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Android Application using Kotlin and XML
Android Application Contains:

  1. The app should contain an onboarding screen, containing three screens with a skip button and a ready (Get Started) button.
  2. The home screen will appear after the ready button is clicked or the app opened more than 1 time, containing two buttons “feeds” and “upload”.
  3. Feed Button: When clicked, the user should be redirected to a new screen
    o Use (any public) API to fetch images and render them on the feed.
    o Feed should contain 10 images fetched by API and change on every refresh in a recycler view.
  4. Upload Image: When clicked, the user should be redirected to the new screen.
    o User can select the image from the gallery
    The unsplash API is used here for fetching random images and use 'latest button' to refresh the new images

1. Tutorial Screens

2. Upload Image and feed Screen


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