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miyyer committed Jul 28, 2015
1 parent e7904e2 commit 24d2941
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Showing 10 changed files with 725 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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257 changes: 257 additions & 0 deletions
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from numpy import *
from util.sentiment_util import *
from util.math_util import *
from util.adagrad import Adagrad
import cPickle, time, argparse
from collections import Counter

# compute model accuracy on a given fold
def validate(data, fold, params, deep, f=relu):

correct = 0.
total = 0.

for sent, label in data:

if len(sent) == 0:

av = average(params[-1][:, sent], axis=1)

# forward prop
acts = zeros((deep, dh))
for i in range(0, deep):
start = i * 2
prev = av if i == 0 else acts[i - 1]
acts[i] = f(params[start].dot(prev) + params[start + 1])

Ws = params[deep * 2]
bs = params[deep * 2 + 1]
if deep == 0:
pred = softmax( + bs).ravel()

pred = softmax([-1]) + bs).ravel()

if argmax(pred) == label:
correct += 1

total += 1

print 'accuracy on ', fold, correct, total, str(correct / total), '\n'
return correct / total

# does both forward and backprop
def objective_and_grad(data, params, d, dh, len_voc, deep, labels, f=relu, df=drelu, compute_grad=True, word_drop=0.3, rho=1e-4, fine_tune=True):

params = unroll_params(params, d, dh, len_voc, deep=deep, labels=labels)
grads = init_grads(d, dh, len_voc, deep=deep, labels=labels)
error_sum = 0.0

for sent,label in data:

if len(sent) == 0:

# store each layer's normalized and unnormalized acts
acts = zeros((deep, dh))

target = zeros(labels)
target[label] = 1.0

# input is average of all nouns in sentence
curr_sent = []
mask = random.rand(len(sent)) > word_drop
for index, keep in enumerate(mask):
if keep:

# all examples must have at least one word
if len(curr_sent) == 0:
curr_sent = sent

av = average(params[-1][:, curr_sent], axis=1)

# forward prop
for i in range(0, deep):
start = i * 2
prev = av if i == 0 else acts[i - 1]
acts[i] = f(params[start].dot(prev) + params[start + 1])

# compute softmax error
Ws = params[deep * 2]
bs = params[deep * 2 + 1]

if deep == 0:
pred = softmax( + bs).ravel()
error_sum += crossent(target, pred)
soft_delta = dcrossent(target, pred)
grads[deep * 2] += outer(soft_delta, av)
grads[deep * 2 + 1] += soft_delta
delta =
if fine_tune:
grads[-1][:, curr_sent] += delta.reshape((d, 1)) / len(curr_sent)

pred = softmax([-1]) + bs).ravel()
error_sum += crossent(target, pred)
soft_delta = dcrossent(target, pred)
grads[deep * 2] += outer(soft_delta, acts[-1])
grads[deep * 2 + 1] += soft_delta

# backprop
prev_delta =
for i in range(deep - 1, -1, -1):
start = i * 2
deriv = df(acts[i])
delta = deriv * prev_delta

if i > 0:
grads[start] += outer(delta, acts[i-1])
grads[start + 1] += delta
prev_delta = params[start]

grads[0] += outer(delta, av)
grads[1] += delta

if fine_tune:
grads[-1][:, curr_sent] += params[0], 1)) / len(curr_sent)

for index in range(0, len(params)):
error_sum += 0.5 * rho * sum(params[index] ** 2)
grads[index] += rho * params[index]

cost = error_sum / len(data)
grad = roll_params(grads) / len(data)

if compute_grad:
return cost, grad
return cost

if __name__ == '__main__':

# command line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='sentiment DAN')
parser.add_argument('-data', help='location of dataset', default='data/sentiment/')
parser.add_argument('-vocab', help='location of vocab', default='data/sentiment/wordMapAll.bin')
parser.add_argument('-We', help='location of word embeddings', default='data/sentiment_all_We')
parser.add_argument('-rand_We', help='randomly init word embeddings', type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument('-binarize', help='binarize labels', type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument('-d', help='word embedding dimension', type=int, default=300)
parser.add_argument('-dh', help='hidden dimension', type=int, default=300)
parser.add_argument('-deep', help='number of layers', type=int, default=3)
parser.add_argument('-drop', help='dropout probability', type=float, default=0.3)
parser.add_argument('-rho', help='regularization weight', type=float, default=1e-4)
parser.add_argument('-labels', help='number of labels', type=int, default=5)
parser.add_argument('-ft', help='fine tune word vectors', type=int, default=1)
parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch_size', help='adagrad minibatch size (ideal: 25 minibatches \
per epoch). for provided datasets, x for history and y for lit', type=int,\
parser.add_argument('-ep', '--num_epochs', help='number of training epochs, can also determine \
dynamically via validate method', type=int, default=5)
parser.add_argument('-agr', '--adagrad_reset', help='reset sum of squared gradients after this many\
epochs', type=int, default=50)
parser.add_argument('-lr', help='adagrad initial learning rate', type=float, default=0.005)
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='desired location of output model', \

args = vars(parser.parse_args())
d = args['d']
dh = args['dh']

# load data
train = cPickle.load(open(args['data']+'train-rootfine', 'rb'))
dev = cPickle.load(open(args['data']+'dev-rootfine', 'rb'))
test = cPickle.load(open(args['data']+'test-rootfine', 'rb'))
vocab = cPickle.load(open(args['vocab'], 'rb'))
len_voc = len(vocab)

for split in [train, dev, test]:
c = Counter()
tot = 0
for sent, label in split:
c[label] += 1
tot += 1
print c, tot

if args['rand_We']:
print 'randomly initializing word embeddings...'
orig_We = (random.rand(d, len_voc) * 2 - 1) * 0.08
print 'loading pretrained word embeddings...'
orig_We = cPickle.load(open(args['We'], 'rb'))

# output log and parameter file destinations
param_file = args['output']
log_file = param_file.split('_')[0] + '_log'

# generate params / We
params = init_params(d, dh, deep=args['deep'], labels=args['labels'])

# add We matrix to params
params += (orig_We, )
r = roll_params(params)

dim = r.shape[0]
print 'parameter vector dimensionality:', dim

log = open(log_file, 'w')

# minibatch adagrad training
ag = Adagrad(r.shape, args['lr'])
min_error = float('inf')

for epoch in range(0, args['num_epochs']):

lstring = ''

# create mini-batches
batches = [train[x : x + args['batch_size']] for x in xrange(0, len(train),

epoch_error = 0.0
ep_t = time.time()
for batch_ind, batch in enumerate(batches):
now = time.time()
err, grad = objective_and_grad(batch, r, d, dh, len_voc,
args['deep'], args['labels'], word_drop=args['drop'],
fine_tune=args['ft'], rho=args['rho'])

update = ag.rescale_update(grad)
r = r - update
lstring = 'epoch: ' + str(epoch) + ' batch_ind: ' + str(batch_ind) + \
' error, ' + str(err) + ' time = '+ str(time.time()-now) + ' sec'
log.write(lstring + '\n')
epoch_error += err

# done with epoch
print time.time() - ep_t
print 'done with epoch ', epoch, ' epoch error = ', epoch_error, ' min error = ', min_error
lstring = 'done with epoch ' + str(epoch) + ' epoch error = ' + str(epoch_error) \
+ ' min error = ' + str(min_error) + '\n'

# save parameters if the current model is better than previous best model
if epoch_error < min_error:
min_error = epoch_error
params = unroll_params(r, d, dh, len_voc, deep = args['deep'], labels=args['labels'])
# d_score = validate(dev, 'dev', params, args['deep'])
cPickle.dump( params, open(param_file, 'wb'))


# reset adagrad weights
if epoch % args['adagrad_reset'] == 0 and epoch != 0:


# compute test score
params = unroll_params(r, d, dh, len_voc, deep = args['deep'], labels=args['labels'])
t_score = validate(test, 'test', params, args['deep'])
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions preprocess/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
from numpy import *
import cPickle, gzip

vec_file ='data/glove.840B.300d.txt.gz', 'r')
all_vocab = {}
print 'loading vocab...'
wmap = cPickle.load(open('../data/sentiment/wordMapAll.bin', 'rb'))
revMap = {}
for word in wmap:
revMap[wmap[word]] = word

for line in vec_file:
split = line.split()
x = wmap[split[0]]
all_vocab[split[0]] = array(split[1:])
all_vocab[split[0]] = all_vocab[split[0]].astype(float)

print len(wmap), len(all_vocab)
d = len(all_vocab['the'])

We = empty( (d, len(wmap)) )

print 'creating We for ', len(wmap), ' words'
unknown = []

for i in range(0, len(wmap)):
word = revMap[i]
We[:, i] = all_vocab[word]
except KeyError:
print 'unknown: ', word
We[:, i] = all_vocab['unknown']

print 'num unknowns: ', len(unknown)
print We.shape

print 'dumping...'
cPickle.dump( We, open('../data/sentiment_We', 'wb'), protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions preprocess/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
from glob import glob
import cPickle
import random

def compute_vocab():
vocab = []
vdict = {}
trneg = glob('../data/aclimdb/train/neg/*.txt')
trpos = glob('../data/aclimdb/train/pos/*.txt')
tneg = glob('../data/aclimdb/test/neg/*.txt')
tpos = glob('../data/aclimdb/test/pos/*.txt')

split = []
for fold in [trneg, trpos, tneg, tpos]:
fold_docs = []
for fname in fold:
doc = []
f = open(fname, 'r')
for line in f:
line = line.strip().replace('.', '').replace(',', '')
line = line.replace(';', '').replace('<br />', ' ')
line = line.replace(':', '').replace('"', '')
line = line.replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
line = line.replace('!', '').replace('*', '')
line = line.replace(' - ', ' ').replace(' -- ', '')
line = line.replace('?', '')
line = line.lower().split()

for word in line:
vdict[word] = len(vocab) - 1



train = []
test = []
for i in range(0, len(split)):
for doc in split[i]:
if i == 0:
train.append((doc, 0))
elif i == 1:
train.append((doc, 1))
elif i == 2:
test.append((doc, 0))
elif i == 3:
test.append((doc, 1))

print len(train), len(test)


for x in range(3000, 3020):
print i, train[x][1], ' '.join(vocab[x] for x in train[x][0])
print '\n'

cPickle.dump([train, test, vocab, vdict], open('../data/aclimdb/imdb_splits', 'wb'),\

if __name__ == '__main__':

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