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Multi-threaded Command multiplexer for SSH wich features shell commands forwarder ( with verbose output ), connection-only mode and csv reports.


Installing required modules

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Make the script executable ( waiting for an installer :P )

chmod +x

...and start the script and dive into the arguments :)

./ --help


Swarm can be use mainly for two tasks:

  • Checking the SSH connectivity of remote(s) host(s)
  • Forward a shell command trought ssh to remote(s) host(s)

Required arguments

There are, despite of your scope, some arguments that are required.

-i, --ips: Targets IPs for the swarm to connect to. IPs can be specified in comma-separeted format within the command line or can be specified a file with an ip on evely line.

./ --ips,
./ --ips ip_list.txt

-u, --ssh-user: Username used to connect to remote(s) host(s).

-p, --ssh-password: Password used to connect to remote(s) host(s).

Use Case #1: Checking the SSH connectivity

To only check if a remote ssh connection can be made the swarm arguments are these

./ --ips, -u username -p password --connect-only --verbose

Use Case #2: Checking the SSH connectivity

To forward a shell command to remote(s) host(s)

./ --ips, -u username -p password --cmd "uname -a" -v

This command will connect to remote host(s) and forwardthe command specified with the --cmd parameter.

Extra Arguments

Multithreading ( -t, --threads )

./ --ips ip_list.txt --cmd "uname -a" --threads 20

Change the default multithread limit ( Default: 4 ) to customize the speed.

Tip: Avoid thread > ~200 this will break the ulimit.

Create a Report ( -o, --output )

./ --ips ip_list.txt --cmd "uname -a" -o report

Creates a report of the swarm action. The output will be a csv file named: <name_specified>.swarm.csv and will have a record for every remote host the swarm connects to.

How to Contribute

  1. Clone repo and create a new branch: $ git checkout -b name_for_new_branch.
  2. Make changes and test
  3. Submit Pull Request with comprehensive description of changes