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MoDCS Research Group edited this page Apr 25, 2015 · 5 revisions

MoDCS Research Group -

Caboclo (Client API for Backup on Cloud) is a common API that allows backup and restore of a collection of objects as a single entity through different cloud storage services. The API is written in Java, and the REST version of the API allows programs written in different languages to create backups in several cloud providers (e.g., Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Drive). By using Caboclo, developers can use various storage services through an unified API simplifying the development task.

The API utilizes a unique control engine to manage the backups/restore operations despite the different approaches that each API adopts.

Caboclo Overview
Figure 1.1 - Caboclo Tool - High Level View

Figure 1.1 presents the Caboclo high level view. A user program performs REST calls to Caboclo selecting the desired operation (e.g., data backup or restore) and the cloud environment (e.g., Amazon S3). Next, the user data is transferred from/to the cloud service. The supported cloud infrastructures are:

  • Amazon S3
  • OpenStack
  • Dropbox
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Google Drive

The main objectives of this project are:

  • To provide a common API that allows backup and restore of files/folders using multiple cloud storage services.
  • To handle a collection of objects as a single entity.
  • To implemented the API as a set of RESTful web services. (i.e. not bound to any particular language).
  • To be a MultiCloud, MultiPlatform (OS and Programming Language) environment.
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