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iOS Guide

Mk5 edited this page Mar 12, 2021 · 14 revisions

1. Add ios dependencies

dependencies { 
    implementation "pl.mk5.gdx-fireapp:gdx-fireapp-core:$gdxFireappVersion" # this one is also important because of robovm compiling process
    implementation "pl.mk5.gdx-fireapp:gdx-fireapp-ios:$gdxFireappVersion"

2. Add firebase configuration file in to your project

Download GoogleService-Info.plist from firebase console and add it into ios/data folder.

3. Install frameworks

3.1 Download required frameworks

In order to use firebase you need to download Firebase SDK frameworks. Just download it from here:, and unzip it somewhere.

3.2 Unzip&copy frameworks into a project

Just copy&paste all frameworks you want to use into ios/libs folder. The target structure should like something like:

libs -> 

3.3 Modify robovm.xml

You have to add frameworks, and force link gdx-fireapp.

    <path>libs</path>  <!-- path where FirebaseXXX.framework is located -->


4. Initialize firebase

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