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Adapt to coq/coq#18590 (#105)
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proux01 committed Feb 22, 2024
1 parent 157f134 commit b681070
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Showing 8 changed files with 48 additions and 25 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/Common.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -479,8 +479,10 @@ Class ReflexiveT A (R : A -> A -> Type) :=
Class TransitiveT A (R : A -> A -> Type) :=
transitivityT : forall x y z, R x y -> R y z -> R x z.
Class PreOrderT A (R : A -> A -> Type) :=
{ PreOrderT_ReflexiveT :> ReflexiveT R;
PreOrderT_TransitiveT :> TransitiveT R }.
{ PreOrderT_ReflexiveT : ReflexiveT R;
PreOrderT_TransitiveT : TransitiveT R }.
#[global] Existing Instance PreOrderT_ReflexiveT.
#[global] Existing Instance PreOrderT_TransitiveT.
Definition respectful_heteroT A B C D
(R : A -> B -> Type)
(R' : forall (x : A) (y : B), C x -> D y -> Type)
Expand Down
24 changes: 16 additions & 8 deletions src/Common/Frame.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -283,10 +283,11 @@ Arguments PreO.max {A} {le} _ _ _.
such that [eq x y] exactly when both [le x y] and [le y x]. *)
Module PO.
Class t {A : Type} {le : A -> A -> Prop} {eq : A -> A -> Prop} : Prop :=
{ PreO :> PreO.t le
{ PreO : PreO.t le
; le_proper : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> iff) le
; le_antisym : forall x y, le x y -> le y x -> eq x y
#[global] Existing Instance PreO.

Arguments t {A} le eq.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -494,10 +495,11 @@ Module JoinLat.
a join semi-lattice? We need [le] and [eq] to be a partial order,
and we need our [max] operation to actually implement a maximum. *)
Class t {A : Type} {O : Ops A} : Prop :=
{ PO :> PO.t le eq
{ PO : PO.t le eq
; max_proper : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) max
; max_ok : forall l r, PreO.max (le := le) l r (max l r)
#[global] Existing Instance PO.

Arguments t : clear implicits.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -670,10 +672,11 @@ Module MeetLat.
Arguments Ops : clear implicits.

Class t {A : Type} {O : Ops A} : Prop :=
{ PO :> PO.t le eq
{ PO : PO.t le eq
; min_proper : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) min
; min_ok : forall l r, PreO.min (le := le) l r (min l r)
#[global] Existing Instance PO.

Arguments t : clear implicits.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -866,12 +869,13 @@ Module Lattice.
Arguments Ops : clear implicits.

Class t {A : Type} {O : Ops A} : Prop :=
{ PO :> PO.t le eq
{ PO : PO.t le eq
; max_proper : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) max
; max_ok : forall l r, PreO.max (le := le) l r (max l r)
; min_proper : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) min
; min_ok : forall l r, PreO.min (le := le) l r (min l r)
#[global] Existing Instance PO.

Arguments t : clear implicits.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1257,20 +1261,22 @@ End CompleteLattice.
Module Frame.
Class Ops {A} :=
{ LOps :> L.Ops A
{ LOps : L.Ops A
; sup : forall {Ix : Type}, (Ix -> A) -> A
#[global] Existing Instance LOps.

Arguments Ops : clear implicits.

Class t {A} {OA : Ops A}: Type :=
{ L :> L.t A LOps
{ L : L.t A LOps
; sup_proper : forall {Ix : Type},
Proper (pointwise_relation _ L.eq ==> L.eq) (@sup _ _ Ix)
; sup_ok : forall {Ix : Type} (f : Ix -> A), PreO.sup (le := L.le) f (sup f)
; sup_distr : forall x {Ix : Type} (f : Ix -> A)
, L.eq (L.min x (sup f)) (sup (fun i => L.min x (f i)))
#[global] Existing Instance L.

Arguments t : clear implicits.
Section Facts.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1489,12 +1495,14 @@ Module CommIdemSG.
(** [dot] is a binary operation which is commutative, idempotent, and
associative. It is effectively a max or min. *)
Class t {A} {eq : A -> A -> Prop} {dot : A -> A -> A} :=
{ eq_equiv :> Equivalence eq
; dot_proper :> Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) dot
{ eq_equiv : Equivalence eq
; dot_proper : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) dot
; dot_idempotent : forall a, eq (dot a a) a
; dot_comm : forall a b, eq (dot a b) (dot b a)
; dot_assoc : forall a b c, eq (dot a (dot b c)) (dot (dot a b) c)
#[global] Existing Instance eq_equiv.
#[global] Existing Instance dot_proper.

Arguments t : clear implicits.

Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/Common/Gensym.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,10 +11,12 @@ Class PreGensym A :=
{ s_gt : A -> A -> Prop;
sym_init : A;
combine_symbols : A -> A -> A;
s_gt_Asymmetric :> Asymmetric s_gt;
s_gt_Transitive :> Transitive s_gt;
s_gt_Asymmetric : Asymmetric s_gt;
s_gt_Transitive : Transitive s_gt;
combine_respectful_l : forall x y, s_gt (combine_symbols x y) x;
combine_respectful_r : forall x y, s_gt (combine_symbols x y) y }.
#[global] Existing Instance s_gt_Asymmetric.
#[global] Existing Instance s_gt_Transitive.

Delimit Scope gensym_scope with gensym.
Infix ">" := s_gt : gensym_scope.
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/Common/Monad.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,14 +26,16 @@ Class MonadLaws M `{MonadOps M}
Arguments MonadLaws M {_}.

Class MonadTransformerOps (T : (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type))
:= { Tops :> forall M `{MonadOps M}, MonadOps (T M);
:= { Tops : forall M `{MonadOps M}, MonadOps (T M);
lift : forall {M} `{MonadOps M} {A}, M A -> T M A }.
#[global] Existing Instance Tops.

Class MonadTransformerLaws T `{MonadTransformerOps T}
:= { Tlaws :> forall {M} `{MonadLaws M}, MonadLaws (T M);
:= { Tlaws : forall {M} `{MonadLaws M}, MonadLaws (T M);
lift_ret : forall {M} `{MonadLaws M} {A} (x : A), lift (ret x) = ret x;
lift_bind : forall {M} `{MonadLaws M} {A B} (f : A -> M B) x,
lift (bind x f) = bind (lift x) (fun u => lift (f u)) }.
#[global] Existing Instance Tlaws.
Arguments MonadTransformerLaws T {_}.

Create HintDb monad discriminated.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Parsers/ContextFreeGrammar/Fix/Definitions.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ Proof.

Class grammar_fixedpoint_lattice_data prestate :=
{ state :> _ := lattice_for prestate;
{ state : _ := lattice_for prestate;
prestate_lt : prestate -> prestate -> bool;
state_lt : state -> state -> bool
:= lattice_for_lt prestate_lt;
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Parsers/ContextFreeGrammar/Fold.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ Section fold_correctness.
Ppat : nonterminals_listT -> production Char -> T -> Type;
Ppats : nonterminals_listT -> productions Char -> T -> Type }.
Class fold_grammar_correctness_data :=
{ fgccd :> fold_grammar_correctness_computational_data;
{ fgccd : fold_grammar_correctness_computational_data;
Pnt_lift : forall valid0 nt value,
sub_nonterminals_listT valid0 initial_nonterminals_data
-> is_valid_nonterminal valid0 (of_nonterminal nt)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ Section fold_correctness.
-> Ppat valid0 x p
-> Ppats valid0 xs ps
-> Ppats valid0 (x::xs) (combine_productions p ps) }.
#[global] Existing Instance fgccd.
Context {FGCD : fold_grammar_correctness_data}.

Lemma fold_production'_correct
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions src/Parsers/CorrectnessBaseTypes.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,10 @@ Section general.
: split_list_completeT split_string_for_production }.

Class boolean_parser_correctness_dataT :=
{ data :> boolean_parser_dataT;
rdata' :> @parser_removal_dataT' _ G _;
cdata' :> boolean_parser_completeness_dataT' }.
{ data : boolean_parser_dataT;
rdata' : @parser_removal_dataT' _ G _;
cdata' : boolean_parser_completeness_dataT' }.
#[global] Existing Instance data.
#[global] Existing Instance rdata'.
#[global] Existing Instance cdata'.
End general.
17 changes: 11 additions & 6 deletions src/Parsers/StringLike/Core.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Reserved Notation "[ x ]".
Module Export StringLike.
Class StringLikeMin {Char : Type} :=
String :> Type;
String : Type;
char_at_matches : nat -> String -> (Char -> bool) -> bool;
unsafe_get : nat -> String -> Char;
length : String -> nat
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,11 +114,11 @@ Module Export StringLike.
unsafe_get_correct : forall n s ch, get n s = Some ch -> unsafe_get n s = ch;
length_singleton : forall s ch, s ~= [ ch ] -> length s = 1;
bool_eq_char : forall s s' ch, s ~= [ ch ] -> s' ~= [ ch ] -> s =s s';
is_char_Proper :> Proper (beq ==> eq ==> eq) is_char;
length_Proper :> Proper (beq ==> eq) length;
take_Proper :> Proper (eq ==> beq ==> beq) take;
drop_Proper :> Proper (eq ==> beq ==> beq) drop;
bool_eq_Equivalence :> Equivalence beq;
is_char_Proper : Proper (beq ==> eq ==> eq) is_char;
length_Proper : Proper (beq ==> eq) length;
take_Proper : Proper (eq ==> beq ==> beq) take;
drop_Proper : Proper (eq ==> beq ==> beq) drop;
bool_eq_Equivalence : Equivalence beq;
bool_eq_empty : forall str str', length str = 0 -> length str' = 0 -> str =s str';
take_short_length : forall str n, n <= length str -> length (take n str) = n;
take_long : forall str n, length str <= n -> take n str =s str;
Expand All @@ -131,6 +131,11 @@ Module Export StringLike.
bool_eq_from_get : forall str str', (forall n, get n str = get n str') -> str =s str';
strings_nontrivial : forall n, exists str, length str = n
#[global] Existing Instance is_char_Proper.
#[global] Existing Instance length_Proper.
#[global] Existing Instance take_Proper.
#[global] Existing Instance drop_Proper.
#[global] Existing Instance bool_eq_Equivalence.

Class StringIsoProperties {Char} {HSLM} {HSL : @StringLike Char HSLM} {HSI : @StringIso Char HSLM} :=
Expand Down

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