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모닥불 앞에 있으면 몸이 따뜻해지듯이, 모닥이가 당신의 마음을 따뜻하게 어루만져 주길.

Modakyi : Sayings Collection App

Like getting warm in front of a bonfire, Hope Modakyi warms your heart.

version iOS Swift Firebase Xcode GitHub Figma App Store Notion Gmail


  1. Motive
  2. Goals
  3. Login
  4. Text Management
  5. Home
  6. Detail
  7. Favorite and Unused
  8. Search
  9. Settings
  10. Design
  11. First time dealing with thise
  12. Contact
  13. Version History


I find sayings on social media every day and write them down on my planner. It is cumbersome to look up every time, and there is a limit to remembering whether or not to use it. So I made a collection of sayings app, Modakyi.


  • Users can easily see the sayings in one space.
  • Users can indicate whether they like or used the sayings, and view them separately.
  • Every time the user accesses the app, recommend a random saying.


When you access the app, the first screen you see is the login screen. If there is a currently logged in user, it moves to the main screen (home). There are 4 types of login, all using FirebaseAuth. Code is here


At first, only email, Google, and Apple logins were implemented, but Apple rejected the application saying that it should be possible to use the app without login. This is described in App Store Review Guidelines 5.1.1(v).

Text Management

The text is stored and used in the following format. Code is here

struct StudyStimulateText: Codable {
    let id: String      // Text id
    let kor: String     // Korean
    let eng: String     // English
    let who: String     // The person who spoke the text
    let time: String    // Upload time

In fact, the text is stored in the Firebase RealtimeDatabase as follows. ('Text' + textID) is used as a unique ID. One new text is added and managed every day.



On the home screen, recommended text and all texts are displayed. Code is here

By accessing the Text path of Firebase RealitimeDatabase, the entire text is fetched, and a random value from the entire text is fetched as the recommended text ID. And if it is within two days from the upload time to today, it is classified as a new text.

A red dot is displayed in the cell of the new text. If the user has already clicked, the red dot is not displayed.



This is the screen that appears when you click a cell. You can check whether you like or used the phrase, and you can share it as text or an image. Code is here


When this screen is displayed, the text ID is passed, and text information is retrieved with this id.

Like and used is checked every time the screen is shown (viewWillAppear). Access the User/(userUid)/like and User/(userUid)/used paths to get the favorite texts IDs (likeTextIDs) and used texts IDs (usedTextIDs), respectively. If the id of the current text is included here, the button is displayed as selected.

When the text or image sharing button is clicked, a notification is received from the NotificationCenter and the sharing screen is displayed.

Favorite and Unused

This is a screen where user can see only the texts that user like. Access the User/(userUid)/like path to get the ID of the text that the user likes. Code is here


This is a screen where the user can see only the texts that have not been used yet. Access the User/(userUid)/used path and get the opposite value of the ID of the text used by the user. Code is here



You can find texts that contain search values. Implemented the SearchBar action by inheriting UISearchBarDelegate. If you enter a search term and click the search button, the search result is derived through the filter statement and displayed in CollectionView. Code is here



Various functions such as notification setting, theme change, font change, notice, inquiry and opinion, app rating, how to use, version information, account information, and logout are provided on the setting screen. Code is here


  • Notification settings

    The goal was to control it with a switch button, but I couldn't achieve it. Therefore, it was implemented by moving to the basic setting screen.

  • Change themes and fonts

    You can change the theme and font of the app. By using ThemeManager and FontManager, values are stored in UserDefaults, loaded and applied. Code is here

  • Notice

    It is a screen to notify simple announcements or updated contents.

  • Inquiries and comments

    It shows the email composing screen using the MessageUI framework. You can write an email and send it to the developer. If sending mail fails, an Alert window is displayed to notify the user to install the Mail app or check the email settings.

  • App rating

    Go to the App Store review writing screen. By sending "write-review" to the URLQueryItem, it immediately brings up the review writing screen.

  • How to use

    Shows the tutorial screen that appears when you first install and access the app.

  • Version information

    This screen shows the current version and the latest version. The current version was retrieved by accessing Bundel.main.infoDictionary as a key value, and the latest version was retrieved after reading the information of 'Modaki' released in the App Store in JSON format.

  • Account information

    You can check the profile image, nickname, email, and login method of the currently logged in user. Get the information of the currently logged in user using FirebaseAuth.

  • Log out

    Logs out the currently logged in user. If the user is anonymous, the account will be deleted upon logout, so user data must also be deleted.

    It checks whether the current user is anonymous through isAnonymous of FirebaseAuth. If it is an anonymous user, delete the data in the User/(userUid) path and go to the login screen.

    If it is not, it only handles logout and moves to the login screen. When you access the app again, the login screen is displayed because user have previously logged out.


Point Color

The color is reminiscent of the bonfire, the symbol of Modakyi.


App Icon

To express the bonfire, it is composed of a fire image with a point color.




First time dealing with this

  • Firebase(RealtimeDatabase, FCM, Authentication)

    Previously, data was stored locally on the device using UserDefaults, but this time the data is stored in Firebase's Realtime Database, a cloud service.

    In addition, FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) was used to send a daily new text upload notification to the user's device, and using an authentication service, email login, social (Google, Apple) login, and anonymous login were also implemented.

  • AdMob interstitial

    An interstitial advertisement was added along with the AdMob banner advertisement that was dealt with during the development of 'Scoit'. An interstitial ad is displayed whenever the detailed screen that appears when a text is clicked is dismissed. I made the interstitial ad object into a variable and set the root view of the object as the current screen and opened it.

  • Get version information

    I wanted to show the current version of the app on the settings screen and the latest version released on the app store, so I tried this for the first time. I think it's a very useful feature because it's actually used for setting up quite a few apps.


  • Share function

    This is my first time using UIActivityViewController to share text as text or image. In order to display this view in a PopOver format, the position had to be determined. It was rejected once because of the problem that an error occurred on the iPad because the location was not specified, but it was resolved.


  • MessageUI

    This is my first time working with MessageUI to send feedback to developers using the Mail app. Since the Mail app does not run in the simulator, we tested it with a real device. And when the mail transmission failed, an Alert window open and the user was prompted to install the Mail app or check the email settings.


  • MVVM refactoring

    Changed from the existing MVC structure to the MVVM structure. There was a lot of confusion about where to write code between ViewController and ViewModel. But I keep thinking that ViewController cannot be directly connected to the Model and is connected through the ViewModel, and I gave the ViewController the things it had to the ViewModel.


App Store



Version History

v1.0.0 (2021.11.25)

  • Provides basic functions
  • Reject once (Reason: No anonymous login)

v1.0.1 (2021.11.26)

  • Fix logout error (write clearer code to proceed with logout when not an anonymous user)

v1.0.2 (2021.12.3)

  • Add email login loading step
  • Delete app update notification (Siren)

v1.1.0 (2021.12.5)

  • Add banner ad at the bottom of the text
  • Fix getting the latest version

v1.2.0 (2021.12.13)

  • Add text sharing
  • Reject 1 time (Reason: Shared screen marked with Popover is not visible on iPad)

v1.3.0 (2022.1.13)

  • Add app tracking permission
  • Add interstitial ads

v1.4.0 (2022.2.6)

  • Add app rating
  • Settings screen UI, text sharing icon change
  • Edit tutorial screen
  • Add pull-to-refresh to Favorite Phrases, Unused Phrases, and Phrases Search

v1.4.1 (2022.3.2)

  • Add loading step to Apple login, anonymous login
  • UI change (icons and colors, etc.)
  • Fix dark mode error
  • Freeze iPad screen (no rotation)
  • Architecture change (MVVM)

v1.5.0 (2022.3.17)

  • Settings screen change (TableView)
  • Add themes and fonts
  • Correct the time of the latest text (2 days)
  • Correction of errors in inquiries and comments