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v0.3 Unikernels

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@talex5 talex5 released this 06 Oct 09:56
· 274 commits to master since this release

New features

This release adds a new capnp-rpc-mirage package, which provides support for using the library within a MirageOS unikernel. See for details.

API changes

There are a few minor API changes:

  • Capnp_rpc_unix.Vat_config.derived_id ?name config is now Capnp_rpc_unix.Vat_config.derived_id config name. If you weren't passing a ~name argument before, use "main" to get the same ID.

  • Capnp_rpc_unix.Network's Socket_address module is now called Location.

  • There is an explicit network parameter in Network.connect, etc. This is needed to support Mirage, where the network isn't a global.

Bug fixes

  • Fix race when reconnecting. We notified the user that the capability had broken while the old connection was still shutting down. If they immediately tried to reconnect, we tried to reuse the old connection. Now, we wait for it to be removed.

  • Fix handling of leaks in switchable. If we detected the ref-count was invalid, we tried to resolve to an error, but resolving now checks that the ref-count is valid first so this failed.

Documentation and examples

  • Fixed ref-counting bug in calculator example. Also, changed the service ID to match what the C++ client expects. With these changes, the C++ client's tests pass when used with the OCaml service.


  • Also test answering questions with errors or with a promise from another question.

Code cleanups

  • Use a better way to get the client certificate from a TLS connection (suggested by @hannesm).

  • Use Alcotest_lwt for unit-tests.

  • Move capnp:// URI handling to Capnp_rpc_lwt.Capnp_address. This allows it to be shared with the Mirage code.

  • Add Capnp_rpc_lwt.VAT_NETWORK with simpler signature than S.VAT_NETWORK.

  • The address sub-module of S.NETWORK is now available separately as S.ADDRESS.