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Crypto Technical Analysis

Advanced Automated Cryptocurrency Trade Bot


A year ago, after realizing that the trading robots in the marketplace have many weaknesses, I decided to produce a trading robot called Chanel. The robots in the crypto market were often either inefficient, or inaccurate, or did not provide users with a good backtest. Many of them also needed programming knowledge to implement their strategies. Although some of them offer different features to the user for a lot of money, but they were still not usable with all their features. I myself bought two of the best ones before developing this project, but I could not use them due to their many problems. So I decided to develop my current product and make it available to everyone so they can use it if needed. This project went a little slow due to my busy schedule, and besides, I could not complete it. Many of its capabilities have already been completed and many capabilities and improvements can be made for this project. On this page I try to document everything. I will also gradually add all the versions of my local repository to the Github so that those who intend to work on it can fix any possible problems. It is worth mentioning that this project has been developed individually in overtime. I plan to create a product with unique features for the public by creating a group of programmers if funded.

Product Features

  • Structural capabilities
    • Can be used in the crypto market
    • Can be used for Binance exchange
    • Can be expanded for use on other exchanges
    • Ability to add various currency pairs to it
    • Has a centralized server and remote access by users (Client-Server)
    • Can be used by several users simultaneously
    • Ability to define user access levels
    • Has an admin user with the highest level of access
    • Ability to disable users
  • Technical capabilities
    • Has a variety of time frames
    • Display data related to all time frames at once
    • Provide most important divergences online on all time frames
    • Has a list of indicators and oscillators for use by those who use them in trading
    • Provide a large number of support and resistance levels online on all time frames
    • Has a history of all instant information
  • Backtest capabilities
    • Ability to implement the strategy with the product script itself
    • Ability to implement the strategy in C# and add it, while using the product
    • Ability to backtest the strategy at any time period
    • Has a large number of predefined rules
    • Possibility of backtest on price ticks
    • Ability to add complex alarms based on a strategy on different currencies
    • Ability to implement strategies and alarms for one currency based on other currencies
    • Has visual output for performed backtest
    • Ability to define money management on backtest
  • User Interface capabilities
    • Ability to filter the displayed data
    • Has the ability to add and remove columns to existing grids
    • Automatic save Layout of all grids

Future Works

  • Redesign product
  • Redesign features
  • Redesign user interface
  • Make the product interface user friendly with UI and UX
  • Add web user interface
  • Add automated trading
  • Add price action functionality
  • Add the ability to trade automatically based on strategies


  • Price action functionality
  • Automated trading
  • Pre-built crypto trading strategies
  • Strategy market place
  • Backtesting and paper trading
  • All exchanges support


I need financial help to continue the project. With financial support, I can work on the project and create a product that can compete with commercial products by creating a software team. In addition to troubleshooting, I can redesign the current project and add many required features to it.

  • Bitcoin Address: 1DHvP8j5YEq17DvBTrqVxMi9rGpNqzGFSj
  • Ethereum Address: 0x39eCcdc933CDaA8253967D0e87834e50D0f0eCB4

Product Setup

  • Setup Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (Or any other SQL DBMS) and Create Database: Watch the video below to install the database and apply the required settings.


  • Setup Chanel: Watch the video below to configure the project and execute it. In order to update the candles, the settings related to connecting to Binance must be made, and then the two values BinanceKey and BinanceSecret must be included in the project code. After placing these two values, you must build the project in VisualStudio 2019. The project build process will take time due to the download of the packages used at that time. It should be noted that the first execution of the project will be very time consuming due to downloading the required information from Binance and building the database.


Product Use

The video below shows how to use this product briefly. In reviewing the different parts, an attempt has been made to film in such a way that by working a little with the software, all the features of this product can be used effectively.


Strategy and Alarm Samples

Logical Operation:

  • And: The evaluation result is correct only if all the conditions of its subset are correct.
	-BtcUsdt:0:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Close, Previous Candle No=0)
	-BtcUsdt:0:Minute5:TouchField (Field Name 1=Close, Field Name 2=Ema20Value)
  • Or: Only the result of the evaluation is correct if one of the conditions of its subset is correct.
	-BtcUsdt:0:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Close, Previous Candle No=0)
	-BtcUsdt:0:Minute5:TouchField (Field Name 1=Close, Field Name 2=Ema20Value)
  • AndForNumbers: The evaluation result is correct if the only condition of its subset is correct for the candlesticks number mentioned.
-AndForNumbers (Lower Number=0, Upper Number=2)
	-BtcUsdt:0:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Close, Previous Candle No=0)
  • OrForNumbers: The evaluation result is correct if the only condition of its subset is correct only for one of the candlesticks number mentioned.
-OrForNumbers (Lower Number=0, Upper Number=2)
	-BtcUsdt:0:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Close, Previous Candle No=0)
  • AndForTimeFrames: The evaluation result is correct if the only condition of its subset is correct for the timeframes mentioned.
-AndForTimeFrames (Lower TimeFrame=Minute1, Upper TimeFrame=Minute15)
	-BtcUsdt:0:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Close, Previous Candle No=0)
  • OrForTimeFrames: The evaluation result is correct if the only condition of its subset is correct only for one of the timeframes mentioned.
-OrForTimeFrames (Lower TimeFrame=Minute1, Upper TimeFrame=Minute15)
	-BtcUsdt:0:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Close, Previous Candle No=0)
  • TrueCount: The result of the evaluation is correct if a certain number of subset conditions are correct.
-TrueCount (True Count=2)
	-BtcUsdt:0:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Close, Previous Candle No=0)
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Ema9Value, Previous Candle No=0)
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Ema20Value, Previous Candle No=0)
  • FalseCount: The result of the evaluation is correct if a certain number of subset conditions are incorrect.
-FalseCount (True Count=2)
	-BtcUsdt:0:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Close, Previous Candle No=0)
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Ema9Value, Previous Candle No=0)
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Ema20Value, Previous Candle No=0)
  • TrueCountForNumbers: The result of the evaluation is correct if the only condition of its subset is correct for a certain number of the candlesticks number mentioned.
-TrueCountForNumbers (Lower Number=0, Upper Number=3, True Count=2)
	-BtcUsdt:0:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Close, Previous Candle No=0)
  • FalseCountForNumbers: The result of the evaluation is correct if the only condition of its subset is incorrect for a certain number of the candlesticks number mentioned.
-FalseCountForNumbers (Lower Number=0, Upper Number=3, True Count=2)
	-BtcUsdt:0:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Close, Previous Candle No=0)
  • TrueCountForTimeFrames: The result of the evaluation is correct if the only condition of its subset is correct for a certain number of the timeframes mentioned.
-TrueCountForTimeFrames (Lower TimeFrame=Minute1, Upper TimeFrame=Minute5, True Count=2)
	-BtcUsdt:0:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Close, Previous Candle No=0)
  • FalseCountForTimeFrames: The result of the evaluation is correct if the only condition of its subset is incorrect for a certain number of the timeframes mentioned.
-FalseCountForTimeFrames (Lower TimeFrame=Minute1, Upper TimeFrame=Minute5, True Count=2)
	-BtcUsdt:0:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Close, Previous Candle No=0)
  • Not: The result of the evaluation is correct if only the condition of its subset is incorrect.
	-BtcUsdt:0:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Close, Previous Candle No=0)

Other Operation:

  • Divergence: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mentioned divergence is correct.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:Divergence (DivergenceType=RegularAscendingRsi)
  • Decrease: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mentioned field is decreased.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:Decrease (Field Name=Close, Previous Candle No=0)
  • Increase: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mentioned field is increased.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:Increase (Field Name=Close, Previous Candle No=0)
  • Equal: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mentioned field is equaled to a number.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:Equal (Field Name=Close, Value=1523)
  • EqualFields: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mentioned field is equaled to another field.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:EqualFields (Field Name 1=Close, Field Name 2=Ema9Value)
  • Touch: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mentioned field is touched a value.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:Touch (Field Name=Close, Value=2500)
  • TouchField: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mentioned field is touched a field value.
	-EqualFields:1:Minute5:TouchField (Field Name 1=Close, Field Name 2=Ema20Value)
  • GreaterThan: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mention field is greater than a value.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:GreaterThan (Field Name=Close, Value=1200)
  • GreaterFieldThanAnotherField: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mention field is greater than another field.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:GreaterFieldThanAnotherField (Field Name 1=Close, Field Name 2=Ema9Value)
  • SmallerThan: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mention field is smaller than a value.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:SmallerThan (Field Name=Close, Value=1200)
  • SmallerFieldThanAnotherField: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mention field is smaller than another field.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:SmallerFieldThanAnotherField (Field Name 1=Close, Field Name 2=Ema9Value)
  • CrossDown: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mention field is crossed a number level down.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:CrossDown (Field Name=Close, Value=1250, Previous Candle No=1)
  • CrossUp: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mention field is crossed a number level up.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:CrossUp (Field Name=Close, Value=1250, Previous Candle No=1)
  • CrossDownAnotherField: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mention field is crossed a field value level down.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:CrossDownAnotherField (Field Name 1=Close, Field Name 2=Ema9Value, Previous Candle No=0)
  • CrossUpAnotherField: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mention field is crossed a field value level up.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute5:CrossUpAnotherField (Field Name 1=Close, Field Name 2=Ema9Value, Previous Candle No=0)
  • Pump: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mention field grows by a certain amount percent in the specific time period.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute1:Pump (Field Name=Close, Changed %=1, Previous Candle No=4)
  • Dump: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the mention field decreases by a certain amount percent in the spesific time period.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute1:Dump (Field Name=Close, Changed %=1, Previous Candle No=4)
  • IsCandleType: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the candle mentioned is of a certain type.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute1:IsCandleType (Candle Type=Bullish)
  • IsFirstTimeFrameCandle: The result of the evaluation is correct only if a new candlestick starts at a specified timeframe after a certain number of minutes.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute1:IsFirstTimeFrameCandle (Next Minutes Count=1)
  • IsLastTimeFrameCandle: The result of the evaluation is correct only if a new candlestick ends at a specified timeframe after a certain number of minutes.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute1:IsLastTimeFrameCandle (Next Minutes Count=1)
  • IsStockExchangeOpen: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the specified market is open at that time.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute1:IsStockExchangeOpen (Stock Exchange=Forex, Previous Candle No=0)
  • IsCandleMinuteBetween: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the candlestick minute number is between two numbers.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute1:IsCandleMinuteBetween (Start Minute=30, End Minute=59)
  • IsCandleHourBetween: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the candlestick hour number is between two numbers.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute1:IsCandleHourBetween (Start Hour=8, End Hour=15)
  • IsCandleDayOfMonthBetween: The result of the evaluation is correct only if the candlestick day number of month is between two numbers.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute1:IsCandleDayOfMonthBetween (Start Day=15, End Day=21)
  • IsCandleDayOfWeek: The evaluation result is only correct if the candle day is a specific day of the week.
	-BtcUsdt:1:Minute1:IsCandleDayOfWeek (Day of Week=Sunday)
  • Script: The result of the evaluation is equal to the result of a script written in C# language and added to the server as a dll. The following is also the source code of a script in C# language.
	-BtcUsdt:0:Minute1:Script (Script Name=SampleCode.dll)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using TechnicalAnalysisTools.Shared.Conditions;
using TechnicalAnalysisTools.Shared.Delegates;
using TechnicalAnalysisTools.Shared.Enumerations;

namespace TechnicalAnalysisTools.ScriptCondition
    public class ScriptCondition : ScriptConditionBase
        protected override List<TimeFrames> SupportedTimeFrames { get; } = ((TimeFrames[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(TimeFrames))).ToList();

        protected override bool CalculateByScript(OperationCandleRequestedHandler operationCandleRequested, SymbolTypes symbol, TimeFrames timeFrame, int candleNumber)
            throw new System.NotImplementedException();


Advanced Automated Cryptocurrency Trade Bot







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