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Naoki Takezoe edited this page Oct 23, 2021 · 8 revisions

Mirage-SQL consists of the following sub projects now:

  1. Mirage-SQL - miragesql-x.x.x.jar - the core functionality
  2. Mirage-SQL Test - miragesql-test-x.x.x.jar - the testing functionality
  3. Mirage-SQL Tools - miragesql-tools-x.x.x.jar - the tooling
  4. Mirage-SQL Integration - miragesql-integration-x.x.x.jar - the integration with Spring, Guice and Seasar2


Building Mirage-SQL requires Java 8


  • To build the Mirage-SQL JAR files only, run ./gradlew jar from the root directory. This will produce in the /build/libs directory the required artifact.

  • To build all the Mirage-SQL artifacts, just run ./gradlew build from the root directory.


In order to sign and publish the project artifacts to Sonatype, first you need to specify/configure your credentials in $HOME/.gradle/ as follows:

signing.keyId=<<SHORT ID>>

ossrhUsername=<<SONATYPE JIRA USER>>
ossrhPassword=<<SONATYPE JIRA PWD>>

Where the short ID can be found with: gpg --list-keys --keyid-format short.

  • To publish, just run ./gradlew uploadArchives from the root directory.
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