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Releases: mkxml/scroll-proxy

Release v0.2.1

09 Feb 16:44
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Nothing changed to the usability or in the API itself.


  • Makes it easier to debug when using with browserify;
  • Fixes a Could not find module 'SUtil' problem that could happen when requiring ScrollProxy.

Release v0.2.0

06 Nov 18:45
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This release includes changes in the once and off APIs as well as some bug fixes regarding event handling.

Full list of changes:

  • The off API now supports a second argument. A function that should match one previously used with on or once. If the second argument is provided the off function will just remove that specific event.
  • Fixed one bug that could happen when using the once function twice with the same event.
  • Improved API documentation by adding correct @since notations.

Release v0.1.1

06 Nov 18:40
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Release v0.1.1 Pre-release

This release includes fixes a bug that might happen when registering two offset events at one target.

First release of scroll-proxy

06 Nov 18:39
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This was a test release to make sure everything was OK on npm and bower publishing. It should not be used in code.