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API Get Server Metadata

Andrea Rossi edited this page Oct 11, 2017 · 3 revisions

Quick example

curl -X GET http://localhost:8045/ | python -mjson.tool

    "data": {
        "build": {
            "number": 201710110716,
            "version": "2.0"
        "cluster": {
            "nodes": [
                    "channels": {
                        "0": 7070,
                        "1": 0
                    "languages": [
                            "source": "en",
                            "target": "it"
                    "status": "READY",
                    "uuid": "b66b1137-e4ba-41e3-81ed-c668191894de"
    "status": 200


This method returns information about the server medatata, including the MMT build version and the current MMT cluster topology.

Resource URL




Response Fields

number A sequential value indicating the exact build number.
Currently it is implemented as an encoded timestamp: yyyyMMddHHmm
version The version number of this build.
channels The current offset of this Node for every DataChannel.
languages The langauges supported by a node
status The node status. When a node is operating normally the status is READY.
uuid An unique id of the node within the cluster.