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Mike Scheutzow edited this page Sep 15, 2015 · 8 revisions

##Suse 12.3 Packages you need to build jukebox

sudo zypper install git make cmake gcc-c++ gettext-tools intltool libtag-devel libtunepimp-devel libqt4-devel libkde4-devel

Note: this list may be incomplete; please email me with additions.

On my machine, gcc is version 4.7.

##Download and Build jukebox on linux

mkdir $HOME/devel
cd $HOME/devel
git clone jukebox.git
mkdir build
cd build
# show the KDE4 prefix value needed for cmake command
kde4-config --prefix
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ../jukebox.git
# this command will create /usr/bin/jukebox
sudo make install

Note 1: the 'make install' command must be run at least once. It copies User Interface files and icons to the /usr directories where KDE4 wants them.

Note 2: tested with Suse 12.3, KDE 4.10.5, Phonon 4.6.2, Phonon VLC-backend 0.6.2

##Manually copy juk configuration for jukebox

cd $HOME/.kde4/share/config/
cp -p jukrc jukeboxrc
cd ../apps
cp -rp juk jukebox


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