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Real Inspire API

CI License

Free and open source inspirational quotes API. This API offers an extensive collection of quotes sourced from various authors.

API Server

API Documentation

Get random quote

GET /quotes/random

Returns one or more random quotes from the database.

By default, this endpoint returns a single random quote. However, you can define the number of random quotes you want to receive using the limit parameter.

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
limit Int default: 1 min: 1 max: 20
The number of random quotes to fetch
minLength Int The minimum length in characters
maxLength Int The maximum length in characters
author String Get a random quote by author. The value can be an author name or slug


  // Text of the quote
  content: string;
  // Author full name
  author: string;
  // URL-friendly identifier of the author
  authorSlug: string;
  // Character count of the quote
  length: number;


Get a single random quote try in browser

GET /quotes/random

Get 5 random quotes try in browser

GET /quotes/random?limit=5

Random quote with maximum length of 100 characters try in browser

GET /quotes/random?maxLength=100

Random quote with a length between 100 and 150 characters try in browser

GET /quotes/random?minLength=100&maxLength=150

List quotes

GET /quotes

List all quotes matching a given query. By default, this will return a paginated list of all quotes.

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
limit Int default: 1 min: 1 max: 20
The number of quotes to fetch
page Int default: 1 min: 1
The page of results to return
minLength Int The minimum length in characters
maxLength Int The maximum length in characters
author String Get quotes by a specific author. The value can be an author name or slug
sortBy String Specifies the property and order to sort the quotes. The format is property:order. Valid properties are author, content, length. Valid orders are asc (ascending) and desc (descending).


  // Total count of quotes
  totalItems: number,
  // Current page number
  currentPage: number,
  // Number of quotes displayed per page
  pageSize: number,
  // Total count of pages
  totalPages: number,
  // Array containing quotes data
  results: Array<{
    // Text of the quote
    content: string,
    // Full name of quote author
    author: string,
    // URL-friendly identifier of the author
    authorSlug: string,
    // Character count of the quote
    length: number


Get the first page of quotes try in browser

GET /quotes

Get quotes by a specific author try in browser

GET /quotes?author=albert-einstein

Get quotes sorted by length in descending order try in browser

GET /quotes?sortBy=length:desc

List authors

GET /authors

List all authors matching a given query. Be default, this will return a paginated list of all authors.

Parameter Type Description
limit Int default: 1 min: 1 max: 20
The number of authors to fetch
page Int default: 1 min: 1
The page of results to return
sortBy String Specifies the property and order to sort the authors. The format is property:order. Valid properties are name, quoteCount. Valid orders are asc (ascending) and desc (descending).


  // Total count of authors
  totalItems: number,
  // Current page number
  currentPage: number,
  // Number of authors displayed per page
  pageSize: number,
  // Total count of pages
  totalPages: number,
  // Array containing authors data
  results: Array<{
    // Author full name
    name: string,
    // URL-friendly identifier of the author
    slug: string,
    // Single line description of the other
    description: string,
    // Short biography of the author, sourced from the Wikipedia API
    bio: string,
    // Count of quotes attributed to the author
    quoteCount: number


Get the first page of authors try in browser

GET /authors

Get all authors sorted alphabetically by name try in browser

GET /authors?sortBy=name:asc

Get all authors sorted by the number of quotes in descending order try in browser

GET /authors?sortBy=quoteCount:desc

Get author by slug

Get a single author by slug or name

This endpoint will return a specific author details like name, slug, description, bio, and the number of quotes by the author.

GET /authors/:slug


  // Author full name
  name: string,
  // URL-friendly identifier of the author
  slug: string,
  // Single line description of the other
  description: string,
  // Short biography of the author, sourced from the Wikipedia API
  bio: string,
  // Count of quotes attributed to the author
  quoteCount: number