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mogemimi edited this page Jun 18, 2017 · 20 revisions


Pomdog is an open source game engine, written in modern C++, developed as a hobby. The engine is publicly available and distributed under the MIT License. Check out for more details. Target platforms are Mac OS X, Windows Desktop, and Windows Store apps. It currently works on Mac OS X and Windows.

Getting Started

How to build


You are welcome to use it and participate in the development by adding issues, submitting pull requests or forking the code on Github. For more information about how to develop, see the following pages:


  • Multi platform (Mac OS X and Windows Desktop)
  • DirectX 12/Metal based modern graphics API (work on DirectX 11 and OpenGL 3.3/4.1)
  • Audio Engine (implementation on XAudio2 and OpenAL)
  • Signals and Slot

Pomdog is a conformant implementation of Modern Graphics API (ex. Metal, DirectX 12 and Vulkan) specification, currently works on DirectX 11 and OpenGL 3.3/4.1.