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MLSC Hacktoberfest Starter Repository

"Hacktoberfest" is an annual month-long event in October that encourages open-source contributions by developers worldwide. Participants work on open-source projects, submit pull requests, and earn limited-edition swag while supporting the open-source community.

Getting Started

Welcome to Hacktoberfest! If you want to contribute to this repository and help others get started, follow these simple steps:

  1. Create a Folder:

    • Make a folder with your name in the following format: firstName_lastName. For example, if your name is John Smith, your folder should be named John_Smith.
  2. Add Your Files:

    • Inside your folder, include the following files:
      • index.html: This is your main HTML file.
      • photo.jpg: Include a profile picture of yourself (optional but encouraged).
      • Any additional CSS or JavaScript files you want to include in your project (if applicable).
  3. Update data.json:

    • Open the data.json file in the root directory.
    • Add your name (in the same format as your folder name) to the JSON file under the appropriate category or section. You can provide additional information about your project or your goals for Hacktoberfest if you wish.
  4. Create a Pull Request:

    • Once you've added your folder and updated data.json, create a pull request to submit your changes.
  5. Contribute and Collaborate:

    • Feel free to collaborate with others, provide feedback, or improve existing projects.
    • You can also use this opportunity to learn from others and make meaningful contributions to open source.

Easy Contributions

Here are some easy-to-get-started repositories for Hacktoberfest:

  1. CatimaLoyalty/Android
  2. EbookFoundation/free-programming-books
  3. Techiral/A-Z-Python-Projects
  4. openshift/openshift-docs
  5. ossamamehmood/Hacktoberfest2023
  6. vivian-dai/Hacktoberfest-2022-Repos
  7. fineanmol/Hacktoberfest2023
  8. Ananyasingh2002/Hacktoberfest2023
  9. itsharshitb/Hacktober_Fest
  10. benedictprajwal/hacktoberfest-2022-algo-projects

Git Cheatsheet

Here's a basic Git cheat sheet to help you with version control:

  • git init: Initialize a new Git repository.
  • git clone <repository_url>: Clone a repository from a remote URL.
  • git add <file>: Stage a file for commit.
  • git commit -m "<commit_message>": Commit your staged changes with a message.
  • git pull: Fetch changes from the remote repository and merge them into your local branch.
  • git push: Push your local changes to the remote repository.
  • git branch: List all branches in your repository.
  • git checkout <branch_name>: Switch to a different branch.
  • git merge <branch_name>: Merge changes from one branch into the current branch.
  • git status: Check the status of your repository.
  • git log: View commit history.
  • git reset --hard <commit_hash>: Reset your branch to a specific commit.
  • git stash: Temporarily save changes that are not ready to be committed.
  • git stash apply: Apply the last stashed changes.

Feel free to refer to this cheat sheet as you work with Git during Hacktoberfest!