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Dazza Greenwood edited this page Apr 21, 2019 · 1 revision

Comments and Context

Operating Environment

The top priority of this project is to catalyze open source and verifiable implementations of one or more automated systems that coherently, correctly and completely forms, maintains and dissolved a valid legal entity in the United States, such as a corporation or LLC. Another top priority is that the implementations are verifiably capable of effectively, lawfully and efficiently conducting one or more "business" transactions such as the purchase or sale of goods or services.

Business Environment

Communities interested in achieving valid legal automated or autonomous legal entities are focused on three different types of business environments, namely: proprietary network/platform environments, open web-based environment and various types of blockchain-based environments.

This project seeks first to establish verifiable requirements, constraints and initial best practices for fully automated valid legal entities that are capable of conducting business transactions and other necessary functions while operating in open web-based environments. This project prefers business use cases that achieve the simplest and more streamlined method of conducting such transactions, for purposes of proving the concept. Transactions such as the purchase or purchase or sale of digital information (text, images, audio, etc) that can be created, stored, transmitted and received by the automated entity. There are several options available and approaches to handling payments. Given payment of fees in USD to a state governmental entity is required to maintain the legl status of an entity, it is assumed that some method for transmitting and receiving USD must be a design requirement. If such payment capabilities are available for remitting fees to governmental entities, then presumably the same capability can operate to manage commercial or other business transactions. However, feedback on options for handling payment is requested and further consideration of payment is required before finalizing this aspect of potential design requirements.

The second design goal of this project focuses on operating in blockchain-based and other totally automated or autonomous business environments.

Legal Environment

Technical Environment

Automated Legal Entity

In-The-Loop and Extended Human Action

  • The Role of Human Acceptance, Agreement, Assent and Authorization

Partly Automated Valid Legal Entity

Fully Automated Valid Legal Entity

Autonomous Legal Entity

Alternatives to Human Action,

  • In lieu of Human Acceptance, Agreement, Assent and Authorization

Partly Autonomous Valid Legal Entity

Fully Autonomous Valid Legal Entity