manifests
rm -Rf metadata

cp -R bundles/$RELEASE/manifests manifests
cp -R bundles/$RELEASE/metadata metadata

sed -i -e '/metrics/d' bundle.Dockerfile
sed -i -e '/scorecard/d' bundle.Dockerfile
sed -i -e '/testing/d' bundle.Dockerfile

# clean released annotations
sed -i -e '/metrics/d' bundles/$RELEASE/metadata/annotations.yaml
sed -i -e '/scorecard/d' bundles/$RELEASE/metadata/annotations.yaml
sed -i -e '/testing/d' bundles/$RELEASE/metadata/annotations.yaml

# Add openshift supported version & default channel
# It needs to be added, since you have to declare both the potential eligible
# channels for an operator via
# as well as the default.
echo " # Annotations to specify OCP versions compatibility."
echo " com.redhat.openshift.versions: v4.6-v4.10"
echo " # Annotation to add default bundle channel as potential is declared"
echo " stable"
} >> bundles/$RELEASE/metadata/annotations.yaml

# clean root level annotations.yaml
sed -i -e '/metrics/d' metadata/annotations.yaml
sed -i -e '/scorecard/d' metadata/annotations.yaml
sed -i -e '/testing/d' metadata/annotations.yaml
# get the minio version
minioVersionInExample=$(kustomize build examples/kustomization/tenant-lite | yq '.spec.image' | tail -1)
echo "minioVersionInExample: ${minioVersionInExample}"

# Get sha form of minio version
minioVersionDigest=$(docker pull $minioVersionInExample | grep Digest | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')
echo "minioVersionDigest: ${minioVersionDigest}"

# Generate the alm-examples
EXAMPLE=$(kustomize build examples/kustomization/tenant-lite | yq ".spec.image = \"${minioVersionDigest}\"" | yq eval-all '. | [.]' | yq 'del( .[] | select(.kind == "Namespace") )'| yq 'del( .[] | select(.kind == "Secret") )' | yq -o json | jq -c )

# There are 4 catalogs in Red Hat, we are interested in two of them:
# 1. redhat-operators <------------ Supported by Red Hat.
# 2. certified-operators <--------- Supported by the ISV (independent software vendors) <------------- We want this!
# 3. redhat-marketplace <---------- an be purchased from Red Hat Marketplace. <----------------------- We want this!
# 4. community-operators <--------- No official support.

redhatCatalogs=("certified-operators" "redhat-marketplace")

for catalog in "${redhatCatalogs[@]}"; do
echo " "
echo $catalog
if [[ "$catalog" == "redhat-marketplace" ]]
echo "package: ${package}"
operator-sdk generate bundle \
--package $package \
--version $RELEASE \
--deploy-dir resources/base \
--crds-dir resources/base/crds \
--manifests \
--metadata \
--output-dir bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE \
--channels stable

# deploymentName has to be minio-operator, the reason is in case/03206318 or redhat support.
# the deployment name you set is "operator", and in CSV, there are two deployments 'console' and 'minio-operator'
# but there is no 'operator' option, without this change error is: "calculated deployment install is bad"
yq -i '.spec.webhookdefinitions[0].deploymentName = "minio-operator"' bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests/$package.clusterserviceversion.yaml
yq -i ' = "minio-operator"' bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests/minio.min.io_tenants.yaml

# I get the update from engineering team, typically no user/group specification is made in a container image.
# Rather, the user spec (if there is one) is placed in the clusterserviceversion.yaml file as a RunAsUser clause.
# If no userid/groupid is specified, the OLM will choose one that fits within the security context constraint either
# explicitly specified for the project under which the pod is run, or the default. If the SCC specifies a userid range
# that doesn't include the specified value, the pod will not start properly. So you need to remove folowing items in securityContext
yq -i eval 'del(.spec.install.spec.deployments[0].spec.template.spec.containers[0].securityContext.runAsGroup)' bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests/$package.clusterserviceversion.yaml
yq -i eval 'del(.spec.install.spec.deployments[0].spec.template.spec.containers[0].securityContext.runAsUser)' bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests/$package.clusterserviceversion.yaml
yq -i eval 'del(.spec.install.spec.deployments[1].spec.template.spec.containers[0].securityContext.runAsGroup)' bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests/$package.clusterserviceversion.yaml
yq -i eval 'del(.spec.install.spec.deployments[1].spec.template.spec.containers[0].securityContext.runAsUser)' bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests/$package.clusterserviceversion.yaml

# annotations-validation: To fix this issue define the annotation in 'manifests/*.clusterserviceversion.yaml' file.
# [annotations-validation : bundle-parse] + EXPECTED_MARKETPLACE_SUPPORT_WORKFLOW=''
# [annotations-validation : bundle-parse] + EXPECTED_MARKETPLACE_REMOTE_WORKFLOW=''
if [[ "$catalog" == "redhat-marketplace" ]]
yq -i '.metadata.annotations.replaceitone = ""' bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests/$package.clusterserviceversion.yaml
yq -i '.metadata.annotations.replaceittwo = ""' bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests/$package.clusterserviceversion.yaml
sed -i -e "s/replaceitone/\/remote-workflow/" bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests/$package.clusterserviceversion.yaml
sed -i -e "s/replaceittwo/\/support-workflow/" bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests/$package.clusterserviceversion.yaml

myenv=$EXAMPLE yq -i e ".metadata.annotations.alm-examples |= (\"\${myenv}\" | envsubst)" bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests/$package.clusterserviceversion.yaml

# Avoid message: "There are unpinned images digests!" by using Digest Sha256:xxxx rather than vx.x.x
echo "containerImage: ${containerImage}"
digest=$(docker pull $containerImage | grep Digest | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')
echo "digest: ${operatorImageDigest}"
yq -i ".metadata.annotations.containerImage |= (\"${operatorImageDigest}\")" bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests/$package.clusterserviceversion.yaml

# Console Image in Digested form: sha256:xxxx
consoleImage=$(yq '.spec.install.spec.deployments[0].spec.template.spec.containers[0].image' bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests/$package.clusterserviceversion.yaml)
echo "consoleImage: ${consoleImage}"
consoleImageDigest=$(docker pull $consoleImage | grep Digest | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')
echo "consoleImageDigest: ${consoleImageDigest}"
yq -i ".spec.install.spec.deployments[0].spec.template.spec.containers[0].image |= (\"${consoleImageDigest}\")" bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests/$package.clusterserviceversion.yaml

# Operator Image in Digest mode: sha256:xxx
yq -i ".spec.install.spec.deployments[1].spec.template.spec.containers[0].image |= (\"${operatorImageDigest}\")" bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests/$package.clusterserviceversion.yaml
yq eval-all -i ". as \$item ireduce ({}; . * \$item )" bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests/$package.clusterserviceversion.yaml resources/templates/olm-template.yaml

# Now promote the latest release to the root of the repository
rm -Rf manifests
rm -Rf metadata

mkdir -p $catalog
cp -R bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/manifests $catalog/manifests
cp -R bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/metadata $catalog/metadata

sed -i -e '/metrics/d' bundle.Dockerfile
sed -i -e '/scorecard/d' bundle.Dockerfile
sed -i -e '/testing/d' bundle.Dockerfile

# clean released annotations
sed -i -e '/metrics/d' bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/metadata/annotations.yaml
sed -i -e '/scorecard/d' bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/metadata/annotations.yaml
sed -i -e '/testing/d' bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/metadata/annotations.yaml

# Add openshift supported version & default channel
# It needs to be added, since you have to declare both the potential eligible
# channels for an operator via
# as well as the default.
echo " # Annotations to specify OCP versions compatibility."
echo " com.redhat.openshift.versions: v4.6-v4.10"
echo " # Annotation to add default bundle channel as potential is declared"
echo " stable"
} >> bundles/$catalog/$RELEASE/metadata/annotations.yaml

# clean root level annotations.yaml
sed -i -e '/metrics/d' $catalog/metadata/annotations.yaml
sed -i -e '/scorecard/d' $catalog/metadata/annotations.yaml
sed -i -e '/testing/d' $catalog/metadata/annotations.yaml
echo " "

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