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Installation and Minimum Requirements

MoDCS Research Group edited this page Apr 25, 2015 · 1 revision

How to install Caboclo

Any application developed in Java (version 7 or superior) can include Caboclo as a library, just adding the file CabocloAPI.jar to the classpath or IDE project.

Find more details on using the API as a Java Library in the specific section of this Wiki.

Applications developed in any programming language can use Caboclo through web service calls to its REST API. In such case, Caboclo must run in background as a server that will accept requests with the wanted backup and restore methods. Simply run Caboclo separately from a terminal or using any resource of your programming language for executing external programs.

To execute Caboclo in a terminal or console (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X), run:

 `java -jar CabocloAPI.jar`

An embedded web server will start, and you will be able to use Caboclo through this RESTful interface. Read the specific section for more details on using the REST API.


Caboclo requires Java version 7 and depends on the following libraries (jar files):

  • dropbox-core-sdk (1.7.5)
  • javaswift-joss (0.9.7)
  • aws-java-sdk (1.7.1)
  • google-api-client (1.17)
  • google-oauth-client (1.17)
  • google-api-services-drive (1.17)
  • flexjson (2.1)
  • httpclient (4.2.3)
  • httpcore (4.2)
  • jackson-core (2.1.3)
  • gson (2.1)
  • jdo2-api (2.3)
  • jetty (6.1.26)
  • jsr305 (1.3.9)
  • transaction-api (1.1)
  • asm (3.1)
  • grizzly-servlet-webserver (1.9.18)
  • jaxb-api (2.1)
  • jersey (1.5)
  • jettison (1.2)
  • jsr311 (1.1)
  • jsr173 (1.0)

Caboclo was tested in the following operating systems:

  • Windows 7 (x64)
  • Ubuntu Linux 13.10 (x64)
  • Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks (x64)
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