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Hello World! 👋 I am Azwad, Mirza Mohammad Azwad.

I am currently a junior year student pursuing a BSc in Software Engineering at the Islamic University of Technology(IUT), Bangladesh. I have an inquisitive mind and am always willing to pickup new skills

Quote: " I do not wish to be just a name on a gravestone, rather I want to be remembered for my contributions"

My Portfolio: Click Here

📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn Gmail Facebook 

💼 Existing Skills

CC++C#PythonPHPJavaScriptHTML5CSS3MySQL.NetReactJSBootstrapExpressJSNodeJSMongoDBOracle XEPostgresJava

📊 Contribution Graph


🔥 Streaks

Mirza Mohammad Azwad

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🔭 My Projects

Project Title Description
Bit-MIST Hackathon My first ever hackathon, this project was built using html, css and vanilla JS only. In this event my teammates and I achieved the 2nd Position
Ed-Ez Online education platform which is basically a clone of google classroom but with no frameworks using HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and mySQL for
Software Project Lab-1(SWE 4304) of BSc in SWE, IUT
MedGuard A pharmacy management system using MERN stack for
Software Project Lab-II(SWE 4404) of BSc in SWE, IUT
Vaccine App A project we had to make for the BUET CSE Fest Hackathon 2023 which helped us standout and achieve the third position in the Dev Ops segment, it was build in the MERN stack, with the frontend deployed to netlify and the backend to gcloud using cloud run, with github workflows to essentially simulate a CI/CD pipeline and terraform for automated provision of resources. My teammates and I received 3rd position with this project
TaxWizard A project we had to make for the DU ITverse Hackathon 2023 which helped us standout and achieve the third position in the Dev Ops segment, it was an express app and deployed to gcloud using cloud run, with github workflows to essentially simulate a CI/CD pipeline and terraform for automated provision of resources run
Diving Deeper My first game development project which we used to participate in the Brackleys GameJam 2023.2 with the theme "Diving Deeper"
Laundry Management System Laundry Management System created for my SWE 4538 Server Programming course, this makes use of mongoDB, React with Vite using Typescript, Express and Node This is an application built for my Design Project course which involves machine learning simulations, it was built using react typescript and python-django with mongoDB as the database, the front-end was deployed using netlify with the backend using cloudrun
For academic content and research works, I recommend visiting my other github profile that is Github

For professional content, I recommend visiting my other github profile that is Github