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avidemux: 2.6.4, --HEAD and builds with clang
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A major rework of this formula.
Removed patch and some inreplace and fixes we needed earlier.
Need to deparallelize the core build, too.

Unfortunately, still doesn't build with SDL.
In the Qt-GUI it reports that the build options don't include
gettext, freetype etc. but in fact we added all of them and during
the build Avidemux seems to pick them up correctly. Therefore, the
GUI reporting code is perhaps broken.
  • Loading branch information
samueljohn committed Aug 28, 2013
1 parent 207f8f8 commit e31b48c
Showing 1 changed file with 98 additions and 150 deletions.
248 changes: 98 additions & 150 deletions Library/Formula/avidemux.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
require 'formula'

# Help! Wanted: someone who can get Avidemux working with SDL.

class Avidemux < Formula
homepage ''
url ''
sha1 '47205c236bf6a4435b9d4dd944493c7b7e2752f5'

head ''
url ''
sha1 '7ed55fd5cfb6cfa73ebb9058af72fa2e3c9717c3'
head 'git://'

option 'with-debug', 'Enable debug build.'

Expand All @@ -14,75 +15,53 @@ class Avidemux < Formula
depends_on 'yasm' => :build
depends_on :fontconfig
depends_on 'gettext'
depends_on 'aften'
depends_on 'mad'
depends_on 'lame'
depends_on 'faad2'
depends_on 'faac'
depends_on 'a52dec'
depends_on 'libdca'
depends_on 'libogg'
depends_on 'libvpx'
depends_on 'libvorbis'
depends_on 'opencore-amr'
depends_on 'xvid'
depends_on 'x264'
depends_on 'qt' => :optional

fails_with :clang do
build 425
cause "error: ambiguous instructions require an explicit suffix"
depends_on 'x264' => :recommended
depends_on 'faac' => :recommended
depends_on 'faad2' => :recommended
depends_on 'lame' => :recommended
depends_on 'xvid' => :recommended
depends_on :freetype => :recommended
depends_on 'theora' => :recommended
depends_on 'libvorbis' => :recommended
depends_on 'libvpx' => :recommended
depends_on 'rtmpdump' => :recommended
depends_on 'opencore-amr' => :recommended
depends_on 'libvo-aacenc' => :recommended
depends_on 'libass' => :recommended
depends_on 'openjpeg' => :recommended
depends_on 'speex' => :recommended
depends_on 'schroedinger' => :recommended
depends_on 'fdk-aac' => :recommended
depends_on 'opus' => :recommended
depends_on 'frei0r' => :recommended
depends_on 'libcaca' => :recommended
depends_on 'qt' => :recommended

def patches
# Symbols undefined due to optimization. Fixed in head. Remove @ 2.5.7.
DATA if Hardware.is_32_bit? and not build.head?

def install
# Avidemux is coded to use the .svn or .git directory to find its revision,
# but neither vcs copies those during clone from the cache to the stagedir.
# Modify cmake/admMainChecks.cmake to look in the Homebrew cache.
if build.head?
inreplace 'CMakeLists.txt',
"admGetRevision(\"#{cached_download}\" ADM_SUBVERSION)"

# Turn off CMake's builtin app packager for the CLI that we want loose.
inreplace 'avidemux/CMakeLists.txt',
'avidemux2_cli MACOSX_BUNDLE',

# Use an identifier that is unique to this app following Apple style.
inreplace 'avidemux/CMakeLists.txt',
'SET(MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER org.avidemux.avidemux2)'
ENV['REV'] = version.to_s

# For 32-bit compilation under gcc 4.2, see:
if MacOS.version <= :leopard or Hardware.is_32_bit?
if MacOS.version <= :leopard or Hardware.is_32_bit? && Hardware.cpu_type == :intel && ENV.compiler == :clang
inreplace 'cmake/admFFmpegBuild.cmake',
'${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} --extra-cflags=-mdynamic-no-pic)'

# Build the core.
gettext = Formula.factory('gettext')
mkdir 'corebuild' do
args = std_cmake_args + %W[
# Build the core
mkdir 'buildCore' do
args = std_cmake_args
args << "-DAVIDEMUX_SOURCE_DIR=#{buildpath}"
args << "-DGETTEXT_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula.factory('gettext').opt_prefix}/include"
# Todo: We could depend on SDL and then remove the `-DSDL=OFF` arguments
# but I got build errors about NSview.
args << "-DSDL=OFF"

if build.with? 'debug'
args << '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug'

if ENV.compiler == :clang
Expand All @@ -91,113 +70,82 @@ def install
args << '-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG=-ggdb3'
args << buildpath

args << '../avidemux_core'
system "cmake", *args
# Parallel build sometimes fails with: "ld: library not found for -lADM6avcodec"
system "make"
system "make install"

# g++ links the core applications against unversioned dylibs
# from an internal ffmpeg, even though CMake specifies versioned
# dylibs. CMake then installs the versioned ffmpeg dylibs only.
# This patch creates the missing symlinks for unversioned libs.
# * The lib version numbers are either one or two digits.
# * The version numbers change every couple of months.
# * So this finds the file first, then makes a symlink.
# * The result of this code is a command like this:
# ln_sf lib+'libADM5avcodec.53.dylib', lib+'libADM5avcodec.dylib'
ffpref = 'libADM5'
ffsuff = '.dylib'
%w{ avcodec avformat avutil postproc swscale }.each do |fflib|
ffpat = ffpref+fflib+'.{?,??}'+ffsuff
ffpat = lib+ffpat
nonver = ffpref+fflib+ffsuff
nonver = lib+nonver
hasver = Dir[ffpat]
ln_sf hasver.to_s, nonver.to_s
system "make", "install"
# There is no ENV.parallelize, so:
ENV['MAKEFLAGS'] = "-j#{ENV.make_jobs}"

mkdir 'plugbuild' do
args = std_cmake_args + %W[
# UIs: Build Qt4 and cli
interfaces = ['cli']
interfaces << 'qt4' if build.with? 'qt'
interfaces.each do |interface|
mkdir "build#{interface}" do
args = std_cmake_args
args << "-DAVIDEMUX_SOURCE_DIR=#{buildpath}"
args << "-DAVIDEMUX_LIB_DIR=#{lib}"
# If you get SDL to work with avidemux, you might still need to add -I like so:
# args << "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-I#{Formula.factory('sdl').opt_prefix}/include/SDL"
args << "-DSDL=OFF"
args << "../avidemux/#{interface}"
system "cmake", *args
system "make"
system "make", "install"

if build.with? 'debug'
args << '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug'
if ENV.compiler != :clang
args << '-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG=-ggdb3'
args << '-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG=-ggdb3'
# Plugins
plugins = ['COMMON', 'CLI']
plugins << 'QT4' if build.with? 'qt'
plugins.each do |plugin|
mkdir "buildplugin#{plugin}" do
args = std_cmake_args + %W[

if build.with? 'debug'
args << '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug'
if ENV.compiler != :clang
args << '-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG=-ggdb3'
args << '-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG=-ggdb3'
args << "#{buildpath}/plugins"
system "cmake", *args
system "make"

# Two dylibs that are only built as part of the Qt gui need an RPATH
# set on their internal deps. Check if Qt4 exists before patching them,
# otherwise the inreplaces will fail.
if build.with? 'qt'
inreplace 'ADM_videoEncoder/ADM_vidEnc_xvid/qt4/cmake_install.cmake',
inreplace 'ADM_videoEncoder/ADM_vidEnc_x264/qt4/cmake_install.cmake',
args << "../avidemux_plugins"
system "cmake", *args
system "make"
system "make install"

system "make install"

# The post-build code to finalize the Qt app using BundleUtilities()
# was never finished, and does not work atm. So do these manually
# if the Qt gui was built:
# 1. The plugin loading code looks for plugins in two places:
# ../lib
# ~/.plugins
# 2. So create a lib directory in the .app, one level up.
# 3. and copy all the plugins we made to it,
# 4. but omit any plugins that are for the CLI only.
# 5. CLI only files end in cli.dylib.
if File.exists? prefix+''
app_lib_path = prefix+''
app_plug_path = prefix+''
cellar_plug_path = lib+'ADM_plugins'
mkdir_p app_lib_path
cp_r cellar_plug_path, app_lib_path
app_plug_path.find do |f|
rm f if File.fnmatch('*cli.dylib', f)
end # of plugbuild
# Steps from the bootStrapOsx.bash:
app = prefix/""
mkdir_p app/"Resources"
mkdir_p app/"MacOS"
cp_r "./cmake/osx/Avidemux2.6", app/"MacOS/"
chmod 0755, app/"MacOS/"
cp_r Formula.factory('qt').opt_prefix/"lib/QtGui.framework/Resources/qt_menu.nib", app/"MacOS/" if build.with? 'qt'
cp "./cmake/osx/Info.plist", app
ln_s lib, app/"Resources/"
ln_s bin, app/"Resources/"
cp Dir["./cmake/osx/*.icns"], app/"Resources/"

def caveats
if build.with? 'qt' then <<-EOS.undent
The Qt GUI has been installed to
You may want to `brew linkapps` to link the Qt GUI app
#{opt_prefix}/ it to `~/Applications`.
To enable sound: In preferences, set the audio to CoreAudio instead of Dummy.

--- a/avidemux/ADM_core/include/ADM_mangle.h 2011-12-28 16:32:37.000000000 -0800
+++ b/avidemux/ADM_core/include/ADM_mangle.h 2012-04-07 10:49:11.000000000 -0700
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
# else
# define MANGLE(a) "_" #a
# define FUNNY_MANGLE(x) __attribute__((used)) x asm(MANGLE(x))
-# define FUNNY_MANGLE_ARRAY(x, y) x[y] asm(MANGLE(x))
+# define FUNNY_MANGLE_ARRAY(x, y) __attribute__((used)) x[y] asm(MANGLE(x))
# endif
# if defined(ADM_CPU_X86_64) && defined(PIC)

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