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🟦 - KOI

The whole point of this project is to learn how Next.js works. Therefore, the project is not significant as my other projects. Instead, it's simple.

🛠️ - Main technologies

Next.js  Jikan API  TypeScript  CSS  Styled Components

📚 - What I've learned

  • Pages & routing
  • getServerSideProps & getStaticProps
  • How the built-in CSS support works
  • Advantages and disadvantages of Next.js
  • And much more...

🎥 - Demo Video


📸 - Demo Images

Screenshot from 2022-11-20 08-17-41

Screenshot from 2022-11-20 08-18-04

Screenshot from 2022-11-20 08-18-14


Screenshot from 2022-11-20 08-18-48