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[MRG] Adds iEEG Coordinates Writing That Is BIDS Compatible (#335)
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* Adding updated bids root.

* Fixing readme to reflect correct change.

* Fixing examples to show the bids_root.

* Initial commit.

* Adding mne-python to git ignore.

* Adding updates to incorporate stephan's changes.

* BIDS compatible ieeg coordinates writing.

* Fixing gitignore.

* Adding example using mne data.

* Adding fixes that updated to the correct version of

* Adding some plotting at the end of the example.

* Removing mayavi.'

* Update examples/

Co-Authored-By: Alexandre Gramfort <>

* Adding updated mne dir.

* Fix dataset path.

* Fix examples from rebase.

* Fixing issues that happened in rebase.

* Fixing issues that happened in rebase.

* Fixing issues that happened in rebase.

* Fixing issues that happened in rebase.

* Adding unit test for running ecog montage loading.

* Adding unit test for reading in the ieeg data.

* Fix coverage.

* Fixing issues from agram.

* Update examples/

Co-Authored-By: Alexandre Gramfort <>

* Update examples/

Co-Authored-By: Alexandre Gramfort <>

* Update examples/

Co-Authored-By: Alexandre Gramfort <>

* Fix order of imports.

* Update examples/

Co-Authored-By: Mainak Jas <>

* Update examples/

Co-Authored-By: Mainak Jas <>

* Merging remote changes.

* Merging remote changes.

* Trying to fix example.

* Trying to fix example.

* Fixing flake.

* Adding updated example file.

* Adding updated description.

* Changing whatsnew, contributing and read function.

* Fixing suggestions by Jas.

* Fixing bug in calling verbose.

* Fixing flake8.

* Adding an updated example.

* Update

Co-Authored-By: Mainak Jas <>

* Update examples/

Co-Authored-By: Mainak Jas <>

* Update

Co-Authored-By: Mainak Jas <>

* Rebase.

* Fixing one line change of import.

* Update mne_bids/

Co-Authored-By: Stefan Appelhoff <>

* Update examples/

Co-Authored-By: Stefan Appelhoff <>

* Adding side car jsons.

* Adding additional info to side cars.

* Increase test coverage.

* Increase test coverage.

* Increase test coverage.

* Update mne_bids/

Co-Authored-By: Mainak Jas <>

* Adding ieeg example fixes based on agram.

* Fixing kind comment from jas.

* Update examples/

Co-Authored-By: Mainak Jas <>

* Merging.

* Fixing the formatting in instructions.

Co-authored-by: Alexandre Gramfort <>
Co-authored-by: Mainak Jas <>
Co-authored-by: Stefan Appelhoff <>
  • Loading branch information
4 people committed Feb 3, 2020
1 parent d3d7ef2 commit d90b59c
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Showing 8 changed files with 533 additions and 60 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -53,3 +53,14 @@ The documentation can be built using sphinx. For that, please additionally
install the following:

$ pip install matplotlib nilearn sphinx numpydoc sphinx-gallery sphinx_bootstrap_theme pillow

To build the documentation locally, one can run:

$ cd doc/
$ make html


$ make html-noplot

if you don't want to run the examples to build the documentation. This will result in a faster build but produce no plots in the examples.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc/whats_new.rst
Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ Changelog
- :func:`write_anat` allows writing T1 weighted MRI scans for subjects and optionally creating a T1w.json sidecar from a supplied :code:`trans` object, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (`#211 <>`_)
- :func:`read_raw_bids` will return the the raw object with :code:`['bads']` already populated, whenever a :code:`channels.tsv` file is present, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (`#209 <>`_)
- :func:`read_raw_bids` is now more likely to find event and channel sidecar json files, by `Marijn van Vliet`_ (`#233 <>`_)
- Enhanced :func:`read_raw_bids` and :func:`write_raw_bids` for iEEG coordinates along with example and unit test, by `Adam Li`_ (`#335 <>`_)

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9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions examples/
Expand Up @@ -47,11 +47,8 @@
# Conveniently, there is already a data loading function available with
# MNE-Python:

# Make a directory to save the data to
home = os.path.expanduser('~')
mne_dir = os.path.join(home, 'mne_data')
if not os.path.exists(mne_dir):
# get MNE directory w/ example data
mne_dir = mne.get_config('MNE_DATASETS_SAMPLE_PATH')

# Define which tasks we want to download.
tasks = [2, # This is 2 minutes of eyes closed rest
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,7 +117,7 @@
subject_id = '001' # zero padding to account for >100 subjects in this dataset
task = 'resteyesclosed'
raw_file = raw
bids_root = os.path.join(home, 'mne_data', 'eegmmidb_bids')
bids_root = os.path.join(mne_dir, 'eegmmidb_bids')

# Now we just need to specify a few more EEG details to get something sensible:
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208 changes: 208 additions & 0 deletions examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
07. Convert iEEG data to BIDS format
In this example, we use MNE-BIDS to create a BIDS-compatible directory of iEEG
data. Specifically, we will follow these steps:
1. Download some iEEG data from the
`PhysioBank database <>`_
and the
`MNE-ECoG ex <>`_.
2. Load the data, extract information, and save in a new BIDS directory.
3. Check the result and compare it with the standard.
4. Confirm that written iEEG coordinates are the
same before :func:`write_raw_bids` was called.
The iEEG data will be written by :func:`write_raw_bids` with
the addition of extra metadata elements in the following files:
* sidecar.json
* electrodes.tsv
* coord_system.json
* events.tsv
* channels.tsv
Compared to EEG data, the main differences are within the
coord_system and electrodes files.
For more information on these files,
refer to the iEEG-BIDS specification.

# Authors: Adam Li <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import os
import tempfile
from pprint import pprint

import numpy as np
from import loadmat

import mne
from mne_bids import write_raw_bids, make_bids_basename, read_raw_bids
from mne_bids.utils import print_dir_tree

# Step 1: Download the data
# -------------------------
# First, we need some data to work with. We will use the
# data downloaded via MNE-Python's API.
# `<>`_.
# Conveniently, there is already a data loading function available with
# MNE-Python:

# get MNE directory w/ example data
mne_dir = mne.get_config('MNE_DATASETS_SAMPLE_PATH')

# The electrode coords data are in the Matlab format: '.mat'.
# This is easy to read in with :func:`` function.
mat = loadmat(mne.datasets.misc.data_path() + '/ecog/sample_ecog.mat')
ch_names = mat['ch_names'].tolist()
ch_names = [x.strip() for x in ch_names]
elec = mat['elec'] # electrode positions given in meters

# Now we make a montage stating that the iEEG contacts are in MRI
# coordinate system.
montage = mne.channels.make_dig_montage(ch_pos=dict(zip(ch_names, elec)),
print('Created %s channel positions' % len(ch_names))
print(dict(zip(ch_names, elec)))

# We also need to get some sample iEEG data,
# so we will just generate random data from white noise.
# Here is where you would use your own data if you had it.
ieegdata = np.random.rand(len(ch_names), 1000)

# We will create a :func:`` object and
# use the montage we created.
info = mne.create_info(ch_names, 1000., 'ecog')
raw =, info)

# Let us confirm what our channel coordinates look like.

# make a plot of the sensors in 2D plane

# Get the first 5 channels and show their locations.
picks = mne.pick_types(, ecog=True)
dig = [['dig'][pick] for pick in picks]
chs = [['chs'][pick] for pick in picks]
pos = np.array([ch['r'] for ch in dig[:5]])
ch_names = np.array([ch['ch_name'] for ch in chs[:5]])
print("The channel coordinates before writing into BIDS: ")
pprint([x for x in zip(ch_names, pos)])

# Step 2: Formatting as BIDS
# --------------------------
# Now, let us format the `Raw` object into BIDS.

# With this step, we have everything to start a new BIDS directory using
# our data. To do that, we can use :func:`write_raw_bids`
# Generally, :func:`write_raw_bids` tries to extract as much
# meta data as possible from the raw data and then formats it in a BIDS
# compatible way. :func:`write_raw_bids` takes a bunch of inputs, most of
# which are however optional. The required inputs are:
# * :code:`raw`
# * :code:`bids_basename`
# * :code:`bids_root`
# ... as you can see in the docstring:

# Let us initialize some of the necessary data for the subject
# There is a subject, and specific task for the dataset.
subject_id = '001' # zero padding to account for >100 subjects in this dataset
task = 'testresteyes'

# There is the root directory for where we will write our data.
bids_root = os.path.join(mne_dir, 'ieegmmidb_bids')

# Now we just need to specify a few iEEG details to make things work:
# We need the basename of the dataset. In addition, write_raw_bids
# requires a `filenames` of the Raw object to be non-empty, so since we
# initialized the dataset from an array, we need to do a hack where we
# temporarily save the data to disc before reading it back in.

# Now convert our data to be in a new BIDS dataset.
bids_basename = make_bids_basename(subject=subject_id,

# need to set the filenames if we are initializing data from array
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_root:
tmp_fpath = os.path.join(tmp_root, "test_raw.fif")
raw =

# write `raw` to BIDS and anonymize it into BrainVision format
write_raw_bids(raw, bids_basename, bids_root=bids_root,
anonymize=dict(daysback=30000), overwrite=True)

# Step 3: Check and compare with standard
# ---------------------------------------

# Now we have written our BIDS directory.

# MNE-BIDS has created a suitable directory structure for us, and among other
# meta data files, it started an `events.tsv` and `channels.tsv` and made an
# initial `dataset_description.json` on top!
# Now it's time to manually check the BIDS directory and the meta files to add
# all the information that MNE-BIDS could not infer. For instance, you must
# describe iEEGReference and iEEGGround yourself. It's easy to find these by
# searching for "n/a" in the sidecar files.
# `$ grep -i 'n/a' <bids_root>`
# Remember that there is a convenient javascript tool to validate all your BIDS
# directories called the "BIDS-validator", available as a web version and a
# command line tool:
# Web version:
# Command line tool:

# Step 4: Plot output channels and check that they match!
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Now we have written our BIDS directory. We can use
# :func:`read_raw_bids` to read in the data.

# read in the BIDS dataset and plot the coordinates
bids_fname = bids_basename + "_ieeg.vhdr"
raw = read_raw_bids(bids_fname, bids_root=bids_root)

# get the first 5 channels and show their locations
# this should match what was printed earlier.
picks = mne.pick_types(, ecog=True)
dig = [['dig'][pick] for pick in picks]
chs = [['chs'][pick] for pick in picks]
pos = np.array([ch['r'] for ch in dig[:5]])
ch_names = np.array([ch['ch_name'] for ch in chs[:5]])
print("The channel coordinates after writing into BIDS: ")
pprint([x for x in zip(ch_names, pos)])

# make a plot of the sensors in 2D plane
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions mne_bids/
Expand Up @@ -157,6 +157,65 @@ def _handle_events_reading(events_fname, raw):
return raw

def _handle_electrodes_reading(electrodes_fname, coord_frame, raw, verbose):
"""Read associated electrodes.tsv and populate raw.
Handle xyz coordinates and coordinate frame of each channel.
Assumes units of coordinates are in 'm'.
"""'Reading electrode '
'coords from {}.'.format(electrodes_fname))
electrodes_dict = _from_tsv(electrodes_fname)
# First, make sure that ordering of names in channels.tsv matches the
# ordering of names in the raw data. The "name" column is mandatory in BIDS
ch_names_raw = list(raw.ch_names)
ch_names_tsv = electrodes_dict['name']

if ch_names_raw != ch_names_tsv:
msg = ('Channels do not correspond between raw data and the '
'channels.tsv file. For MNE-BIDS, the channel names in the '
'tsv MUST be equal and in the same order as the channels in '
'the raw data.\n\n'
'{} channels in tsv file: "{}"\n\n --> {}\n\n'
'{} channels in raw file: "{}"\n\n --> {}\n\n'
.format(len(ch_names_tsv), electrodes_fname, ch_names_tsv,
len(ch_names_raw), raw.filenames, ch_names_raw)

# XXX: this could be due to MNE inserting a 'STI 014' channel as the
# last channel: In that case, we can work. --> Can be removed soon,
# because MNE will stop the synthesis of stim channels in the near
# future
if not (ch_names_raw[-1] == 'STI 014' and
ch_names_raw[:-1] == ch_names_tsv):
raise RuntimeError(msg)

if verbose:
print("The read in electrodes file is: \n", electrodes_dict)

# convert coordinates to float and create list of tuples
ch_names_raw = [x for i, x in enumerate(ch_names_raw)
if electrodes_dict['x'][i] != "n/a"]
electrodes_dict['x'] = [float(x) for x in electrodes_dict['x']
if x != "n/a"]
electrodes_dict['y'] = [float(x) for x in electrodes_dict['y']
if x != "n/a"]
electrodes_dict['z'] = [float(x) for x in electrodes_dict['z']
if x != "n/a"]

ch_locs = list(zip(electrodes_dict['x'],
ch_pos = dict(zip(ch_names_raw, ch_locs))

# create mne.DigMontage
montage = mne.channels.make_dig_montage(ch_pos=ch_pos,

return raw

def _handle_channels_reading(channels_fname, bids_fname, raw):
"""Read associated channels.tsv and populate raw.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,6 +355,37 @@ def read_raw_bids(bids_fname, bids_root, extra_params=None,
if channels_fname is not None:
raw = _handle_channels_reading(channels_fname, bids_fname, raw)

# Try to find an associated electrodes.tsv and coordsystem.json
# to get information about the status and type of present channels
electrodes_fname = _find_matching_sidecar(bids_fname, bids_root,
coordsystem_fname = _find_matching_sidecar(bids_fname, bids_root,
if electrodes_fname is not None:
if coordsystem_fname is None:
raise RuntimeError("BIDS mandates that the coordsystem.json "
"should exist if electrodes.tsv does. "
"Please create coordsystem.json for"
# Get MRI landmarks from the JSON sidecar
with open(coordsystem_fname, 'r') as fin:
coordsystem_json = json.load(fin)

# Get coordinate frames that electrode coordinates are in
if kind == "meg":
coord_frame = coordsystem_json['MEGCoordinateSystem']
elif kind == "ieeg":
coord_frame = coordsystem_json['iEEGCoordinateSystem']
else: # noqa
raise RuntimeError("Kind {} not supported yet for "
"coordsystem.json and "
# read in electrode coordinates and attach to raw
raw = _handle_electrodes_reading(electrodes_fname, coord_frame, raw,

# Try to find an associated sidecar.json to get information about the
# recording snapshot
sidecar_fname = _find_matching_sidecar(bids_fname, bids_root,
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