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chacha20: do not inline quarter round
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andres-erbsen committed Dec 30, 2020
1 parent 17a8c9f commit bcd4bcf
Showing 1 changed file with 54 additions and 55 deletions.
109 changes: 54 additions & 55 deletions bedrock2/src/bedrock2Examples/chacha20.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,64 +1,63 @@
Require Import bedrock2.BasicC64Semantics bedrock2.NotationsInConstr coqutil.Z.HexNotation.

Import Syntax BinInt String List.ListNotations.
Local Open Scope string_scope. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Local Open Scope list_scope.
Local Coercion var (x : string) : Syntax.expr := Syntax.expr.var x.

From coqutil.Macros Require Import unique subst.

Import BinInt String.
Require bedrock2.BasicC64Semantics bedrock2.NotationsCustomEntry coqutil.Z.HexNotation.
Import BinInt String List.ListNotations.
Local Open Scope string_scope. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Local Open Scope list_scope.

Section chacha20.
Import bedrock2.NotationsInConstr.
Local Coercion literal (z : Z) : expr := expr.literal z.

Notation "x <<< n" := ((x << (n%Z)%bedrock_expr) .| (x >> (32 - n%Z)))%bedrock_expr (at level 100) : bedrock_expr.
Notation "a <<<= b" := (subst! a for x in (x = (x <<< b)))%bedrock_cmd (at level 75) : bedrock_cmd.
Notation "a ^= b" := (subst! a for x in (x = (x .^ b)))%bedrock_cmd (at level 75) : bedrock_cmd.
Notation "a += b" := (subst! a for x in (x = (x + b)))%bedrock_cmd (at level 75) : bedrock_cmd.

Definition QUARTERROUND (a b c d : String.string) : cmd :=
a += b;; d ^= a;; d <<<= 16;;
c += d;; b ^= c;; b <<<= 12;;
a += b;; d ^= a;; d <<<= 8;;
c += d;; b ^= c;; b <<<= 7.

Let out := "out". Let key := "key". Let countervalue := "countervalue". Let nonce := "nonce".
Let i := "i".
Let x0 := "x0". Let x1 := "x1". Let x2 := "x2". Let x3 := "x3".
Let x4 := "x4". Let x5 := "x5". Let x6 := "x6". Let x7 := "x7".
Let x8 := "x8". Let x9 := "x9". Let x10 := "x10". Let x11 := "x11".
Let x12 := "x12". Let x13 := "x13". Let x14 := "x14". Let x15 := "x15".
Definition xorout o x : cmd := *(uint32_t*)((out+literal(4*o))%bedrock_expr) = *(uint32_t*)((out+literal(4*o))) .^ x.
Definition chacha20_block := ((out::key::nonce::countervalue::nil), @nil String.string, bedrock_func_body:(
x0 = Ox"61707865";; x1 = Ox"3320646e";; x2 = Ox"79622d32";; x3 = Ox"6b206574";;
x4 = *(uint32_t*) key;; x5 = *(uint32_t*) (key+4);; x6 = *(uint32_t*) (key+8);; x7 = *(uint32_t*) (key+12);;
x8 = *(uint32_t*) (key+16);; x9 = *(uint32_t*) (key+20);; x10 = *(uint32_t*) (key+24);; x11 = *(uint32_t*) (key+28);;
x12 = countervalue;; x13 = *(uint32_t*) nonce;; x14 = *(uint32_t*) (nonce+4);; x15 = *(uint32_t*) (nonce+8);;
i = 0;; while (i < 10) {{ i += 1;;
QUARTERROUND x0 x4 x8 x12;;
QUARTERROUND x1 x5 x9 x13;;
QUARTERROUND x2 x6 x10 x14;;
QUARTERROUND x3 x7 x11 x15;;
QUARTERROUND x0 x5 x10 x15;;
QUARTERROUND x1 x6 x11 x12;;
QUARTERROUND x2 x7 x8 x13;;
QUARTERROUND x3 x4 x9 x14
x0 += Ox"61707865";; x1 += Ox"3320646e";; x2 += Ox"79622d32";; x3 += Ox"6b206574";;
x4 += *(uint32_t*) key;; x5 += *(uint32_t*) (key+4);; x6 += *(uint32_t*) (key+8);; x7 += *(uint32_t*) (key+12);;
x8 += *(uint32_t*) (key+16);; x9 += *(uint32_t*) (key+20);; x10 += *(uint32_t*) (key+24);; x11 += *(uint32_t*) (key+28);;
x12 += countervalue;; x13 += *(uint32_t*) nonce;; x14 += *(uint32_t*) (nonce+4);; x15 += *(uint32_t*) (nonce+8);;
xorout 0 x0;; xorout 1 x1;; xorout 2 x2;; xorout 3 x3;;
xorout 4 x4;; xorout 5 x5;; xorout 6 x6;; xorout 7 x7;;
xorout 8 x8;; xorout 9 x9;; xorout 10 x10;; xorout 11 x11;;
xorout 12 x12;; xorout 13 x13;; xorout 14 x14;; xorout 15 x15
Import bedrock2.Syntax Syntax.Coercions NotationsCustomEntry HexNotation.

Local Notation "x <<< n" := (bedrock_expr:((x<<coq:(expr.literal n)) | (x>>coq:(expr.literal (32-(n:Z)))))) (in custom bedrock_expr at level 2, left associativity).
Local Notation "x <<<= n" := (bedrock_cmd:(x = (x<<<n))) (in custom bedrock_cmd at level 0, x global, n bigint).
Local Notation "x ^= e" := (bedrock_cmd:(x = (x^e))) (in custom bedrock_cmd at level 0, x global, e custom bedrock_expr at level 999).
Local Notation "x += e" := (bedrock_cmd:(x = (x+e))) (in custom bedrock_cmd at level 0, x global, e custom bedrock_expr at level 999).

Definition chacha20_quarter : func :=
let a := "a" in let b := "b" in let c := "c" in let d := "d" in
("chacha20_quarter", ([a;b;c;d], [a;b;c;d], bedrock_func_body:(
a += b; d ^= a; d <<<= 16;
c += d; b ^= c; b <<<= 12;
a += b; d ^= a; d <<<= 8;
c += d; b ^= c; b <<<= 7

Definition chacha20_block : func :=
let key := "key" in let countervalue := "countervalue" in let nonce := "nonce" in let i := "i" in
let x0 := "x0" in let x1 := "x1" in let x2 := "x2" in let x3 := "x3" in
let x4 := "x4" in let x5 := "x5" in let x6 := "x6" in let x7 := "x7" in
let x8 := "x8" in let x9 := "x9" in let x10 := "x10" in let x11 := "x11" in
let x12 := "x12" in let x13 := "x13" in let x14 := "x14" in let x15 := "x15" in
let out := "out" in
let xorout o x : cmd :=
let addr := bedrock_expr:((out+coq:(expr.literal(4*o)))) in
bedrock_cmd:(store4(addr, load4(addr)^x)) in
("chacha20_block", ([out; key; nonce; countervalue], [], bedrock_func_body:(
x0 = coq:(Ox"61707865"); x1 = coq:(Ox"3320646e"); x2 = coq:(Ox"79622d32"); x3 = coq:(Ox"6b206574");
x4 = load4(key); x5 = load4(key+coq:(4)); x6 = load4(key+coq:(8)); x7 = load4(key+coq:(12));
x8 = load4(key+coq:(16)); x9 = load4(key+coq:(20)); x10 = load4(key+coq:(24)); x11 = load4(key+coq:(28));
x12 = countervalue; x13 = load4(nonce); x14 = load4(nonce+coq:(4)); x15 = load4(nonce+coq:(8));
i = coq:(0); while (i < coq:(10)) { i += coq:(1);
(x0, x4, x8, x12) = chacha20_quarter( x0, x4, x8, x12);
(x1, x5, x9, x13) = chacha20_quarter( x1, x5, x9, x13);
(x2, x6, x10, x14) = chacha20_quarter( x2, x6, x10, x14);
(x3, x7, x11, x15) = chacha20_quarter( x3, x7, x11, x15);
(x0, x5, x10, x15) = chacha20_quarter( x0, x5, x10, x15);
(x1, x6, x11, x12) = chacha20_quarter( x1, x6, x11, x12);
(x2, x7, x8, x13) = chacha20_quarter( x2, x7, x8, x13);
(x3, x4, x9, x1) = chacha20_quarter( x3, x4, x9, x14)
x0 += coq:(Ox"61707865"); x1 += coq:(Ox"3320646e"); x2 += coq:(Ox"79622d32"); x3 += coq:(Ox"6b206574");
x4 += load4(key); x5 += load4(key+coq:(4)); x6 += load4(key+coq:(8)); x7 += load4(key+coq:(12));
x8 += load4(key+coq:(16)); x9 += load4(key+coq:(20)); x10 += load4(key+coq:(24)); x11 += load4(key+coq:(28));
x12 += countervalue; x13 += load4(nonce); x14 += load4(nonce+coq:(4)); x15 += load4(nonce+coq:(8));
coq:(xorout 0 x0); coq:(xorout 1 x1); coq:(xorout 2 x2); coq:(xorout 3 x3);
coq:(xorout 4 x4); coq:(xorout 5 x5); coq:(xorout 6 x6); coq:(xorout 7 x7);
coq:(xorout 8 x8); coq:(xorout 9 x9); coq:(xorout 10 x10); coq:(xorout 11 x11);
coq:(xorout 12 x12); coq:(xorout 13 x13); coq:(xorout 14 x14); coq:(xorout 15 x15)
End chacha20.

Require bedrock2.ToCString.
Example chacha20_block_c_string := Eval vm_compute in
BasicC64Syntax.c_func ("chacha20_block", (chacha20_block )).
ToCString.c_module [chacha20_quarter; chacha20_block].
Print chacha20_block_c_string.

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