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Data processing pipeline for the HIPPIES Hubble Space Telescope program

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###### HIPPIES Data Reduction Pipeline ######
By Matt Mechtley
Version 1.1, 2013.04.30

This project is designed to perform data reduction and photometry on Hubble 
Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3 Parallel observations associated with the 
HIPPIES program (Hubble Infrared Pure Parallel Imaging Extragalactic Survey,
PI: Haojing Yan, HST program IDs 11702 and 12286). In addition, it's also chill 
working with data from the other Parallel programs with similar science designs,
such as BoRG (Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies, PI: Michele Trenti, HST program 
IDs 11700 and 12572) and the COS GTO coordinated parallel programs (IDs 11519, 
11520, 11524, 11528, 11530, 11533, 11534, 11541, 12024, and 12025).

The data reduction and photometry pipeline software consists of four files:,,, and

The software also uses:         a Python implementation of the MEDRMS IRAF tasks  a module for reading Sextractor output files     a module for calculating catalog offsets.
There are several configuration files, which are described in the Configuration 
Files section.

The following python modules must be installed by the user. They are essential 
to scientific python for HST users, and are included in the Scisoft OSX package 
for Mac OSX users:

###### Directory Structure and Usage ######

The photometry pipeline should be run from the root HIPPIES directory, which
should begin with three directories:

> ls
pipeline/        sextractor/      unprocessed/

The photometry pipeline expects configuration files to be in the sextractor/ 
directory (see Photometry Configuration Files section). Pipeline Python files 
should should live inside the pipeline/ directory.

To begin, dump all *_flt.fits into the unprocessed/ directory. From the HIPPIES
root directory, run:

> python ./pipeline/

This will calculate which files belong to the same fields, and create a
directory structure where each field is named based on its RA/Dec. They are
named like: parXXXX+XXXX_W. The 'W' stands for WFC3. This version of the
pipeline only works on WFC3 files.

Next, all the individual filters for a single field need to be drizzled to a
common pixel grid. To do so, run:

> python ./pipeline/

For each field, this step first drizzles each individual exposure to the output
grid. It then runs sextractor on each exposure, and uses an MCMC sampler to
calculate pixel shifts between the catalogs. These are then saved into a
Multidrizzle shift file, and Multidrizzle is re-run to combine the individual
exposures using the calculated shifts. This step takes a long time, so go grab
some lunch.

Drizzled images contain correlated noise, so the weight images produced by
Multidrizzle are not in general scaled properly for the data. To produce RMS
maps that better estimate the background noise in each pixel, run:

> python ./pipeline

This step is accomplished by masking out the objects in an image, measuring the
autocorrelation of several sections of blank sky (10 256x256 regions, by
default), and using the average autocorrelation to derive the proper scaling
between the weight map and the true inverse variance of the background pixels.
I then scale the weight map by this amount, and take one over its square root to
derive an RMS map. Pixels with zero weight have their RMS value set to 10000.
The photometry script automatically sets the sextractor WEIGHT_THRESH value to
this. This step also produces symlinks for the individual *_drz_sci.fits images
in the directory for each field.

Finally, run sextractor on all the individual fields to produce master
photometry catalogs by running:

> python ./pipeline/

This will run sextractor in dual-image mode with F160W used as the detection
filter (or F125W if F160W cannot be found). The detection filter search order
can be changed by editing the _ref_filters variable near the top of Once all filters have been sextracted, the individual
catalogs are combined into a single master catalog called Any columns that varied between catalogs will be
appended with the filter name. So the final catalog has column names like:


Some steps of the pipeline have command line options available. To view these,
type "help" on the command line after the script name, e.g.:

> python ./pipeline/ help

###### Configuration Files ######

The file in the pipeline/ directory contains the configuration
parameters for all pipeline steps. This file defines all user-configurable
parameters for the pipeline, other than those controlled via the sextractor
files below.

The pipeline uses four sextractor configuration files. These all live
inside the sextractor/ directory. In addition, it uses gauss_2.0_5x5.conv and 
default.nnw, which are shared with the alignment step in the drizzling 

photometry.conf       SExtractor configuration file for performing 
                      photometry. Any parameters that are adjusted in this 
                      file will apply to ALL SExtractor photometry runs. The 
                      following parameters will be IGNORED, as the pipeline 
                      specifies them on the command line on a per-file basis:
photometry.param      SExtractor output parameter file. Additional output 
                      parameters can be added, and will apply to all 
                      SExtractor catalogs.
getcompact.conf       SExtractor configuration file for finding compact objects 
                      during the drizzle alignment step. Primary differences are
                      a higher detection significance (5 sigma) and minimum area
                      (16 pixels)
getcompact.param      SExtractor output parameter file for drizzle alignment 
                      step. Don't remove any columns from this file, as they 
                      are needed for alignment.

###### Re-Processing Fields ######

Since the pipeline tests which steps have been completed for each field, it 
can be made to re-process only certain fields, or only certain steps. The 
following are several examples of how to do this.

EXAMPLE: Re-running RMS map creation and photometry on a single field

Begin with a fully processed field:

> ls par0005+1607_W/
F105W/                                 par0005+1607_W_F125W_drz_weight.fits@
F125W/                                 par0005+1607_W_F160W_drz_rms.fits
F600LP/                                par0005+1607_W_F160W_drz_sci.fits@
par0005+1607_W_F105W_drz_rms.fits      par0005+1607_W_F160W_drz_weight.fits@       par0005+1607_W_F600LP_drz_rms.fits
par0005+1607_W_F105W_drz_weight.fits@  par0005+1607_W_F600LP_drz_sci.fits@
par0005+1607_W_F125W_drz_rms.fits      par0005+1607_W_F600LP_drz_weight.fits@
par0005+1607_W_F125W_drz_sci.fits@     rms_calc.reg

Remove all photometry files:

> rm -f par0005+1607_W/*.fits par0005+1607_W/rms_calc.reg \

Now we are back to where we began after drizzling:

> ls par0005+1607_W/
F105W/   F125W/    F160W/    F600LP/

Re-run steps 03 and 04 of the pipeline:

> python ./pipeline/
> python ./pipeline/

EXAMPLE: Re-running photometry For all fields (e.g. with new parameters)

Begin with fully processed fields. Remove only sextractor catalogs:

> rm -rf par*/*.cat

Re-run step 04 of the pipeline.

> python ./pipeline/


Data processing pipeline for the HIPPIES Hubble Space Telescope program






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