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Nicola Bertoldi edited this page May 31, 2019 · 8 revisions

##Quick example

$> mmt status
[Engine: "default"]
    REST API:   stopped
    Cluster:    stopped
    Datastream: stopped
    Database:   stopped
[Engine: "MyFirstEngine"]
    REST API:   running - 8045/translate
    Cluster:    running - port 5016
    Datastream: running - localhost:9092
    Database:   running - localhost:9042
[Engine: "MySecondEngine"]
    REST API:   running - 18045/translate
    Cluster:    running - port 15016
    Datastream: running - localhost:19092
    Database:   running - localhost:19042


This command monitors the status of all available engines and of their components, which can be either stopped or running.


mmt status [-h] [-e ENGINE]

Optional Parameters

Name Value Type Description
string The engine to monitor. If no engine is specified all available engines are monitored. Default: not specified

Example: MyFirstEngine
-- Show help message and exit.


Situation Error
Engine not existing ERROR Unexpected exception: Invalid engine name "WrongEngine", engine does not exist.
Wrong parameter error: unrecognized arguments: WrongParameter


  • As explained here, more engines can be running contemporarily, but the ports they used must be different.