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Mobstac Awesome QR

This GitHub repository is a TypeScript library for generating QR codes. It is a comprehensive library with a wide range of features and customizations for generating QR code.


Clone the repo

  git clone

Change the directory

  cd mobstac-awesome-qr

Before installing npm packages please switch to node version 14.

  nvm use 14

Install requied packages

  npm install

Switch to develop branch

  git checkout develop


@svgdotjs/svg.js : Helper library for working with SVG
node-fetch : Fetching images for logo and background
sharp : Converting images between different formats ( SVG, JPEG, PNG)
probe-image-size: Retrive meta data of images.

Run Locally

Once the packages are installed we can start generating QR code locally. Open the index.test.ts file and edit the QR attributes ( config ) as needed.

Sample config

  const config = {
    text: "Sample Data",
    logoBackground: true,
    backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
    canvasType: CanvasType.SVG,
    dataPattern: DataPattern.SQUARE,
    dotScale: 1,
    colorDark: "#000000",
    colorLight : '#00FFFF',
    eyeBallShape: EyeBallShape.SQUARE,
    eyeFrameShape: EyeFrameShape.SQUARE,
    eyeFrameColor : '#000000',
    eyeBallColor : '#000000',
    frameStyle: QRCodeFrame.NONE,
    frameText: "",
    frameColor: "#724DDB",
    frameTextColor: "#FFFFFF",
    gradientType: GradientType.NONE,
    logoScale: 0.27,
    backgroundImage :'',
    logoImage : '',
    size: 1024,
    margin: 80,
    correctLevel: QRErrorCorrectLevel.H,
    logoMargin : 0,
    isVCard : false


Once you have edited the config according to your requirement, run the following command

  npm run testMain

This will generate 3 files inside the same folder as index.test.ts ( mobstac-awesome-qr/src/test/index.test.ts). The files generated will be test.svg, test.jpeg, test.png. These files contain the QR code generated with the given config.

Qr Code Config Details

        text: String || JSON 
        logoBackground: Boolean
        backgroundColor: String ( Color in Hex )
        canvasType: CanvasType 
        dataPattern: DataPattern
        dotScale: Number between 0 to 1 ( e.g 0.1, 0.3, 1)
        colorDark: String ( Color in Hex )
        colorLight : String ( Color in Hex )
        eyeBallShape: EyeBallShape,
        eyeFrameShape: EyeFrameShape
        eyeFrameColor : String ( Color in Hex )
        eyeBallColor : String ( Color in Hex )
        frameStyle: QRCodeFrame
        frameText: String
        frameColor: String ( Color in Hex )
        frameTextColor: String ( Color in Hex )
        gradientType: GradientType
        logoScale: Ranges from 0.12 - 0.27
        backgroundImage : String ( URL to image or empty)
        logoImage : String ( URL to image or empty)
        size: 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 
        margin: Number ( Default 80)
        correctLevel: QRErrorCorrectLevel
        logoMargin : Number ( Default 10)
        isVCard : Boolean ( This is true when we set `text` as JSON )

Enums used above can be found in enums.ts file


Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

  npm run test

To run tests specific to different component of the QR code

  npm run testCircular    // Tests for circular QR codes
  npm run testLogos       // QR Code Logo Test
  npm run testEyes        // QR Code Eye Test
  npm run testDataPattern // QR Code Data Pattern test
  npm run testBackground  // QR Code Background test
  npm run testFrames      // QR Code Frame Test

The generated QR codes after testing can be found in tests folder.


import {QRCodeBuilder} from 'mobstac-awesome-qr';
import {CanvasType} from 'mobstac-awesome-qr/lib/Enums';

const qRCodeGenerator = new QRCodeBuilder(<QR_CONFIG>);
    svgText => {

Build function returns a promise which when resolved returns the generated QR code in SVG format as a string.