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Releases: mmig/libflac.js

Version 5.4.0

11 Jul 04:39
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  • added tests in tools/test

  • added utility classes for encoding and decoding (TypeScript in src/**, JavaScript in lib/**)

  • added support for metadata (other than default STREAMINFO):

    • if enabled, metadata (other than STREAMINFO) is returned in the 2nd argument of metadata_callback_fn callback
    • changed signature for metadata_callback_fn:
      • old signature: metadata_callback_fn(data: StreamMetadata)
      • new signature: metadata_callback_fn(data: StreamMetadata | undefined, rawData: MetadataBlock | undefined)
    • decoding: enable/disable (raw) metadata output (in metadata callback)
      • FLAC__stream_decoder_set_metadata_respond(..)
      • FLAC__stream_decoder_set_metadata_respond_application(..)
      • FLAC__stream_decoder_set_metadata_respond_all(..)
      • FLAC__stream_decoder_set_metadata_ignore(..)
      • FLAC__stream_decoder_set_metadata_ignore_application(..)
      • FLAC__stream_decoder_set_metadata_ignore_all(..)
      • for debugging: enable raw metadata via Flac.setOptions(id, {enableRawMetadata: true})
    • encoding: EXPERIMENTAL add metadata blocks (as binary data)
      • FLAC__stream_encoder_set_metadata(..)
  • added example code for Flac.FLAC__stream_encoder_process(enc, TypedArray[], numberOfSamples)

  • fixed onready for undefined:

    • typings: allow (re-)setting Flac.onready to undefined
    • BUGFIX: do not try to invoke onready hook, if set to undefined
  • BUGFIX example/utils/data-utils::addFLACMetaData(): do use offset when writing total_samples to FLAC header

  • recompiled with emscripten v1.39.19 (llvm toolchain)

Version 5.3.0

10 Jul 01:24
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  • FIX incorrect API documentation: error-callback for decoder is not optional

    init_decoder_stream(decoder, read_callback_fn, write_callback_fn, error_callback_fn, ...)
  • exposed additional library functions:

    • FLAC__stream_decoder_get_md5_checking(decoder, boolean)
    • FLAC__stream_encoder_get_verify_decoder_state(encoder)
    • FLAC__stream_encoder_get_verify(encoder)
  • added support for non-interleaved encoding method:
    FLAC__stream_encoder_process(encoder, channelBuffers, numberOfSamples)

  • added variant property when using library factory method, i.e. when running in node:
    do add property variant to returned instance for indicating which library variant is returned

  • disabled generated code for node that would catch uncaught exceptions and promises:
    these should be handled by application code instead of the library

  • improved typings

Version 5.2.1

10 Jul 01:24
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  • examples: added example code for reading/encoding 8-bit and 24-bit WAV data

Version 5.2.0

10 Jul 01:23
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  • added emitting of life cycle events when encoder or decoder instances are created and destroyed
    • e.g.
      Flac.on('created', function(evt){
        console.log('created '' with id '
  • added experimental support for getting metadata for subframes (in decoding write callback); needs to be explicitly enabled (see Flac.setOptions())
  • added functions Flac.setOptions(p_coder, options) and Flac.getOptions(p_coder):
    set additional encoding/decoding options
    • supported options:
      • analyseSubframes: for decoding: include subframes metadata in write-callback metadata, DEFAULT: false
      • analyseResiduals: for decoding: include residual data in subframes metadata in write-callback metadata (analyseSubframes must also be enabled), DEFAULT: false
  • FIX decoding for standard bit depth values 8 and 24
  • recompiled with emscripten v1.39.18 (llvm toolchain)
  • improved generation for typings/documentation

since Version 5.2.0-beta.1:

  • extended interface for encoding write callback encoder_write_callback_fn(..):
    if returns false, encoding will be aborted (any other or no value returned will continue encoding)
  • compile based on libFLAC v1.3.3
  • recompiled with emscripten v1.39.11 (llvm toolchain)
  • BUGFIX for decoding: handle padded 24-bit samples correctly

Version 5.1.1

10 Jul 01:22
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  • provide specific typings for function type definitions

Version 5.1.0

10 Jul 01:21
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  • [BREAKING CHANGE] removed support for exporting library to global namespace when loaded as module, that is, in case it is loaded as AMD or CommonJS module
    • if the library should sill be available when loaded as module, this needs to be done this manually now,
      e.g. if require'd as flacModule (in browser):
      window.Flac = flacModule;
      or (in node):
      global.Flac = flacModule;
    • consequently, support for enviornment flag FLAC_UMD_MODE was dropped, e.g. using
      process.env.FLAC_UMD_MODE = true; or process.env.FLAC_UMD_MODE = false; will have no effect any more
  • improved compatibility with webpack:
    simplified UMD wrapper so that webpack may detect AMD loading correctly
  • added typings for TypeScript
  • improved API documentation
  • recompiled with emscripten v1.39.3 (llvm toolchain)

Version 5.0.0

10 Jul 01:20
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first version published on npm

Version 5.0.0

  • added support for OGG streams
  • upgraded to emscripten 1.39.3 for compiling
  • use new emscripten default toolchain LLVM/upstream

IMPORTANT: Changed File Names & Directory Structure

Starting with version 5.0.0, this library is available as NPM managed package.

Before this, the library targeted non-managed browser projects, meaning that
for the main usage it was expected that the library was included as (manually copied)
resources in web projects. For this reason, it included version information in the
compiled library's name.

Now version information is included in the NPM package itself, and version information
in the compiled library's name is not useful anymore.
In addition, inclusion/usage by other projects is managed via NPM, thus rendering
sub-directories for the different library variants obsolete.

For this reason, starting with this version, the library variants' file names
do not include version information anymore, and are organized in a flat directory

dist/libflac4-1.3.2xxx           ->  dist/

dist/min/  ->  dist/

dist/dev/  ->  dist/

libflac.js v0.3.0

10 Apr 17:51
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libflac.js v0.3.0

  • based on Flac version 1.3.2

  • support for multi-channel encoding

  • support for decoding Flac

  • dev and min variants for libflac.js

  • asynchronous initialization for min variants, cfg.

  • changed API: renamed functions
    (in order to reflect original C API)

    • init_libflac -> init_libflac_encoder
    • decode_buffer_flac_as_pcm -> FLAC__stream_decoder_process_single
    • decode_stream_flac_as_pcm -> FLAC__stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_stream
    • decode_metadata_flac -> FLAC__stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_metadata
    • encode_buffer_pcm_as_flac -> FLAC__stream_encoder_process_interleaved
    • stream_decoder_get_state -> FLAC__stream_decoder_get_state
  • changed API: removed unusable function FLAC__stream_encoder_init_file

  • changed API: changed singature

    • init_libflac_decoder: removed unnecessary parameters (& added optional parameter)
      function(sample_rate, channels, bps, compression_level, total_samples)
    • init_libflac_encoder: extended signature with additional, optional parameter is_verify
      function(sample_rate, channels, bps, compression_level, total_samples)
      function(sample_rate, channels, bps, compression_level, total_samples, is_verify)