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Web development is hard. You have to learn at least three languages to create an application that might take one on other platforms.

If I could get in a time machine and go back to the dawn of the web (and not try to reinvent everything) I'd probably try to implement something like a subset of YAML instead, perhaps with Python for scripting. (I might also like to separate documents from applications but that is a subject for another day.)

"Transpilers" and new languages are all the rage these days, so what's one more?? This is an experiment to see if YAML is usable for web markup and styles.

The included scripts convert YAML that looks like bare HTML or CSS and converts them to the real thing! This is similar to Haml & SASS/but without a custom language and ruby dependency.

Also thought about implementing a "yaml version of javascript" at some point but there is obviously a large mismatch to overcome. Nice things like coffeescript, typescript, pyjs, and brython already exist, however. I recommend those as companions, see for a nice list.


There are still a few awkward issues to address in the conversion, though I've already squashed the majority. For example, I've had to deactivate a few of the features of YAML/PyYAML such as flow syntax and directives. One remaining problem, is that the "#" character has to be quoted if it starts a line in a css selector.

I'm hoping to solve those by overriding classes in PyYAML and ElementTree, but if it doesn't work or is too difficult, a custom parser should allow a conversion with zero annoyances or edge-cases.

html in yaml

Let's get to it shall we? This is what a page looks like, mapping keys ending in colons start block elements, aka "tags", with attributes given just afterward but before the end of the key.

html lang=en:  # optional, perhaps you'd like to set lang

        title: Amazing Title
        meta varname=value:  # note, this will be changed to std form
        link rel=stylesheet href=style.css type=text/css media=screen:
        link rel=stylesheet href="":
        style:  # same syntax for styles:
                padding: 2em

        # accepts common templating syntax:
        script src="{{ static_dir }}/scripts/foo.js":
        script deferred: |  # this pipe char keeps formatting in yaml

            // hello world

        header class="one two":
                Profile for {{ username }}

Which will convert to this HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Amazing Title</title>
        <meta content="value" name="varname">
        <link href="style.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
        <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
        body {
            padding: 2em;
        <script src="{{ static_dir }}/scripts/foo.js"></script>
        <script deferred="deferred">
        // hello world
        <header class="one two">
            <h1 id="main">Profile for {{ username }} II</h1>


One issue I'm still thinking about is what to do with "inline" markup. What I mean by this is, it's easy enough to model the block tags with yaml maps (aka dict/hash/assoc arrays). But, what happens when you you'd like a run of html with/without block containers?

This text represents a blog post.<br> Line two is here.<img src=...><br>
<span class="highlight">Line three.</span><br>

For now I've decided to use a list of text fragments (with mapping keys when tags are needed, note the trailing colons):

        - span class=warning:
            Warning Text!
        - br:
        - So this is going to be some text with markup interspersed.
        - p:
            {{ post }}
        - b:
            How to do that, exactly?
        - br:
        # below a complex key, allows one to split up a long line:
        - ?
            img src="{{ static_dir }}/images/foo.jpg"
            title="a very nice image"
            height=180 width=240 align=middle  # tsk, tsk but possible
          : img is not a container in html, so text appears after.
        - br:

If there is a better way to do this I'd like to hear it, pls file an enhancement issue.

css in yaml


vars:                # how to define variables
    bgcolor: window  # system colors
    fgcolor: 221818

# the first colon below may not have whitespace after it,
# or must be quoted
@media (max-width:600px):
        display: none

    font-family: cool_font
    src: url('cool_font.ttf')

*, *:before, *:after:
    box-sizing: border-box

    margin: 1em
    padding: 2em
    height: 50em
    # nums of 3,6 chars will be converted to hex:
    color: {fgcolor}
    # bg is shortcut for background, bgcolor is a var defined above:
    bg: {bgcolor}
    border: 1px solid 888   # same here
    border-radius: .5em
    font-family: "'Open Sans', sans-serif"  # need to escape quotes

# "#" char can be used inside a word, but not begin a word
body h1#main, h2:
    border-bottom: 1px dotted 222
"#main, h2":  # this form must be quoted
    color: 264 !important


Will convert to this:

@charset: "utf-8";

@media (max-width:600px) {
    .facet_sidebar {
        display: none;

@font-face {
    font-family: cool_font;
    src: url('cool_font.ttf');

*, *:before, *:after {
    box-sizing: border-box;

body {
    margin: 1em;
    padding: 2em;
    height: 50em;
    color: #221818;
    background: window;
    border: 1px solid #888;
    border-radius: .5em;
    font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;

body h1#main, h2 {
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #222;

#main, h2 {
    color: #264 !important;

Still need to implement prefixing for CSS but it should be easy.


Should work under Python 2.x and 3.x.

# download, unpack, run
cd folder install   # might need sudo


This is not available yet, but will be if a few requests are made:

sudo pip install yamlweb


yaml2html page.yaml -O -i 4  # outputs to page.html, indents 4 spaces

yaml2css style.yaml -O -i 4  # outputs to style.css, indents 4 spaces

# or from stdin
cat page.yaml | yaml2html > page.html


  • Add markdown and/or rst support.
  • Sort CSS rules, not selectors.




Write your HTML and CSS in simplified YAML!







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