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Programming language q has a native JSON parser but JSON is not the only format for a configuration file. However, XML is tab intensive and YAML requires careful space insertion. Here, Tom's Obvious Minimal Language (TOML) is friendly for both human and program.

tomlq is a TOML file parser for q. You don't need to care notrious null value any more. You don't need the headach of attributes. Just write fair-looking configuration file and parse it.

Type Mapping

bool bool
long int
float double
symbol string (length <= 30)
timestamp timesatamp *[1]
date date
time time
list of bool array of bool
list of long array of int
list of float array of double
string string (length > 30)
list of symbol array of string *[2]
list of timetamp array of timestamp *[1]
list of date array of date
list of time array of time
compound list array of array, array of table, array of mixture
dictionary table

*[1]: Millisecond precision
*[2]: Length of each symbol must be 63


tomlq uses CMake to build and install the shared library. The available option at installation is CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX which defines a root of the install destination. If the option is not passed the artefact is installed to ${QHOME}/[os] where [os] is l64, w64 etc.

The example below installs to tomlq/install/.

tomlq]$ mkdir install
tomlq]$ mkdir cmake
tomlq]$ cd cmake
cmake]$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="../install" ../
cmake]$ cmake --build . --target install

Using tomlq

For users who installed tomlq outside of ${QHOME}/[os], there is a custom environmental variable to help user to load teh library successfully:

  • Q_LIBRARY_PATH: Absolute path to the directory where exists

The example below assumes you installed tomlq library under tomlq/install/.

tomlq]$ (export Q_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)/install; q q/toml.q)
q).toml.load `:file/sample.toml
title   | `TOML Example
owner   | `name`dob!(`Tom Preston-Werner;1979.05.27D15:32:00.000000000)
database| `enabled`ports`data`temp_targets!(1b;8000 8001 8002;(``phi;,3.14);`..
servers | `alpha`beta!+`ip`role!(``;`frontend`backend)


Testing tomlq uses test_helper_function.q which is placed under tests/ directory of kdbplus.

tomlq]$ wget -O tests/test_helper_function.q
tomlq]$ q tests/test.q
test result: ok. 19 passed; 0 failed


This library is licensed under MIT license.


This library is utilizing tomlc99 under MIT License.