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aadrian edited this page Nov 13, 2017 · 13 revisions

To use Mirage-SQL as standalone library, you have to create a file in the classpath root.


With JDBC 4.0 driver, one could omit the jdbc.driver property.

Please note that Mirage-SQL does not provide connection pooling in it's default configuration. If you want to enable connection pooling, see DBCPSessionImpl or HikariCPSessionImpl for details, or use a data source that already has a connection pool configured with it.

You can get an instance of SqlManager from the Session. The Session is created by the SessionFactory by reading the properties from the file.

Session session = SessionFactory.getSession();
SqlManager sqlManager = session.getSqlManager();

As an alternative one can pass the connection (or connection pool) properties directly to the SessionFactory, without having the file in the classpath:

Propeties props = ... // get connection settings elswhere than
Session session = SessionFactory.getSession(props);
SqlManager sqlManager = session.getSqlManager();

If you want to use Mirage-SQL with DI container such as Spring Framework or Google Guice, you have to configure Mirage for these container. See more details in Integration.


Mirage-SQL can control transactions automatically in web applications using OpenSessionInViewFilter. Register it in your web.xml as follows:



This filter begins the transaction at the head of request processing. If no exception in request processing is thrown, this filter will commit transaction by invoking Session#commit(). However if any exception is caused, this filter catches it and rollbacks the transaction by invoking Session#rollback().

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