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Promises/A+ solution with traceable fused that ease debugging to async code


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This is an Promises/A+ solution with traceable fused that ease debugging to async code.


Returns a Promise/A+ object that is to be fulfilled or rejected in the future or immediately. Specifically promise objects created by this library relies on the promise package.

However for arguments that requires a promise object, any objects of Promise/A+ implementation should work.

Long stack trace

All errors raised during asynchronous callback are all processed by the traceable package so you can access the stack trace of the previous event loop.

when(function (then) {
    fs.readFile('/inexist/path', then(function (data) { }));
}).catch(function (err) {
    console.log(err.stack);      // Error: ENOENT: ... at Error (native)
    console.log(err.asyncStack); // Error at myfile.js:2:35 at ...

Resolving routine

With handler and fulfilling value:

  • If handler is a function, call the function with the fulfilling value:
    • If exception raised during callback or an Error object is returned, follow the error handling routine.
    • Otherwise let handler to be the returned value and continue.
  • If handler is a promise object, wait until:
    • When that promise is fulfilled, fulfill with its fulfilling value.
    • When that promise is rejected, follow the error handling routine.
  • If handler is not undefined fulfill with handler.
  • Otherwise fulfill with fulfilling value or otherwise specified (null action).

Error handling routine

With handler and error:

  • If handler is a function, follow resolving routine with handler and null action being rejecting with the same error.
  • If handler is a map:
    • If exception code (i.e. Error#name or Error#code) is one of the keys:
      • If the associated map value is a string, reject with an error with the new code and same message.
      • If the associated map value is a function, follow the error handling routine again.
    • If the default key presents on the map:
      • Follow the subroutine as if the exception code is one of the keys.
  • Otherwise reject with the same error.
when(promise, function (value) {
    return anotherPromise; // Take the state of `anotherPromise`
    return anotherValue;   // Fulfull with `anotherValue`
    throw new Error();     // Call `onerror` if supplied or reject with error
when(promise, function (value) {
    console.log(value);    // Tap on fulfillment
when(promise, null, function (err) {
    return anotherPromise; // Take the state of `anotherPromise`
    return value;          // Fulfill with `value` instead of rejection
    throw new Error();     // Reject with new error 
when(promise, null, function (err) {
    console.log(err);      // Tap on rejection
when(promise, null, {
    ETIMEOUT: function () {
        return null;       // Ignore ETIMEOUT error
    default: 'ENOENT'      // Throw ENOENT in case of any other errors

// Combining `then` and `onerror`
when(promise, function (value) {
    /* `onerror` will be called with the raised exception */
    throw new Error();
}, function (err) {
    /* Reach here when promise is fulfilled or rejected */

It is very similar to calling Promise#then(then, onerror) except that

  • onerror can catch any exceptions or errors from then; and
  • any asynchronous subsequent exceptions or errors from then and onerror.

So retry can be easily written as

var retryCount = 0;
when(promise, doSomething, function (err) {
    // When retried less than 5 times
    // run again and let the promise to follow the state again
    // if `doSomething` fails again this error handler will be called again 
    if (++retryCount < 5) {
        return doSomething();

when(fn, [onerror])

Runs the callback fn and returns a promise object.

when(function (then) { /* do something */ });

The fn function receives a function argument then. The primary usage of then is to deal with Node.js callback pattern.

If then is called with handler, it returns a callback function that handles Node.js callback where:

  • If error is received, follow the error handling routine with onerror as handler.
  • Otherwise follow the resolving routine with handler as handler and null action being doing nothing.
// Promise fulfilled with the file size
when(function (then) {
    fs.stat('/path/to/file', then(function (data) {
        return data.size;

// Promise fulfilled with `fs.Stats`
when(function (then) {
    fs.stat('/path/to/file', then());

// Promise that check if the file exists and then read the file content
when(function (then) {
    fs.stat('/path/to/file', then(function (data) {
        fs.readFile('/path/to/file', then());
        // Does not return anything so the promise is not fulfilled at this time
        // promise will be fulfilled with file content when callback of `fs.readFile` is called

when(value, [then], [onerror])

If none of the overloads listed below matches, returns a fulfilled promise with value. then and onerror will be supplied as handlers for resolving routine and error handling rountine.

when(Promise, [then], [onerror])

Returns a promise that wait until the given promise is fulfilled or rejected, and resolve the promise by resolving routine with the fulfilled value as handler.

// Promise fulfilled with 2
when(promiseOne, function (value) {
    assert(value === 1);
    return value * 2;

when(Array<Promise>, [then], [onerror])

Returns a promise that wait until all promises are fulfilled or rejected:

  • If any promises is rejected, follow the error handling routine with the first encountered error.
  • Otherwise follow the resolving routine with an array of fulfilled values as handler.

If more than one promise is rejected, other errors will sinked silently. To catch the sinked errors use when.monitor.

when([promiseUndefined, promiseOne, promiseTwo], function (data) {
    assert(data.length === 3);       // Outcome array has the same length
    assert(data[0] === undefined);   // Undefined result stay in the correct index
    assert(data[1] === 1);
    assert(data[2] === 2);

when(Object<Promise>, [then], [onerror])

Returns a promise that wait until all promises are fulfilled or rejected:

  • If any promises is rejected, follow the error handling routine with the first encountered error.
  • Otherwise follow the resolving routine with a map of fulfilled values as handler.

If more than one promise is rejected, other errors will sinked silently. To catch the sinked errors use when.monitor.

    one: promiseOne,
    two: promiseTwo
}, function (data) {
    assert( === 1);
    assert(data.two === 2);

when(EventEmitter, [eventHandlers], [onerror])

Returns a promise that:

  • When the EventEmitter emits an error event, follow the error handling routine with the error.
  • If listened event is emitted, follow the resolving routine with the first argument as handler.
// Fulfill when response emit `end` event with the first argument
// Reject when response emit `error` event
when(response, 'end');

// Fulfill when response emit `end` event with custom value
when(response, 'end', function () {
    return state;

// Fulfill on multiple event
when(response, {
    end: function () { /* ... */ },
    close: function () { /* ... */ }


Returns a promise that sequentially calls the functions.

The promise will always be resolved after call on the last element. Any exception raised in callback will not break the asynchronous loop. To catch the sinked errors use when.monitor.

when([printOne, printTwo, printThree]); // Print out "123"


Returns a rejected promise with the given error.

Utilities, callback, [then], [onerror])

Calls callback on each element in the array, creating promise objects on each value from the calls, and returns a promise that wait until all promises are fulfilled or rejected.

// Promise fulfilled with [1, 4, 9][1, 2, 3], function (number) {
    return squarePromise(number);

// Both the immediately returned promises and the fulfilled values of the promises
// are flatten if their elements contains arrays
// the following promise is fulfilled with [2, 3, 1, 4, 6, 4, 6, 9, 9][1, 2, 3], function (number) {
    return [

// Promises and values can be mixed on the map callback
// the following promise is fulfilled with [1, 4, 3][1, 2, 3], function (number) {
    return isOdd(number) ? number : doublePromise(number);

when.forEach(array, callback, [then], [onerror])

Sequentially calls callback on each element in the array after the promise returned from the last call is fulfilled or rejected.

The promise will always be resolved after call on the last element. Any exception raised in callback will not break the asynchronous loop. To catch the sinked errors use when.monitor.

// `arr` will contain the exact sequence of numbers as the input array
var arr = [];
when.forEach([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], function (number) {
    return delayRandomPromise(function () {

when.while(fn, [then], [onerror])

Asychronous version of while((value = fn(value)) !== false). The fulfilled value returned from the fn callback will be tested and as the parameter of the next call to fn.

var result = [];
when.while(function (pageIndex) {
    return when(getPagedResult(pageIndex || 0), function (data) {
        Array.prototype.push.apply(result, data.items);
        // If there is next page of results return the next page index
        // `fn` will be called with the returned page index
        if (data.hasNextPage) {
            return (pageIndex || 0) + 1;
        // Return `false` to end the asynchronous loop
        // Can also return a promise if it is not immediately available
        return false;
// Resolve the promise from `when.while` by the combined results

when.monitor([options], callback)

By this the returned promise object is exteneded with EventEmitter so you can listen various event.

timeout event

If timeout options is specified, the timeout event is emitted when one of the promise in the promise chain did not fulfill or reject in the given amount of time.

The error object is raised with call stack information about the promise creation location.

    // timeout in milliseconds
    timeout: 10000 
}, function () {
    return wontFulfillPromise();
}).on('timeout', function (err) {
    // prints call stack where the promise has been created
uncaughtException event

The uncaughtException event is emitted when creating a promise from an array of promise, where only the first encountered error is propagated through the promise chain.

The other errors they are considered uncaught and will be sinked silently. By attaching a monitor you can catch those errors.

when.monitor(function () {
    return when([
}).on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
    // uncaughtException event will be emitted two times


Promises/A+ solution with traceable fused that ease debugging to async code







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