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Wrapper for Go's flag package.


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What is this?

A simple wrapper for Go's flag package.

How to install

Open a terminal and run the following:

$ go get -u


See the example for an in-depth usage. Below is a sample usage to create simple main package:

package main

import (


// Flags
var flags struct {
    aBool   bool
    aString string

func init() {
    // Configure cli package
    cli.Align = true // Defaults to false
    cli.Authors = []string{"Your Name <your@email.tld>"}
    cli.Banner = fmt.Sprintf("%s [OPTIONS] <arg>", os.Args[0])
    cli.ExitStatus = strings.Join(
            "Normally the exit status is 0. In the event of an",
            "error, the exit status will be 1.",
        " ",
    cli.Info = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing"

    // Parse cli flags
    cli.Flag(&flags.aBool, "b", "bool", false, "Sample boolean flag.")
    cli.Flag(&flags.aString, "s", "", "Sample string flag.")

    // Validate cli args
    if cli.NArg() == 0 {
    } else if cli.NArg() > 1 {
    } else if flags.aString == "" {

func main() {
    fmt.Printf("%t\n", flags.aBool)
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", flags.aString)
    fmt.Printf("%d - %s\n", cli.NArg(), cli.Args())


Export Default Description
cli.Align false Aligned the columns
cli.Authors [""] List of authors
cli.Banner "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]" The usage example
cli.BugEmail "" Email for reporting bugs
cli.ExitStatus "" Description of all possible exit statuses
cli.Info "" The description of the tool
cli.MaxWidth 80 Maximum width of usage
cli.SeeAlso [""] List of other packages for more info
cli.TabWidth 4 The number of spaces between columns
cli.Title "" Title for generated


The following methods can be used to create flags:

  • Flag(ptr *any, long string, val any, desc string)
  • Flag(ptr *any, short string, val any, desc string)
  • Flag(ptr *any, short string, long string, val any, desc string)

You can use Section(title string, text string) to add new custom sections. Other functions that simply wrap the flag package include:

  • NArg()
  • NFlag()
  • Parse()
  • Parsed()
  • PrintDefaults()

Additional functions include:

  • PrintExtra()
  • PrintHeader()
  • Readme()

And finally to print the usage message use Usage(status int)
