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Michael Leahy edited this page Apr 11, 2016 · 18 revisions

Device requirements: Android 4.4+ / OpenGL ES 3.0+

IDE requirements: Android Studio 2.x+ / build tools: 23.0.3

Android SDK requirements: v4 support and v7 appcompat both 23.3.0 (install by SDK manager)

These samples require the latest Android Studio 2.x+ developer setup. To install Android Studio please download it here

If you have an older version of Android Studio you might be best served simply reinstalling it.

This installation guide more or less has been quickly assembled and better details will be provided soon.

It is relatively important to follow the steps below as order more or less matters for a smooth check out and build process to succeed.

Step 1: Create a directory to download these repos to (java6-android-demoframework, java6-android-glframework & java6-android-gldemos). Perhaps name it "ModernGLDemos".

Step 2: Open Android Studio 2.x+

Step 3: Select "Check out project from Version Control" then select "GitHub" in the list.

Check out VCS

Step 4: You may have to enter in a password for Android Studio (make one up and write it down):

AS master password

Step 5: Enter in the "https" github URL for the java6-android-glframework repo. The URL you need is:

Checkout glframework

Step 6: (no image) Hit "yes" to open the project.

Step 7: Select "Import project from external model" (Gradle) Import Project

Step 8: Verify that "Use default gradle wrapper (recommended)" is selected.

Import Gradle

Step 9: Hit "OK" for the dialog "Gradle Project Data to Import"

Gradle Project Import!

Step 10: Gradle will finish processing and compile the project and if you click the "project" tab on the upper left side the left pane window will open and you should see 3 modules. You can close this project now as it is just the GL framework code. Next you will check out the demos codebase essentially repeating step 3 - 10 with a different repo URL. First close the existing project as that will take you back to the initial Android Studio starting console.

glframework done

Step 11: Repeat checking out the java6-android-demoframework repo essentially starting from "step 3" above, but use the following URL:

Step 12: Repeat checking out the java6-android-gldemos repo essentially starting from "step 3" above, but use the following URL:

Step 13: Select yes to open the project and essentially repeat step 6, 7, 8, and 9. However what is different with the gldemos repo is that it references the demoframework and glframework repos and you'll see a dialog in the upper right saying an "Unregistered VCS root detected". This is what the dialog looks like when you hit "Configure":

register VCS root

Step 14: Select the unregistered roots and click the + / "add root" button.

add VCS root

Step 15: You'll see the VCS root added for the gldemos, glframework and demoframework repo which you just checked out.

add VCS root success

Step 16: Almost there. Let Gradle finish and expand the "project" tab on the upper right. The top module "java6-android-gldemos" is the only module of the gldemos repo and the rest are references from the demoframework and glframeworks repos. You can now connect an Android device and hit the "play" button seen in the upper right of this image:

gldemos ready!

If all has worked then you'll hopefully be compiling the source code and soon be deploying to a device. If you haven't enabled developer mode on your device yet follow this tutorial.

Enjoy the demo code as there is more coming soon!

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