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This service is designed to operate as a proxy between oauth2-proxy, an Auth provider (AP), which is the one configured for oauth2-proxy, and Sonatype Nexus 3. It was forked from oauth2-proxy-nexus3, updated, and adapted to work with a generic provider.

Typical setup

********** 1↔↔ ********* 1↔↔ **************** 5↔↔ *********************** 5↔↔ ***********
*        * 2↔↔ *       * 3↔↔ *              *     * oauth2-proxy-nexus3 *     * Nexus 3 *
* Client * 3↔↔ * Nginx * 4↔↔ * oauth2-proxy *     ***********************     ***********
*        * 4↔↔ *       * 5↔↔ *              *     5
********** 5↔↔ *********     ****************     ↕
                       2     3                    ↕
                       ↕     ↕                    ↕
                       ↔↔↔↔↔ ******************** ↔
                             * AP (e.g. OICD Generic,*
                             *          GitLab) *
  1. Sign in and redirect to the AP.
  2. Login and authorize the application.
  3. Ask for a token.
  4. Follow the callback to oauth2-proxy and finalize the OAuth flow.
  5. oauth2-proxy verify and authorize each request to oauth2-proxy-nexus3. The OAuth access token if send through a header to oauth2-proxy-nexus3 by oauth2-proxy and is used to keep in sync the Nexus 3 userbase with the AP (which is the OIDC too).

Container image

Built images are hosted at, and

$ docker pull
$ docker pull


ENV Mandatory? Default value Description
O2PN3_LISTEN_ON The [IP]:PORT on which the HTTP server will listen.
O2PN3_LOG_LEVEL info Set Application log level.
O2PN3_SSL_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY false Skip SSL verifications if set to true.
O2PN3_AP oidc_generic The name of the Auth Provider to be used. (oicd_generic, gitlab)
O2PN3_AP_URL The AP URL on which OAuth operations will be performed.
O2PN3_AP_ACCESS_TOKEN_HEADER X-Forwarded-Access-Token The name of the HTTP header on which the AP OAuth access_token will be provided to this service.
O2PN3_OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_NAME x _oauth2_proxy The name of the cookie that the oauth_proxy creates. Should be changed to use a cookie prefix if --cookie-secure is set.
O2PN3_NEXUS3_URL The Nexus 3 URL on which sync and reverse-proxying will be performed.
O2PN3_NEXUS3_ADMIN_USER A Nexus 3 admin user.
O2PN3_NEXUS3_ADMIN_PASSWORD A Nexus 3 admin password.
O2PN3_NEXUS3_RUT_HEADER X-Forwarded-User The name of the HTTP header used by the Rut Realm/capability (Nexus 3) for the authentication.
O2PN3_REDIS_CONNECTION_URL localhost:6379 The tcp connection to the redis instance.
O2PN3_REDIS_PASSWORD "" The password of the redis instance. Default is empty or no password.
O2PN3_REDIS_TTL_HOURS 168 The number of hours until the oauth2-proxy session cookie expire.



The -pass-access-token flag or OAUTH2_PROXY_PASS_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable must be set to true.

Nexus 3

The Rut Realm/capability must be enabled and configured the use the same HTTP header as configured in via $O2PN3_NEXUS3_RUT_HEADER.


A redis instance needs to be reachable to store the oauth2-proxy session cookie.