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Singular With Flint2

mmklee edited this page Mar 29, 2012 · 9 revisions

A short instruction how to build Singular with Flint2 (which worked for me on Ubuntu 10.04 and 11.04)

  • git clone
  • switch to branch SingularWithFlint23
  • within Flint change line 67 in fmpq.h, which looks like this: fmpq * v = malloc(sizeof(fmpq) * n); to fmpq * v = (fmpq*) malloc(sizeof(fmpq) * n);
  • install Flint2 (version >= 2.3) and mpir and mpfr all in the same directory (preferably one should build mpir in gmp compatibility mode and mpfr depending on libgmp coming from mpir to avoid clashes between different gmp)
  • if you like a dynamically linked flint: do "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path_to_flint/lib" or equivalent
  • run "./configure --with-flint=/path_to_flint"
  • run "make install"

If you experience any kind of difficulty please let me know

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